Friday, October 12, 2012

Defining Corruption


Email :

Ph – 9811915670

10th October, 2012

The Prime Minister of India

New Delhi.

Kind Attn. : Dr. Manmohan Singh

Sub : Defining Corruption

Dear Sir,

The term Corruption can be defined within the framework of Political Science is an act which defies the rules of execution. This can be Government, Independent Bodies, Society and Individual. Such act of corruption can be for the personal gains, i.e. monetary benefits / facilitations or simply negligence that defy of the rules of execution.

It is important to evaluate the Rules which could be political, social and/or religious. Some rules may be obsolete or beyond implementation or become blockades for smooth governance, then such rules need to be upgraded or changed.

The rules and regulations are tools for governance of the society whether through social administration or the mechanism such as Administrative, Judiciary and Police system.

In the administrative system there is a provision of the discretionary clause and this clause are generally abused for the personal gains which cost the State interest.

State interest is a wider subject. It is primarily the population, resources, State Treasure, State Boundaries, Foreign Relations and a continuity of Peace and prosperity of the nation.

These interests cannot be inclusive to all since one interest may clash with other interest/s and then it becomes mandatory to be judicious for the people in the decisive placement to make the priority of interest or balancing the various interests.

The trust on the people in the decisive placement is mandatory since no judgment or decision can be made under the fear of hanging sword. For this the process of placement procedure should be intact and correct so that wrong people do not get into the decisive placement and defy the rules. Presently, the wrong people are placed at the crucial positions that have challenged the rules and regulation of the governance system.

I am in the process of writing an academic work on “Politics of Drugs” in which I have highlighted the strategies that makes the system corrupt or failed state. I will send this to you as soon as it is completed.

With best regards,

Yours faithfully,


Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Great Thorium Robbery


Ph : 9811915670

Email. :

20th September, 2012

The Prime Minister of India

New Delhi

Kind Attn. : Dr. Manmohan Singh

Subject : The Great Thorium Robbery

Dear Sir,

The following is the abstract from a write-up floating in the internet; I thought I should bring this to your notice.

The great thorium robbery

India has limited uranium reserves but is rich in thorium. Thorium is the future fuel cycle to produce long-term nuclear energy with low radio-toxicity waste. Thorium cycles are feasible in all existing thermal and fast reactors without major modifications in the engineering systems, reactor control and the reactivity devices. “Former President Abdul Kalam has been stressing the importance of India pursuing the thorium fuels route for its nuclear power plants instead of going with a begging bowl to the USA…”

Over the years Indian scientists at BARC have developed a fast breeder reactor using thorium as fuel and it has been functioning at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, 60 km from Chennai, for the last 27 years. “Based on the experience gained, work began on a 500 MW fast breeder reactor at Kalpakkam which should have been commissioned in 2010 Kalpakkam, but the UPA government is more interested in importing highly risky uranium based nuclear reactors from foreign countries and going slow on the indigenous technology.”

Scientists know that the long term sustainability of the indigenous nuclear power program in India depends to a great extent on large-scale utilization of its vast thorium resources for breeding uranium and recycling the same in self-sustaining closed fuel cycle in thermal breeder reactors. What the scientists have achieved the Sonia-Manmohan government has stalled to favour Americans.

But the story doesn’t end here. As with everything connected with the Sonia-Manmohan regime there is a scam to go with it— a scam that makes Coalgate seem like a pittance. Ever since the UPA government assumed office in 2004, 2.1 million tones of monazite, containing 195,300 metric tons of recoverable thorium, has disappeared from India. This export was almost certainly illegal. Mr. Rajappa observes: “If the Comptroller and Auditor-General were to audit the accounts of the IREL and the Department of Atomic Energy, custodians of fissile minerals, the Coalgate scam would look like small change. The missing thorium, conservatively estimated at $100 a ton, works out to about Rs 48 lakh crore, putting all other UPA scams in the shade.” This beggars even the Coalgate scam.

So under the Sonia-Manmohan regime we have scam following scam, each exceeding the one before. How could monazite sands (thorium ore) be exported when Atomic Energy Commission’s approval is needed for the export of any strategic mineral? By a sleight of hand, the Department of Atomic Energy, directly under Manmohan Singh, “delisted heavy minerals like monazite and ilmenite from the prescribed substances list vide SO 61 (E) dated 20 January, 2006, to facilitate their export by private companies.” So the safeguard was gone and another scam to dwarf all that went before was born.

India has the largest mineral sands resources in the world. These are also among the least exploited resources having a high potential to meet the country’s nuclear energy needs. First the Germans, then the French and now Americans have cast their covetous eyes on this invaluable resource. Their export was banned soon after independence. The beach mining sector was opened to private entrepreneurs in 1998 but the export of beach sands registered a quantum jump after 2005, immediately after UPA came into power. Then, even radioactive minerals like thorium sand were allowed to be taken out of the country unchecked.

Source : N.S. Rajaram, No more Mr. Clean II : The Coalgate Conspiracy, September 8, 2012,

What surprised me that the huge resources vanished from Indian soil and our Security could not keep a check. It is the responsibility of Indian Defense to protect the Border and State Resources, but they failed a huge quantum of resources that cost the State Treasure drastically. This needs a strong evaluation how the State resource was robbed and the Naval Security failed to bring this to your notice.

I have the information that the said Thorium was given to US and France and the payment has been made to the unknown account number. If this piece of information is found authentic and true then why we cannot bring the lost money into the State Treasure.

With best regards,

Yours faithfully,


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Section III

Structural Governance system is naturally grown system whether Rural, State, National or Global system function that provides governance through Guilds and Association. The natural grown system, which is empowered by the man-made system through democratic set-up in centralized Bureaucratic system, brought many complexities in the governance as discussed in the previous sections.

The Bureaucratic system controls by the electoral representative through Parliament control the total functioning of the system and make people alienated from the self-decisive and self-alienated. The concept of limited State and reduction in the bureaucratic intervention creates a feudalistic system through control of resources. This made the system more corrupt and the loss in the State treasure since the limitation of State made it shrink.

The division between two governance systems, i.e. Bureaucratic system through State Control and Liberal State with shrinking of bureaucratic system created dejure and defacto system. Bureaucratic system which has an ample complication of procedures made the system exhausted, whereas limited State proliferate lawlessness and gripping of resources through Corporatism made the system corrupt. In both the system, it is not providing appropriate governance where the benefit of the generation of resources can be reached to all through appropriate distribution.

In the bureaucratic system of governance the initiative, enterprising and innovation gets curtailed and too much intervention on each and every action is taken in a Universal pattern. There is no flexibility in the system. This makes governance rigid and steel and it does not get along with the development of the virtues of the land. Resources generation is always within the means and measures of State Control and regulation. These make the process slow and gradually the zeal and the temperament towards innovation and enterprising looses its breath.

In a Liberal State system, with the shrinking State the governance is controlled by Corporate feudal. It has dual control, i.e. control through Corporate and control through organized crimes. Organized crimes have mafia system, which is also a cluster which has a regional distribution and transaction. This is not based on governance and universal survival. The defacto regime is always controlled by violence, fear and insecurity.

Structural governance is a system governed through Guild and Association. Guild signifies economy and Association signified human socialization. The historical evolution of Structural governance can be view through Indian perspective. India is a natural grown civilisation which had a versatility of demographic diversity. It has indigenous community as well as migrated community. It has the experience of invasion and colonization. The versatility of India lies on absorption and adaptation. The population through migration or invasion in this land bestowed various cultures and virtues that became an integral part of this land. The absorption and adaptation of the cultural diversity and its virtues made the land excellence in the expansion and evolution in the governance system.

The diversified dialect in the region could not alienate from evolution since all sorts of diversities were intact by Structural governance system. To explain Structural Governance system towards World governance, it would be easy to understand within the framework of India’s demographic diversities since India is a mini-world and a natural grown civilisation.

The accumulation of virtues and its division was done by the four structures, i.e. varna system of base, economy, administration and scholars, i.e. shudra, vaishya, kshatriya and brahamana, which was future divided and governed by its caste structure. Caste structure was nothing but economical guilds of Indian governance system. An evaluation of governance system through caste system has three phase, pre-modern era, modern era and post modern era. Untill pre-modern era, the sustainability of the caste structure sustained. But after the industrialization and subsequent colonization, caste structure was attacked to make the society enslaved. After the de-colonization, the revival of caste system became a political tool towards control of power in the wake of Liberalization and shrinking of State system.

Caste System in India (Pre-modern Era)

What made Caste System in India a strong footing though it faced numerous invasions from all over the world?

There has been a misconception from the Western Scholars, who evaluated Caste-system as discriminatory amongst the community and treated as subjugation and marginalized the communities and treated the system backward and obsolete.

Caste system is a naturally grown economic-socio system of India which has made the society intact and self-governed. Caste-system is primarily an occupational guild which gradually gained social significance. This became an indigenous governance system economically and social issues.

The growth of skills was carried from the generations to generation and within the clan. The structural vocation training and development was within the guild system and hence was more prone to innovation and liberalism towards exploring and excelling the skills.

The division of Labour according to the skills of indigenous industry was strong enough to hold the economy of the Indian Civilisation which was based on the heterogeneous communities and also with the heterogeneous virtues.

The caste system, i.e. guild system made the village economy self-sustained and self-consumption. The surplus values were sustained with the economy that made eventually a tolerance towards calamities either natural or man-made.

The rigidity of the social system within the guilds / caste, especially, the marriage system was part of governance based on economy. The marriage within the community was a significance of the community identity and usage of the Human Resources even when the member is alien from the parental family and migration to the other family.

In Pre-modern era, Indian social system was well defined and had no social evils like child labour since the vocation of the child was inherited occupation of the family and caste system. The education was based on the practical knowledge and support. This made them community expert when they had achieved adulthood to own their independent vocation.

Women is the Pre-modern era was also part of economy and into a support system. Besides the nurturing of the family, women used to be a helping hand to their men in their occupation. This was the reason; the marriage was always based on the caste system since the Women who were also part of the Occupational growth hold the experience and expertise towards the execution of the job. Though the earning belonged to the family and women were mainly responsible for the family, so their economic independence or self-dependency was within the family system.

The Guild system also played a major role in social governance at micro system. The family disputes whether kinship or inheritance crisis or matrimonial disputes, all the community members were accountable and answerable; otherwise they were boycotted by the community. This prohibition was mainly a smash on individual survival. This governance system made them non-violence in their approach. This was nothing but structural governance.

The Village Panchayat (Oligarchy) was mainly towards the resolution of social intricacies and inter-community disputes and overall growth of the Village.

The Caste System, i.e. Guild system of India was interpreted wrongly by the Colonial historiographers who smashed the system towards their exploitative motives to govern this Country and drain the wealth of India to their Homeland.

(Triond Publication)

Caste System in India (Modern Era)

The Caste System, i.e. Guild system of India was interpreted wrongly by the Colonial historiographers who smashed the system towards their exploitative motives to govern this Country and drain the wealth of India to their Homeland.

This is further to my previous article on Caste System in India (Pre-Modern Era); here we will see how the natural grown governance system is dismantled in the wake of Institutionalization and Mass consumption.

The shattered guilds in the Caste System of India were bond by Varna System, i.e. Structure. Indian Socio-political system was divided by four structures, i.e. Shudra (Base), Vaisya (Economy), Kshatriya (Administration) and Brahmins (Scholars). All the structure had the respective guilds that were responsible towards the respective roles in the society.

During the Colonial Era, the Structure of the Indian Governance System was dismantled by the British imperialistic power towards their strategic policies to control the Economy of the country. The approaches to dismantle the structures were carried away by bringing the Scholars, i.e. Brahmins and Maulvies into confidence to the British political approach and Traders, i.e. Vaishya were also taken towards their feudalistic approach.

These strategies left the Kshatriya and Shudra alienated. Kshatriya lost their governance tools and military control since they were taken by the British Rulers and Shudra were under the mercy of the British Administrative system and towards the exploitation through tax and land resources.

The feudal approach by the Colonial rulers by various act made the Lower caste shattered and they lived in acute deprivation and almost live as a negligible community. The concept of untouchable in the caste-system came when there were corruptions in the governance system which was based on exploitation during the Colonial rule. When there are exploitative policies, then the base of the social system are the one who gets the burn. So, it was the Shudra community who became the victims of the other structure of the social system which was controlled by the Colonial Rulers since they had no place to go.

During the pre-colonial era, the Mughal rulers or the Province emperors were focused on the foreign policies, border issues and the Justice system. The economy and the social governance where not interfered. Whether it was Hindu society or the Muslim society, the social governance system was based on Jati or Kabila, i.e. guild system respectively. Religion was only the pattern of worship, but the economy and society was the same governance, i.e. self-governance. This system made the Muslim or the Pre-colonial era a stable society, where there were no social revolts recorded.

The conceptual evaluation of the Indian political scenario of Communal base is the creation of the Colonial Scholars, who sowed the seed of communal hatred creating that Hindu society were colonized by the Muslim rulers. Hindu society was never colonized by the Muslim rulers since they never interfered in the social system or the economy of the society. The invasion was political in the province and not a religious based.

The clear evidence in the Indian society that there were hundreds of social and political revolts in the era of the Colonial period and it was almost a negligible protect prior to the Pre-colonial era. Further we will have an evaluation on the deterioration of the Caste System in the Post-Modern era under the Democratic governance system.

(Triond Publication)

Caste System in India (Post-Modern Era)

What is the issue of the Caste system, which is taken a decisive platform towards Political system?

The intellectual colonization by the British Scholars who made a biased evaluation of the governing system of the Indian civilisation was further carried by the Indian political system.

The structure of the governance system of India was already dismantled which made a pathetic condition of the base of the society, i.e. shudra and the tribal communities. To upgrade their economic crisis, and the claim from the National resources and facilities, the reservation policy was imposed so that none of the community is deprived from the benefits of the National growth.

Since there is a preferential law towards the specific community, so the claim towards that benefit took a political motive. The political base of the caste system took the reservation claim towards political mobilization.

Though there have been reservation benefits, political claim and social acceptance, then what could be the possible reasons that such benefits still could not upgrade the pathetic condition of the weaker section of the society and the universal benefit could not reach to all of them.

Though this apprehension has multi-dimensional outlook, but here the discussion is based on the caste system which has economical and social base. Though the reservation was made to claim the National resources which have National control, but during the wake of Liberalization and later Globalization, the concept of reservation started loosing its significance.

The loosing claim from the National resources, made a way for mushrooming the political parties based on the Caste. The political representation according to the caste is a mere insecurity of the negligence of specific community under the feudal control of the National Resources. The mushroom politics shattered the Political unification under the majority. This has made politics unstable governance and hence paved the ways for corruption and manipulations.

Though the reservation policies still persist along with political representation, then what makes the various crisis that has unstable the polity, though the growth of the country is enormous. Why the benefit of the growth is not able to reach to all those for whom the preferential law and political representation exists.

Are there any conceptual inadequacies in the “Reservation” and / or understanding caste-system? How the modernization of the Economic pattern could not evaluate the social governance system? Do the Indian governance system is different that the Western system due to heterogeneous nature of the Polity? Is the Democracy is the cultural / political / economical colonization? Why a self-governance system has so much of governance crisis?
Where is the flaw? This, we will find out in the up-coming discussion.

(Triond Publication)

The political mobilization through the divisive caste base could not provide solution to the social disparities and did not provide any solution. Political representation has given them the identity, but not political correction. The era of globalization and shrinking of statement system made the society reach to the earlier age of civilisation where it was absolutely lack of accountability and governance in action. The power was ruling through defacto measures and, which is presently taken over by Corporate that squeeze the survival and organized crimes make the benefit of the deprived community and its human resources. They operate as clusters, which have close network and operate through exploitation, captivation and subjugation and violence is a tool to control. Whereas, Structural governance function through Guilds and Association based on continuous up gradation and universal survival. In structural governance, the concern of Millennium Development Goal will also be included that how health care, education, gender equality and environment can be dealt with besides the benefit of development will reach to all.

Structural Governance in the era of Globalization

The formation of structures is knitted by guilds and association. The guilds are mainly the economy oriented and association is welfare measure of the cultural and political socialization.

Guilds :

Economy is measured by two major aspects, i.e. Production and Services. Production generates resources and services facilitate those resources. According to Macro-Micro theory, the basic human need is food, cloth and shelter. Further there is a requirement for health case, education. It again leads to cultural fulfillment such as entertainment and pleasure. Every land is equipped towards its need, i.e. produce, services and pleasure, hence Economy of the Land to be designed with these measures and priority.

Every Industry should have a guild system since it helps them to governance and make a system towards development and arbitral support. This will further help in planning, procurement and market of the Industry that will add up to the Economy of the nation. The design towards the produce, service and pleasure should be according to the available virtues, i.e. supply and the required produce, i.e. supply. The factor, which need to understand, the fulfillment towards need and facilitation only makes economy self-sustained, but the produce of surplus and trade will make the economy of the land flourish. So, the Guild should be responsible not only towards the fulfillment of the indigenous market, but towards the resource’s generation of the produce. This will bring surplus value to the Industry.

Indigenous competition in the Guild system, looses its significance, though in the liberal economy, competition exists but still the competition gets stagnated when the profits gets affected. Again in the Liberal economy it is the Guild that plays a major role towards checking the undue competition.

Another aspect of the governance through Guild is Research and Development. The industrial research and development can be done in a collective manner this will be cost effective and the distribution of benefits. This will provide growth in the Industries and will have a good competition to the similar guild or intellectually collaboration with similar guild outsourcers. For example,

The food industry is the complex network of farmers and diverse businesses that covers all aspects of food production and sale. It includes such areas as the raising of crops and livestock, manufacture of farm equipment and agrochemicals, food processing, packaging and labeling, storage, distribution, regulatory frameworks, financing, marketing, retailing, catering, research and development, and education. Each area in the Food Industry is specialized in its form. The each specialization has a group of enterprisers that is a part of a Guild. Each Guild is inter-dependent in the Food Industry. This interdependency is a network that needs design, co-ordination and execution.

This can be further elaborated in the following manner.

1. Agriculture: It consists of three steam, i.e. Crop farming, livestock raising and fishing (or fish farming)

2. Manufacturing: It consists of Agrochemicals, seed, farm machinery and supplies, and agricultural construction

3. Food processing: Preparation of fresh products for market, manufacture of prepared food products

4. Marketing: Promotion of generic products, new products, public opinion, advertising, packaging, and public relations

5. Wholesale and distribution: Warehousing, transportation, logistics

6. Retail: Supermarket chains and independent food stores, direct-to-consumer, restaurant, food services

7. Regulation: Local, regional, national, and international rules and regulations for food production and sale, including food quality and food safety, and industry lobbying activities

8. Education: Academic, vocational, consultancy

9. Research and development: Food technology

10. Financial services: Insurance, credit

Each sector in the food industry is interdependent to each other and there are possibilities of vacuum amongst each other. The lack of co-ordination brings manipulation and misappropriation in the system. Though there are guilds of each sector, but either this is part of business socialization or a pressure group, but not a part of governance system that includes planning, procurement and supply. The arbitration mechanism to resolve the disputes remain absent in the present system. Though the Ministry of Agriculture limits to the Agriculture production and its supplies, but do not co-ordinate with the whole food industry.

In the Guild system, the co-ordination between the regional and national guild network will bring enormous benefit in developing the food industry and the various concerns like adulteration, black-marketing and short-supplies and wastes can be checked within the guild governance.

Diagram II

Guild System of Food Industry

Elected President Member of State Administration Member of State Arbitrator


Working Committee towards Planning, Commission, Resources Generation including HR and Execution


Guilds of Respective Industries Guilds of Respective Industries


Agriculture, Food Processing, Manufacturing, Marketing & Distribution, Transportation



The functioning of the Guild system can be viewed from the bottom. Each single unit in the food industry, i.e. whether in agriculture, animal stocking, fishing, food processing, marketing, wholesale and retail, education, research and development and finance and credit will form their respective guild. This guild will have their planning and commission and arbitrary mechanism. This will include market design and production planning.

The next structure will be Guild for Planning, Co-ordination and implementation for Food Industry. This will co-ordinate with all the Guilds and will also facilitate towards Research and Development and its Education. This will also design the Export and Import of surplus and technologies. This will even have the vigilance on the malpractices and will have the accountability towards its. This structure will not have an arbitrator mechanism.

The next structure of this to be an elitist guild this will be head of the Guild, a State Executive and State Arbitrator. This Structure will be over governance of the Food industry and responsible for the Policies auditing and Universal survival of the Food Industry. This guild will also view the expansion and shrinking whichever may be the need for the industry according to its ability to supply and need of the consumer. The administrative mechanism will be guild oriented, but the auditing and taxation should be under the supervision of the State Executive. The State Arbitrator will have a complete vigilance, monitoring and arbitrator mechanism which will be resolved within the guild. The member within the guild may be appointed through electoral mechanism. This will make the guild system democratic in dejure pattern.

The features of the Guild system in the Structural governance are the following:

1. It makes indigenous economy intact.

2. The misappropriation by the market and virtual trading, adulteration and stalking will be restricted since it will be absolutely based on vigilant market within the Industry.

3. The most significant aspect of the guild system that it will be able to design the market. This will help to study the saturation level of the market and/or the any segment of the market that is being ignored.

4. It will make the sick units survive and the added support whether through technical, market or HR support can make the industries functional.

5. There will be absence of monopoly and control of resources and market.

6. The most important feature in the Guild system of Structural governance is that it makes every unit, every stage of guilds independent and self-decisive. This does not make the either on State control or directionless.

7. This will protect from feudalism of economy and transition to black economy.

8. The taxation through Guild system can be designed in such a way the sustainability of development of the Industry remain along with appropriate tax is given to the State treasure. The accountability through Guild system will make sure that the State and Industries maintain congenial relationships and there should no provision of stealing tax.

9. Guild system will not have corruption in Economy since it will be based on participatory and democratic pattern of the governance system.

10. The arbitrator mechanism in the Guild system will resolve disputes and distress and will not lead to mass protest and strike.

Guild system needs to encourage entrepreneur skill through franchise and contract basis. This will make the appropriate utilization of skill and not a job seeker. An enterprising character in economy generate more productivity, innovation and expansion this shed the negativity of employee and employer relationship. More enterprising and more independent linking will make the versatility in the economy.

Education, Research and skill development will have a focused and concrete support through Guild system of structural governance. The Research and Development towards the innovative measure and produce and exploration of new market can be done on a consolidated basis. The technical education and its management process of the specific guild can be developed so that the prospective skill can be nurtured from the beginning with the practical experiences through activities. This will add to vocational training as well as awareness through activities.

Unskilled and untrained students will get the education either free or even on stipend basis since they will add to the economy. The skill development will absorb the candidate and make them independent. The virtue will be divided according to their abilities, i.e. whether the skill is towards execution, economy generation, administration or designing and planning.

The Guild system checks the concerns of education, skill development and employment. Since all these measure are taken care within the Guild and this makes the system functional. The students can be picked after they complete the secondary and sr. secondary education so that they can reach to the respective guild for further enhancement. This will make the education mandatory and there will be less school dropout in the main-stream society.

Welfare measure within the Guild system can be provided either through Guild’s initiative or through co-operative measure. The healthcare system can be achieved to provide to the Guild members towards the health care facilities. This can be done through indigenous services created or a subsidiary and affiliation with the Health care Guild to its members. Similar with the habitation schemes can be achieved as co-operative measures. Hence, the basic concerns for Health, Education and Habitation can be resolved within the Guild system of their respective members.

Likewise, there can be guilds on other industries as well such as Health care, Real Estate, Textile, Construction, etc. These Guilds will have its own design and governance mechanism within the dejure norms and will have a state participation in arbitration and administration towards auditing and taxation. The Guild will also be equipped to provide the welfare mechanism either on subsidy or facilities or through cooperative measures.


Associations in any form, i.e. Residential or Occupational Associations play an integral role in the Structural Governance. Associations built a social fabric and deals with social accountability. Residential and Occupational Association encourages socialization. The registered associations will bring the members automatically in dejure regime and would be more supportive towards a law abiding society.

The way Guild system binds economy towards indigenous and dejure norms, similarly the people that grouped through Association helps in eradicating crimes, exploitations and distress sustain in the society. Issues like security threat, such as terrorism and sleeping cells will be able to check though Associations. Proxy war is only possible due to disintegration of the social fabric. Social vigilance and social accountability has led to a shattered society. A society that built a social fabric through Associations and socialization will bring many evils like rape, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dowry deaths, crimes on old age people, loots and robberies, social isolation, etc since the Associations will be vigilant towards the social concerns.

State connectivity to the Associations will be through Police, Political representative, Executive and Arbitrator. While the Association to be attained in a democratic system, but it will have the connectivity with the State mechanism. The civil management, like civil disputes, criminal activates will have a check within the Association and in case the appellant is not satisfied it may lead out of Association to the State mechanism. The function of the Association will remain mainly as co-ordination towards civil management and mediation towards disputes.

Another major factor of the Association system is that it will be able to be maintaining the civil amenities and would be self equipped. The work undertaken by Municipals either though electoral or the government agencies limit them to control the system. In Association where there will be direct participation of the members and also socialization within the regulation of the Association laid, the member and the governing bodies will have a direct interaction towards the concerns of civil amenities.

Since the governance mechanism will be based on Association, the Association will be treated as micro fabric that is built through the unit of family. According to Macro-Micro theory, family is the single unit of the state-system, thus the unification of Family will create a fabric of Association which will represent towards the wellbeing of the Community.

As the individual participation towards the governance system always extend from Self, Family, Community, Land and Humanity, so the Fabric of Association will be able to nurture the aspiration of Community wellbeing.

Governance through Association brings intact society and also the criteria of citizenship. This also curtails insurgencies and illegal migrants. This further checks demographic pressure. Those who are legal migrants will automatically be part of the Associations.

Further, Association system helps in evolution of culture and traditions. Those custom that lost its significance will be replaced by the new one and moreover those customs and tradition do survive their heritage will be sustained. With the diversified habitation the culture and tradition will blossom without its rigidness and bring a new flair in human temperament.

Village Governance System

In the era of Pre-Colonial Period, Panchayat in village was basically a governing body and an arbitrator of the village dispute, whether it is occupational and/or social. The Panchayat system was mainly oligarchy in nature. They were mainly the people of repute in the village with the ample wisdom to govern the local polity. The village society was self-equipped and self-sufficient along with indigenous economy.

During the Colonial Era, various layers under the control of the Colonial Rulers destroyed the heritage of Panchayat and this was taken over by the Zamidari system. The exploitation done by the Zamindars to the farmers and tenants towards the facilitation the colonial masters by way of tax and gifts was to retain their Leased Arrangement to control and manipulate the Rural Economy.

During this period there was significant erosion of the heritage of Panchayat and it was taken over by a Local Administrator called Zamindar. Gradually, the character of Panchayat significantly changed from the Arbitrator to the local Rulers or the representation of the British Government towards implementation of their Policies.

After the Colonial Era, under the arrangement of Lease Governance, Zamindari system was officially abolished and many Land Reforms were done in selective states. After the intrusion of Institution of Panchayati Raj, the Zamindari system which was hereditary in nature became democratic.

Gram Panchyat replaced the Zamindars and became Electoral in nature. But this need to understand that the Institution of Panchayat has lost the significance of tradition Panchayat who were mainly the Arbitrator for the Village Society which had self-sustained economy.

The present Villages lost its self-sufficiency and became a totally dependent on the Policies of the State and Central Government. These Policies are carried out by the Village Panchayat, which is an electorate body to execute the policies. This body is a local agent of State Government. Even in the Colonial Era there were multi-layers that were dealing with the Villagers towards extraction of tax and implementation of State Policy. Now in the era of Leased Governance, there is a big nexus of the touts who facilitate the State Polices for the actual beneficiaries.

But in the whole process, the Village lost its mechanism of Arbitration, which was exclusively towards justice or resolving of disputes for the villagers.

The various reservations SC/ST and Women in the Village Panchayat are mainly into a decision making process towards the need of the village and many times they are treated as pressure-group. But what they do not have local governance that will mediate the disputes or punish the culprit. In the absence of this mechanism it is making the Village Panchayat corrupt and violence in the electoral process since the elected body is only a control of resources just the way we have legislative body at the Centre or State level.

Legislative Body is answerable to the Laws of the Land and the Apex Court is able to check the hegemonic tendency in the Legislation. But in the Panchayat system, there is no Authority in the village that will check the undue manipulation by the Village Panchayat and its electoral process.

This gap can be filled if a village arbitrator mechanism is placed which should be accountable to Indian Judiciary System.

(Triond Publication)


Political Structure in the Structural governance system remains the same, i.e. within the democratic norms as Legislative body. The other two streams of Judiciary and Executive to remain intact.

The character and the role of the Political Institution will be more as a Coordinator, Collaborator and Facilitators to the structure of Guilds and Association. The limiting the role of the institution of Political representative will be mainly the Liaison while the participation and the decision making process will remain in the hand of Guilds. This will make a Participatory Democracy.

The Role of Legislative body is towards Policy making and Law making for the whole nation. Here the Policies of the respective guilds and association within the frame work of the Laws of the Land will remain in the hand of the Guilds and Associations. The policies cannot be universal due to its variation of the adaptability and acceptability. So, the Policies that suit the respective Guilds and Associations will be decided by them respectively. The role of Legislative body towards Co-ordination, Collaboration and Facilitation will remain Intra-Guilds and Inter-Guilds as and when there may be. The arbitration processes will be attained by the Judiciary and the execution will be supervised by the Executive of the respective Institutions.

Rest all the function will remain intact with the Legislative Body, i.e. framing of Law, Budget, monitoring the state resources, facilitating the civil amenities, taxation, infrastructure development, collaboration and co-ordination cross border for technologies and skills, monitoring of import and export, Security, i.e. cross border and internal, foreign relations etc.

Another aspect in the Political structure in the Structural Governance, that the significance of the Political feudalism based on ideology wither away since the policy making lies with the Guilds and Association and hence the fabric of Political feudal looses its placement. The concept of opposition and ruling does not work since the Opposition or acceptability of the policies stay with the Guilds and Association. The Guilds and Association which holds a democratic system represent as opposition to the State governance in case there is any deterioration and mal-function from the Legislation. The Legislative Body and Guilds & Association stay as check and balances under the supervision of the Laws of the Land. This will make a democracy of based on Universal Franchise based on Universal Survival and not under the ratio of 51:49, i.e. survival of 51% by depriving the 49% of the population.

The guild and association system in the Structural Governance will make the Political representative on the province only accountable to the amenities and facilitation and they will not decide the fate of the nation. This will make the Nation self-decisive whether progress or decline, none will be in a receive end and it will make the governance with accountability. This will make a governance true democratic since they decide their future and not their representative.

The Control of Power through the Legislative body will be divided amongst the structure of guilds and association and there will be less or negligible provision towards political corruption. The power game of ‘Muscle and Money’ will be less significant since the political representation will have the accountability to the Guilds and Associations and their activities will be regularly appraised by the people.


Cultural structure of the nation is based on the belief system of the society. The diversities in the demography indicate the diversity of the belief system. Cultural governance is a form of governance that provides survival to those sections of the society that neither relate to the Guilds system and nor part of any sort of Association. They are not self equipped community, but survive on the belief system of the society.

Religions play a vital role in the Cultural Structure. Religious Trusts pave a grave role towards governance based on Cultural values. It binds the society where Charity to deprived and neglected is taken care. Cultural structure looks after those sections of the society that do not get accommodated with Law and Power play. They submit themselves to the belief system and govern themselves within that parameter. Religions provide salvation to the souls and lead the society towards spiritualism. Hence, Cultural structure is as important as the structures of Laws and Power.

In the diversified society, Cultural sovereignty is quite vital issue in the governance system. The diversities in the Cultured incurred due to invasion and migration. Originally the cultural values of the society were attained through pagan system. Pagan system is basically nurturing the energies and environment that float in the atmosphere. The preservation through it’s worshipping is to maintain the harmony of the nature. Similarly, the formation of religion through its fabric of monotheism has a significant role in the human development. Monotheism provided unification of those fabrics that could not relate or compete with the main-stream society and remained neglected. The need for survival and security in the absence of the State-system made them took the membership of the monotheism fabric of governance.

The evolution of the governance system created a sovereign of State, which is either governed by Law, Power or Faith. The state-system which has a homogeneous nation has a strong influence of Religion that influences the governance system, whereas, the state, which is controlled by Power religion is only a tool to control the system. But when a nation has a diversified culture or else multicultural nation has to be governed by Law since governance by Law provides cultural protection.

Conversion creates a cultural invasion that leads to Cultural War. Conversion is an invasion in the belief system, which is attained through appeasement or force. Conversion alienate from the community, family and self. Endorsing and enjoying diversified various cultures and belief does not require conversion. Conversion is a religio-political behavior which creates disruption in the cultural governance.

Cultural sovereignty is to be protected within the State and in the World order. All those mechanisms that facilitate conversion should be restricted. A continuous analysis and evaluation to be made by the Cultural bodies to make sure that their respective customs and tradition is not blocking the path of progress and it should also evaluate with the social progress. Any cultures that do not progress with the progress of society become stagnated and contaminated. The significance of the cultural values is to look after that the deprived and neglected members of the community are not ignored and abused.

The pagan system is a culture of tribal, i.e. indigenous community. This is very essential for the survival of the indigenous community since their traditional knowledge is generated through this system. Dismantling the pagan system of the indigenous community creates numerous social, political and environmental hazards. All the indigenous threats through Naxals and Maoists are the cause of destruction of the Pagan system of governance. Conversion only provide them food and security, but do not make them self-dependent since conversion alienate them from their indigenous belief system, cultural values, traditional knowledge and the economy related to it. Hence, they always remain in the receiving end.


The role of women is very significant in the Structural Governance. Women are Micro Regime and fully equipped in the nurturing the society collectively. Though in previous section it has been explained how the women are a natural nurture of the society as she is blessed with compassion, care and love. To brief up the following diagram will give a glance of understanding the role of women in nurturing the next generation and wellbeing of society.

Women in Education : The role of the Women in Education in not limited to the Institutionalization of Education, but the education starts from home. Although it has been already realized the importance of Education for Women, but it is also important to address how the education is to be designed that it can benefit women in the nurturing of the society. Presently, Education is designed to facilitate women towards financial independence towards attaining skills, but the role of women is to nurture the society which has been totally ignored.

Women have been trained as work force towards Institutional facilitation, i.e. for teaching, nursing, industrial workers, etc. The treatment to these forces is mainly to equate the gender disparity, which is the main concern of the present society, without realizing that the gender disparity is significant towards its role and biological factor and it cannot be overlooked towards the governance mechanism.

Education can justify towards Women’s participation in the governance system only when it is designed towards nurturing the society, i.e. Education should be based on local needs, i.e. health care, environment care, local knowledge, traditional knowledge and its contemporary knowledge. Child care, family system and values, culture and traditions along with sports and cultural activities and its economy based on them. There can be also a provision of Mass awareness through multi-media technology. Education should not make genders opponent to each other, but a complimentary the both genders.

Women in Environment : Women are an intricate caretaker of the environment. They are the preserver and the protector of the nature being the micro regime. Women either as individual or as association or as an Institution of NGOs can be responsible towards the vigilance and the protector of the environment, either as their surrounding or as national interest.

Women in Health : The role of women in health is extremely important. The education towards the Primary health and its care and prevention should be mandatory for every woman since it is them that they relate every member of the family and it will be important for them to provide the first aid. The ignorance in health care, i.e. prevention and care makes more health concerns. Traditionally, there was midwife system where women were equipped in health knowledge and traditional knowledge is significant towards prevention and care of the health crisis. Hence, involving women in health concerns and training them on precaution and prevention makes a great changing in the National Health Concerns.

Women in Economic Generation : The potential women that can contribute from the micro governance can be the part of the Guild system and proliferate into economic generation. Not all women can be part of the main-stream economy, but there are provisions where women play a support role and this can be designed and make them equipped in resources generation. The financial independence in women builds them confident and active in their responsibilities.

Women in Family
: The contribution of women towards State-welfare system is executed by women through family system. Women take care of two generations along with her partner, i.e. first generation, i.e. parents and third generation, i.e. children. Besides nurturing the family towards education, health care and overall development, it makes sure the old age of the parents also get suitable care with affection of the relationship, which satisfy the psychological fulfillment of the older generation. Family is the single unit of the State-system, and if each family is taken care of the individual women, then it becomes a collective support towards State Welfare system. The ration of Women taking care of the population on an average 1 : 5, i.e. one woman looks after five number of the population. So, women in family provide a significant role towards good governance.

Women in Social Vigilance : Social vigilance is a natural aptitude of women. If trusted they give a loyal contribution to the governance system. The facilitation of social vigilance in the Association system can be done by the community of Women and they will keep vigilance on unidentified or suspicious incident that will check crimes in the locations. Terrorism can be better checked since the sleeping cells do accommodate themselves where the women are not vigilant.

Women towards Virtue Development : The way employment to a man feed the whole family, but woman nurture the whole generation and paves the way towards development and growth. The cultural and sports development makes the society elegant and zealous. The role of women is significant in pursuing these two aptitudes and this should be encouraged and preserved.

Women in social governance through culture and tradition : Women are the preserver and pursuer of culture and tradition. The heritage of customs and tradition makes an environment of socialization that brings civility and social accountability. Every custom and tradition has social relevance and its perseverance makes the society deeply rooted and unshaken on any crisis and distress.

In a nutshell, women are micro regime and naturally equipped with the welfare mechanism of the Society through their Love, Care and Compassion. This natural attribute should be used under guaranteed state protection.


Para-Community plays a significant part in the governance system. Para-community absorbs the instinct, which is not acceptable in the civilisation. Prostitution absorbs the nomadic instinct of society, irrespective of gender and makes those alienated from the main-stream society.

Historically, brothel system signified a state recognition to the nomadic tendencies of the society which was essential aspect of the governance process. The way every location there is a drainage system that drains the waste, brothel system is an organized way of shredding the drain of the society. Brothel system captivates the nomads and works as a hub for the intelligence of the Crime World. Organized prostitution helps as vigilance in the criminal instincts and here also Women play a multiple role that is done in a main-stream society. The recognition on the brothel system will provide numerous successes in checking organized crimes. These further checks the human trafficking at random and further the children of the Prostitutes can be protected from the outsourcing to the crime world.

Call girls and street prostitute are unorganized sectors which invades the main-stream society. They are the leakage in the drainage system in the social governance that pollutes the main-stream. The brothel system is the appropriate arrangement to check the social nomads and keep the main-stream society clean. Appropriate human rights keep them safe from the hand exploiters in the para-community.


The role of State in the Structural Governance system is conclusive. The State is the Guardian of the society and responsible for its survival and security. All the structures whether it is guilds and association or the state machinery or the culture and communities all are answerable and accountable to the State-system.

State ownership is its land, regime and resources. Land creates a sovereign governing area, regime is the polity of the land and resources are the natural resources and human abilities. Land sovereign is sustained and maintained through Army. That protects from invasion and infiltration. Regime sovereign is protected through cultures and societies. Resources sovereign is protected though guilds, associations and communities.

State holds the complete command on Natural resources and it remains under the discretion of its exploration and utility. The ownership of Natural resources includes the tribal of the specific region that attain their survival from them. Displacement of tribal towards acquiring natural resources is unlawful since natural resources include tribal community; hence State cannot ignore the tribal while acquiring resources.

The responsibility of the State towards the governance of the society leads to be the provider of amenities and Security. The amenities are provisions of Water, Electricity, roads, infrastructure building, etc. are called physical amenities. Water and Electricity are the basis for the human survival which cannot be transferred in private hands. The structural amenities are provisions of food, virtue development and health care. Shelter and clothing is individual responsibility. The provision for physical amenities is State responsibility and structural responsibilities can be derived though self governance. This makes society self-equipment and liberal. State should have vigilance towards structural governance and should check the misappropriation and disputes amongst the structures of guilds and association along with structure of Cultures. The security aspect of the State is to ensure the security of Life, Property, Culture and Social Justice.


The absence of World order is creating a big havoc in the World society. The present governance system is controlled by the Economy theory of the Core and Periphery relation. The Global political economy has created a fabric of chain of the Core, periphery and semi-periphery relations. The World is further divided into three sections, Developed, Developing and Under-development. The present control-system of the World system is economy base. It failed to provide solutions towards Universal survival, War and crisis of migration and cultural disparity.

Structural governance based on sub-regional, Regional and the Universal system will give create a system based on Structures of Guilds and Association, which will work collective towards economy enhancement without intruding in others’ domain, cultural security, environment concerns and most importantly a check on War instigators.


The membership in the World Governance system should have structures and political representation of the Sovereign land. Structure could be sub-regional, regional and universally placed. The structure of Economy, Professional Associations, and cultural associations should have their own guilds without crossing the sovereignty of the Land.

The sovereign Lands forming a World Governance system should have to follow the mandates of the Constitutional Bodies that will be responsible for arbitration mechanism.


The tax is a contribution to the World Governance system to sustain the functions and the welfare measures of those who suffered in the wake of natural calamities or towards the elimination of virtues. The significance of Tax authenticates the body and legitimizes its activities. Moreover, the governance system does not depend upon the contribution as donations and will not be manipulated by the donor nation. The Tax system can be designed by the ration of land, population and economic strength and its accountability to the respective community.


Though the present system of Regional and sub-regional sectors are only in the form of Association and do not create a guild system based on Economy and Professional association and cultural affiliation. But the Guilds will authenticate the activities and will be less influenced through the Political interests and intervention. This will further have negligible effect on the foreign relation and diplomacy crisis. The present system is controlled by Political heads, which will get into the National Guild and Structure which are again democratically elected.


Though the present structure of the Security is headed by the War Winners and not democratically elected, which is further divided on ideological basis. This has created supremacy on rest of the world and split the world on Ideology and created a Polar system. Another undercover system of the security measure is designed by the Guilds of manufacturers of War weapon. This Guild has a complete control and understanding irrespective of the ideology and sovereignty and cultural belief, they function on the basis of marking the weapons through terrorism, regional disputes and identity crisis. The strong holding of this Guild is only because there is a complete absence of structures in other virtues of human society. The vigorous activism of this Guild compels the sovereign lands to compromise with its foreign relations and economic policies which by means they compromise their sovereignty.

The world Governance mechanism in the New World Order should have the elected Council that will monitor the Sale of Weapons and the Security measures of the sovereign land. All the Arms dealing has to be routed by the Council along with all the Guilds International Guild of Manufacture of Weapons should be registered by the Security Council. The governance through vigilance on this Guild is essential for the World Peace.


Structure for Economy in the World Governance system should be based on surplus, exchange of technologies and skills. It should not hamper the indigenous economy and a comparative trade system. Structure of the Economy of the Sovereign land should be a representative of Guilds of Economy which should have a sub-regional, regional and Universal arrangement. Intra-guilds mechanism should have an arbitration system which should be Universal in the Comity of Nations. This will make Guilds of Economy free from the Political Control.


The cultural collaboration beyond the sovereign lands is essential in this era since migration due to global economy has made the world multi-cultural system. The protection of Culture is essential towards the societal peace and prosperity. The invasion on the community through conversion creates cultural wars and it should to be restricted through Laws of the land and World governance mechanism where conversion is banned by Law. There is no restriction on following any religions and belief system, but conversion alienate member from its community it was born with. Conversion is a mechanism to control the Political system and a pressure group, but since the Political interest will reduce, so the significance of conversion will be lost.

Beside religious affiliation, there are other cultural affiliation such as entertainment and sports. This should again have the Guild system which to create its mechanism to flourish.

This affiliation will check the abuse in others’ belief system and community harassment in the name of cultural supremacy. Every community has right to protect its culture and it is as important as Individual liberty.


This is the essential body in the World Governance mechanism. It should function independently and should have sufficient power to prosecute and punish to maintain the World Order. Though International Court of Justice is equipped, but it should be more towards Justice System whether towards Organized Crimes or the Political and Structural disputes. This structure will be more vigilance towards function of the Guilds of all sectors at Global level so that indigenous system is not abused and misappropriated.

With the above structures in the Governance mechanism towards World Order, every nation should attain as Statehood which will be self-decisive, but will be accountable to the World order without being a threat to other lands of their region or their neighborhood.


Structural Governance system is a naturally grown system, which is based on self-equipped and self-governance. This system totally alienate from the outsource control except for the arbitration mechanism. This system is closely netted and it cannot be destroyed from invasions and loots. These also check illegal migrations since there is no scope of unwanted community to make any space.

Structural Governance system preserve from the cultural conflicts since cultures have no influence in governance and economy generation. The world is surviving even though there is a lack of political enlightenment is mainly due to inbuilt naturally grown guilds and associations. Though these structures are only functioning as pressure group towards policy making and not part of governance mechanism. Once these Structures of Guilds and Association will be governance tool will in true-sense make a participatory democracy.

The limited role of State is to provide security and appropriate environment towards every community and individual to survive. These arrangements provide both the aspiration of Liberal and Communism since the individual virtues get complete blossom opportunity and secondly, there is accountability to the community towards collective progress and prosperity and hence curtail the feudalistic character in human instinct.

Any Community, Land or the World Order is evaluated by its Judiciary Mechanism and Justice delivery system since it is the functioning of Judiciary that make the history realize the performance of governance because Law provides Universal Survival. Similarly, the progress of any society is evaluated from the Conditions of Women and the placement of the Scholars, since both nurture the society at Micro and Macro level.


Towards Structural Governance - Concerns and Understanding

Section II


After having evaluation on the Universal Crisis, expressed through Millennium Development Goal by United Nations, a body of Comity of Nations, it is important to have further intervention on various concerns of Political system, which is broader than the Millennium Development Goal and ultimately responsible for them.

Since most of the concerns were indicated while discussing the political understanding of the Millennium Development Goal, but it is more important to handle each issue separately to have a microscopic understanding.

Towards the understanding of intricacies on the development issue, it is more important to evaluate what are those concerns that block the Human Development. To evaluate such concern the whole study is divided into two sections, i.e.

1. Structural Concerns

2. Political Understanding

In the Structural Concerns all the issues such as corruption, security crisis (internal and cross border), health concerns, uneducated and unqualified population, malnutrition, neglected community, crimes, food insecurity, cultural war, identity crisis, shattered society and population explosion needs to be evaluated in the Structural form, i.e. Political, Social, Administrative and Scholarship will have a broader understanding the cause that is responsible for such crisis.

In the second section, the political understanding of the various political terms such as Democracy, Citizenship, Political Representation, the Theory of Tax/Tribute, Migration, Multi-cultural Society, Political Feudalism, Sovereignty, the Ideological War, etc. that will further focus on the solution of Political blockage towards World Governance.

The importance of division of Concerns and Understanding is mainly to create a structure of concerns and Understanding them beyond the ideological factor of World System that is floating in present governance.

According to Macro-Micro Theory of the State-system, Human Society is an extension of Human Body. Human Body is a complex machine and it has many aspects towards it sustainability. Besides physiological aspects, it has a division of Virtues and a system of Governance.

In the Micro Theory, the physical aspects are the organs of the body, which are closely knitted towards proper functioning of human body. The proper functioning of human body there is a need of immunity and resistance to check the illness and this is achieved through precaution and prevention that may disrupt the functioning of body. Health care becomes an absolute necessary to healthy survival.

The Second aspect of Human Body is Virtue, i.e. skill / abilities. There are four virtues in Human body, i.e. base (Shudra), economy (Vaishya), administration (Kshatriya) and Scholars (Brahmin). The shudra virtue in an Individual makes physical activities / labour. The making of physical labour towards economy generation is a virtue of Vaishya. The management, protection and implementation of wealth through economy generation are the virtue of kshatriya and lastly, to the appropriate and judiciously utility of all three virtues are the role of Brahmim.

Concept and Design (Brahmin)
↑ ↓
Implementation and Administration (kshatriya)
↑ ↓
Generation of Economy through Capital and Market (Vaishya)
↑ ↓
Execution (shudra)

The third aspect of Human Body is Governance system. There are three forms of governance in human body, i.e. Emotions, Reason and Faith. These governance systems have its own characteristics and distinct from each other and it has positive and negative effect due to its alienation from each other. Emotions make the human thinking generous so the Reason making them wise and Faith leads them to divinity.

All these aspects of Human body makes complete in self, i.e. Body, Abilities and Governance that makes an evolution in the Human System. The survival of body needs virtues and the virtues need governance towards the appropriate use. So, all these three aspects are interlinked and interconnected. The Body is the base of the Structure, Virtues are the pillars and Governance is the Roof of the structure.

Every Individual holds all the three aspects of the Human system, but what makes them distinct from each other that create variation is the level of vulnerability of these aspects. The virtues differ from individual to individual and the excellence of these virtues creates ‘Skill’ or ‘Expertise’, for example some may be excellent in physical labour, but will not be able to administer it resources, some may be excellent in resources generation, but will not be equipped towards physical labour. Similarly some may be excellent in visualizing, but will not be effective implementer. So, the variability creates a heterogeneous society and the variation is expertise makes the society interdependent.

The final aspect of Micro Theory of State-system is distinct division of virtue of Human Society is Gender, i.e. man and woman. Man is provider and protector and woman is the nurturer due to their physiological constitution. The formation of Society that led to Civilisation was basically on division of Virtues. From Hunter and Gatherer to the Settled Society was based on the instinct of interdependency.

In the Macro Theory, the above system holds broader prospects to understand the Governance system. Macro system is a State-system and family is the a single unit of the State-system, since family is the Micro governance of the State-system, i.e. Man-Woman collectively nurture the next generation as parents.

The Physical aspect of the Macro theory is Land / Regime / Polity. Land indicate physical landscape, Regime indicates Resources and Polity indicate People. The sovereign land includes all of them, i.e. physical land, resources and people.

The second as aspect of Virtue in the Macro theory is division of skills. The base, economy, administration and scholar make the society structured. Base are those who provide services, Economy those who generate resources and Administration that provide the security and environment towards services and economy generation and lastly the Scholars provide direction and justification to all the system so that they do not invade and exploit others’ domain.

The third aspect of the Macro Theory is Governance in the State-system. The way Individuals are governed by Emotions, Reason and Faith, similarly in the State-system governance is based on Power, Law and Religion (Culture). Power is governance defacto, Law makes governance dejure and Faith makes governance confined.

The Final aspect of the Macro Theory in the State-System is the relationship between State and Society. State (Man) is the Governance system (either dejure or defacto) which is responsible provision and protection and Society (Woman) is responsible for the social upbringing through family system and cultural norms.

The formation of civility from nomad is a long process of Evolution. From Hunting and gathering towards the process of settlement had a two distinct inclination, one who wanted to have a family system and those who preferred to remain the nomadic tribes. The vegetation through agriculture produce created a civilisation based on dependency. This created a division in based on virtues and skills and formation of a society. This is a naturally grown civilisation.

The distinction between nomads and civilized created a two forms of society. Nomads did not recognize the norm and remained explorers, wanderers and invaders. Whereas, the civility was acquired through norms, initially through Cultural norms that gradually became the customs and traditions.

In the era of Pre-statehood, the divisive of society of Nomad (defacto) and Cultured (through Customs and tradition) were distinct. Nomads became explorer and became an important tenet towards up-gradation of civilisation through technology advancement. The ‘collective efforts’ of the society towards its evolution through intact cultural norms have paved the way of Communism. Communism is the first step towards formation of Society. Communism means “Collective Effort” through Cultural Norms. Hence Communism is always homogeneous in nature since its governance system is Cultural Norms through customs and traditions. This paved the way towards Dejure Governance.

The nomads who were mainly explorer / invaders and wanders were Liberals who did not relate with any norms and hence became a big challenge to the Main-stream society. That was an initial state when Liberal always had a conflict with Communist, i.e. defacto vs. dejure. Hence, the ideological war the World is facing today has been persisting since the formation of civilisation and will remain. The abolishing of Communism, which is apprehended will not be possible due to its civility. The Marxist theory of Communism is a narrow understanding, which only limits to Class of the society, i.e. have and haves not, which is based on Forced Revolution and through Dictatorship of Proletariat. Islamic Communism is a cultural war, i.e. Jihad and through Conversion against Pagan System. But the Communism, i.e. Civilisation is actually a society of Norms and its approach is Collective Efforts through Structural Governance. Islamic Communism and Marxist Communism is regional pattern of Communism which has the influence of the region. The Islamic Communism was mainly due to tribal war based on belief system, whereas Marxist communism is a creation of Industrial Revolution. So, neither the Islamic Communism nor Marxist Communism could make the proper understanding of the Theory of Communism.

Gradually with the expansion of society and a constant threat from the Nomads towards invasion to the main-stream society compelled them to have a Statehood that would guarantee the Security from the invasions. The formation of Statehood recognized through Tribute system or Tax system. The legibility of the Statehood is determined by Tax / Tribute while tax / tribute authenticate Statehood. No State exists without Tax or no Tax is collected without Statehood. The importance of Tax is not just the collection towards state-expenses, but recognition towards a State system. The submission of the individual sovereignty to the State makes a sovereign state.

The theory of Tax and the theory State Sovereignty are interlinked. When the polity submits their individual sovereignty, i.e. submission of weapon to the State and makes the State responsible for security from Cross border invasion/insurgency and internal violence makes a sovereign State. The State then holds the defense mechanism, i.e. Army for cross-border and Police for internal security. Hence, the submission of individual sovereign through submission of weapon submits their Right to Kill and attain the Right to Security from the State-system.

The conversion from Right to Kill to Right to Security made a great change in the Civilisation. The dynamism of population was outlined by the border of sovereignty to the region hence Right to Security was the First stage of Statehood.

The second stage of Statehood was the Arbitration mechanism. With the growing population and submission of Individual sovereignty to statehood changed the governance system which was mainly done through customs and traditions at micro level. The disputes and exploitation could not be evaded due to growing civilisation. The nomadic tendencies were the constant threat even in the main-stream society. The need for arbitration mechanism and the justice system became mandatory. This expanded the state-system from Security to Judiciary. The need for Judiciary was mandatory towards redressed of disputes and grievances that justified the Right to Security through submission of Individual security. The enhancement of Tax collection also broadened towards more occupational liability of the State-system. By this stage there was already of formation of three structures, i.e. Base, i.e. the dynamism of population, Administration towards Security and Scholars for arbitration mechanism.

The relevance of Economy also expanded with the surplus produce. The surplus produce created Trade. Traders were mainly a community of nomad that was actually explorer of new dynamism. This created a tendency of Enterprising and explorer, which led to entrepreneur skill. Hence, Traders were always separated from the main-stream society and never believed to follow the norms of the society. This made them alienated and distinct from other structure. This made them closed community. The nomadic tendencies of Traders only followed their own trade and subsequently advocated for liberal outlook and a constant threat to the main-stream society. The trader skill was based on the manipulation and the maximum profit. The manipulation was either through constructive manner or destructive manner influences the World System.

Prior to Industrial Revolution, there was no terminology of World Economy. There was political system was based on Expansionist policies and a system of Tribute / Tax towards Political Control. The trading was mainly alienated from the Political Control, but there was ample support in tune of security to wealth and insurance from the pirates and calamities to which a big amount as tax / tribute was paid towards its facilitation.

The trade pattern has influenced all the World Politics from the rise of Islam to the era of Terrorism and from surplus produce to market control and from Statehood to Globalization, all are determined through Trade system and not the pattern of Economy. The evolution of Trade can be evaluated through the perspective of Pre-Industrial era, Industrial Era, Post WWII and Post Liberalization and Globalization.

The birth of Islam and the regime of Muslim is due to trade crisis is the region. The control of Trade route and unreasonable tributes in the name of God by the powerful tribes created a great mess in the Arab Tribal. Arab Tribes were nomad community and trade was the only source of economy of the region. The formation of Islamic community and Jihad against oppression was one form of Communism that took birth in Arab peninsular. The new state-system in Arab that was based on belief system and its constitution is their holy book Quran. Islamic State-system has no boundaries, but has a provision of expansion of regime through conversion. So, conversion became most crucial aspect of Islamic State-system. So, in the medieval era, the expansionist policies through invasion of the Islamic ruler were mainly to create an Islamic State system and conversion through force and Jajiya was the tool of Islamic governance system.

Islam became a society of protectionist since its virtue is Jihad against oppression. So, those who became converts were mainly the oppressed community of the era and /or who could not confront the force and aggression of Islamic governance through Jajiya system and hence submitted their original belief system. So, Islamic society has three virtues, i.e. Traders (Economy), Jihadis (military) and Oppressed community (base). The absence of Scholarship (Brahmin) was mainly due to the total submission to Islam and the unquestionable, un-audited and up-gradation of their doctrine of Quran made them stagnated even though they have the ample resources Natural and Human, but they are not able to utilize them towards Human Development. This is the reason, why the Community of Muslims is the most back-ward in comparison to of the rest of the World. Any Community that controls, captivate, subjugate and under-estimated the Scholarship, it is bound to decline and fall.

The Era of Industrial process was born through the blocking of trade route of European traders through Arab aggression. The fall of Trade in the West has compelled them to find the ways and means towards their sustainability. The Feudal Culture of the Europe had divided this era as Feudal Lords and the Serf. Serf were mainly those who were war slaves or bonded labour. This made them a community of Slaves. The virtues of the Europe were mainly technocrats, traders and strategists and they excelled through innovation of mode of production. The scholarships though excelled in Europe, but became the victims in the hand of Strategists either they were made exiled, imprisoned or killed. So, the European control always remained in the hand of strategists and all the development and skill were made according to the will of the feudal strategists to fulfill the aspiration of technical innovation and trading exploration.

Industrial revolution in Europe totally changed the Economy prospect. From agricultural indigenous economy to a mass production through technology has given a new shape to be Institutionalize system of livelihood. The technical innovation has created a new social fabric that replaced the traditional system of Slavery in Europe which was based on exploitation, subjugation and deprivation. The abolition of Slavery was due to the replacement of labor by technologies. Though the technology replaced the labor but could not extinct the instinct of Slavery system in the European culture.

The concept of Liberation comes when there is a virtue of captivation whereas Slavery is the virtue of captivation. That is the reason the concepts of liberty, liberalism and liberalization have come from the Western Scholarship than rest of the World. Europe has the legacy of three forms of slavery, i.e. Social Slavery, Slavery through Economy and Scholarship slavery and this slavery system is created, maintained and sustained by Feudal Strategists. Social Slavery indicated that women had no participation in the governance process and they were treated as par with slaves, criminals and migrants who had no property and hence they were not given a status of citizenship. The communism of serfs indicated economical slavery that were mainly landless and no participation in the governance system. The slavery of scholarship was controlled through monotheism that was further controlled by Church. The values of life and morality of humanity were controlled through the Institution of Church that was further facilitated by Strategists and that is why Christianity is the only Religion which has faced revolt since Christianity attained the feudalistic character in the belief system.

Monotheism is another form Communism that expanded its through Missionaries, which is feudal in character in Europe. The difference of approach of Missionaries and Jihad are distinct from each other. Missionaries focus structural support, i.e. human development concerns, whereas, Jihad provides physical protection against war, physical violence and social security. The two important factor of Human survival has significant support to the process of regime expansion.

The Religion is always born out of the need of the environment, so the fabric of monotheism is also the reflection of such need of situation of that Era. Religion is a fabric that binds a community that shares the same cultural values. Assimilation to that fabric binds the community together and intact. The collective efforts of the Religious Value and its expansion make it Communism.

The purpose of Religion is to govern the instinct towards moral enhancement towards universal survival. Islam was born to curtail the nomad tendencies and killing and brutal instinct of the Arab societies and Missionaries were born to curtail the instinct of Slavery towards human development. Both these fabric has its unique contribution towards the human society, i.e. provision and protection from the slavery and nomadic tendencies of human instinct. Hence, Religion became the first form of Governance which was separate from the Pagan system of Preservation of the Environment.

The most important aspect of these two moral governance systems is ‘resources’ that facilitate the strengthening of these fabrics. The Jihad system needs human resources who can submit their life towards the protection of their ideology, i.e. Protection of their community, whereas, Missionaries needed ample of resources to facilitate towards Human Development.

Though these two fabrics has nothing to contradict or conflict with each other, rather they are complementary to the human society, but what made them turn their opponent is the instincts, their process of expansion, i.e. Conversion and need for resources to sustain their respective fabric. The propagation, propaganda and the strategies to strengthen and expansion of their fabric by destructing Pagan system created ‘Identity crisis’ that led Cultural conflict, which is the most potent concern in the present political scenario.

The decline of Religion in the medieval phase also known as Dark Age is due to captivation of resources through invasion, intrusion, loot and strategies by promoting blindness through false belief and blocking Reason. Islamic invasion though could expand its fabric though jajiya, but could not provide human development, whereas, to sustain the Missionaries the need of resources made Church exploit their existing followers. Exploitation has limited life and led to Protest against Church, along with the fall of Islamic rule in the post medieval era. The decline of Religion, i.e. Moral governance leads to Power and Power captivate morality of the society that leads to negative instinct of corruption, exploitation and subjugation.

So, the Rise of Power has replaced the governance of Morality and Morality remained only a face value and a tool in the hands of Power. Now the question is how the Power generated and what are the tenets of Power and how the character of Power changed from Pre-industrial era, Industrial era, World War II and Globalization.

Pre-industrial era Power was generated through militancy and that is why Islamic era expanded in major part of the World. The nomadic tendencies in the Arab had made them invader, intruders and looter. Dynasties that ruled nations in the world were mainly based on Protection from the invaders and did not invade the indigenous governance system through social structure. The governance and the political alliance were mainly based on tax and tributes towards security internal and cross-border.

The change in War tools and patterns due to intrusion of Gun power in Military in Europe changed the complete scenario of Power concept. The manufacture of War Weapon towards distant battle had brought of replacement of new Power Concept from Europe that replaced Islamic era. Islamic concept of power was different from European concept of Power. Islamic concept of Power is mainly either through Invasion or Expansion to facilitate loot or establishing the Islamic rule. But the European concept of Power was to control the resources and enhancing European economy. The intrusion of Islamic invasion was direct and physical violence, whereas European invasion was through trade and strategies. The two distinct approach of Invasion was due to two distinct instinct, i.e. nomadic tendencies of Islamic aggressors and Feudalistic instinct of the Missionaries.

Without elaborating on history of the Colonial expansion towards resources and market, the technology of War weapon used to control the market. The approaches used by the strategists of Europe were different from the Islamic ruler. The Islamic ruler invaded, killed, looted and converted the people either through jajiya or destroying places of worship. Their pattern was similar in Arab where pagan system was destroyed and the same approaches were used in other part of the world. Whereas, European strategist approach was different from Islamic rural and was based on structural control. The invasions of European strategists to the targeted colonies were through economy, military, scholarship and missionary. Economy was the major factor of the strategists to which they had all-side coverage either through military or scholarship and missionary to support structural corrections.

The most important factor of their strategies where ‘Defense’ or ‘military’ control. The advancement of the Weapon tools of the European strategists created a new system of tribute / tax and expansion of the control by creating colonies. It is very crucial to understand how the handful ‘traders’ managed to control the world and make them colonies without bleeding as much as the Islamic rulers. This can be evaluated under the political understanding of “Sovereignty”.

Sovereignty means when a nation is self-equipped for your physical protection, i.e. Self-Defense. The second aspect of the sovereignty means when a nation is able to generate its survival means, i.e. food, shelter and health, this is called as Structural sovereignty. The third aspect of the sovereignty is when a nation is able to evaluate the system of survival sources through education and moral governance, this is termed as cultural sovereignty and the last factor of the sovereignty is the foreign relations, i.e. relationship with neighbouring states, regions or the world, when a nation is equipped decide its relationship with others, this is termed as Social sovereignty. And if the nation is able to maintain all these factors, then the nation has attained its freedom and is termed as Self-determined nation.

European Imperialism which had the hegemony of British and France was different from other European traders. The most distinct approach of British imperialism made them pioneer in the World Control system. Britishers understanding of governance system was based on varna system, i.e. structural. They controlled the colonies through Military, i.e. submission of defense, smashing scholarship, facilitation to traders by exploiting the base, i.e. farmers and tribal communities.

The generation of resources was primarily for the imperialistic power was through controlling the defense of the sovereign provinces to which a certain amount of tribute were charged. Gradually, the economy was controlled through captivation of the farming land and forest resources. Traders were facilitated who became the middle man or the liaison with the imperialistic power and the local ruler. Scholars or the respective culture were easily manipulated and facilitated so that they became the part of the strategy of the imperialistic power. The capture of resources by making the rulers and governance heads impotent, it became easy for Imperialistic power to establish their Empire in the region.

The Legacy of the British imperialism is a creation of a segment of the Liaison, i.e. middleman. The new built occupation created a vacuum between structures and established their own space of survival. The strengthening of this guild became so powerful that it weakened all the structure. The accountability of this guild was to none since their survival was based on manipulation and misappropriation. This manipulation and misappropriation pave the way to “Corruption”. The intrusion of parasite of corruption attacked the system of governance that became responsible for dismantling of the indigenous governance. Creating space within the structure was more crucial than create gap between cultural differences. The guild of liaison and middlemen were very significant for the imperialistic strategist, which turned as Political representation in the democratic system.

In Indian context, on pre-colonial era, after the fall of Mughal empire governance was decentralized and attained a province governance system. A decentralized system except of the threat of invasion and disputes the other structures were operative. The fall or the rise of empire was based on the competence of the province governance. The imperialistic strategist used this province system to attain the empire through divide and rule. The armed conflicts made the weak ruler to submit their defense to the Imperialistic technology and submitted their ‘sovereignty’ to the Colonial Masters. The submission of sovereignty started with submission of defense and foreign policies and subsequently submission of Economy.

The system of Tribute and Taxes were segmented. Tribute indicates as protection money and Tax is legal contribution towards statehood from its citizen that guarantees provision and protection to its people. Tribute is defacto and Tax is dejure collection for governance treasure. The imperialistic power worked both ways, i.e. on tribute as well as tax system. The protection to the province towards the military aggression of the neighbouring states were given a tribute to the Imperialistic government, whereas, the states which had Imperialistic control would pay as tax to the Government. The system of tribute and taxes is stilled continued between Mafia and States. Mafia takes protection money as Tribute, and State collect Tax from its citizen towards welfare measure. Tribute is unorganized collection without accountability, whereas Tax is an organized collection that is meant for the welfare measures for the People.

Taxes and Tributes play a crucial role in governance system. Two terms though synonyms to each other, but divide the human society drastically. As mentioned earlier, the human society is governed by three streams Law, Power and Faith. The collection of Tax authenticates the Institutional governance system based on Law. The commands of Tribute authenticate the system of Power, which is clustered in nature, i.e. Lobby system. The Donations authenticate the governance by Religion through its Trust system. The three systems of Governance, i.e. Institution, Lobby and Trust have their own role towards the well-being of the society and are complimentary to each other.

The human society is governed by Reason, Emotions and Faith finds their own system of governance. Those people who are governed by Reason become a part of the governance system based on Law. Those who are emotional and weak in reasoning are become a system of Lobby since they need to be in the cluster. Those people who neither feel themselves to be reason oriented and nor comfortable with the emotional captivation take the shelter of Faith, i.e. Religion. And all system has the provision of Tax / Tribute and Donation that makes them a sovereign system of their own.

According to the Macro-Micro Theory, Human governance system is based on reason, emotions and faith. Reason binds the two systems of emotions and faith. Reason paves the way towards progress. Emotion makes the survival sensitive. Emotions are shattered and reach to micro aspect of human sensitivity. Faith creates morality and makes the actions to accountability. The negative aspect of these governance tools are absolute Reason makes system rigid and raw, absolute emotions make system corrupt and biased and absolute faith make system narrow and blind.

In the appropriate governance system of human society, when “Reason governs Emotion bring Wisdom, and when Emotions support Reason brings Generosity”. This significance of Faith makes the enhancement of the “Morality” through norms and rituals that checks the nomadic tendencies that may destroy the peace of the society. All three systems are interconnected and not alienated to each other.

The society, which is governed by Norms, is known as main-stream society and the society that alienated from the universal norms become para-community. The two sections of the society are opponents to each other. Though the main-stream society has a restricted system due to its governance tool, but it has accountability and Universal survival to its community member. Whereas, in the para-community society due to absence of norms their survival is based on Power, i.e. Might is right basis. In this system subjugation, exploitation and threat is a constant flair of survival and the control system of this regime is physical violence and killing.

The tenure of Colonial era and Pre-World War II era the local indigenous governance system was attacked which was naturally grown though norms of the society. Prior to this era, para-community had a limited regime and alienated from the main-stream society. This division was distinct to check the nomadic tendencies of the main-stream society. The alienation from the main-stream society still bonded them into the norm which gave them recognition in the society. For example, Prostitution checks the nomadic tendencies and setting up the brothel system was to keep the main-stream society clean. Brothel system was also governed by its norms and made sure that their contribution to the human society gets recognized. The system of using the clay from the house of prostitute to create the idol of goddess Durga in the pagan belief system is to recognize the contribution of para-community to the main-stream society. This may not give social respect to the Prostitutes, but it gives them social recognition and it is made sure that their Human Rights are maintained and sustained.

The Celibacy approaches towards the Religious heads were not to get away from the sexual life. No religion debar from sexual life since sex is the food of the soul that keeps energizing the action. The restriction for marriage for the Religious heads was mainly to keep away from the trap of hereditary process towards the succession of the position. Devdasi system is to recognize and authenticate the sexual life to the Religious head. Devdasi representing the para-community and submission to the Priest was recognition to the community by the Religious governance system. This indicates that the para-community was also bonded with norms which had the protection from the Religious system. During this era, i.e. pre-colonization, Religion was binding both the stream of the society, i.e. Main-stream and Para-Community through its norms and rituals. This has made society, i.e. Pre-colonial era a Dejure regime.

Dejure governance is an evolution process along with the growth of population and its diversity due to technological advancement. The Industrial revolution brought a drastic change in the character of the governance system due to change of economy. The concept of mass production form the self-sufficiency economy brought a change over in the approach of Trade that was the main resources of Indigenous economy.

Any land the economy is assessed by its production capacity that makes surplus produce to generate resources. This is what happened with the Industrial Revolution. Mass production brought ample surplus that made the European traders to explore the market can create a strong business fabric. Trade created lots of capital and surplus money which was further went on circulation towards the enhancement of economy.

The process of Colonization spread due to market system. Market means raw material, human resources and the consumer for the end product. This is called Economic Invasion. Prior to Industrialization, the invasion was based on Political interest, but this has reversed the system by economic invasion. This invasion made the regime that was governed by norms and self-sufficient economy was curtailed by Mass production. To impose the produce and to create the market, political tools were used by destroying the socio-cultural norms. This made the indigenous governance shattered.

The Colonial era thus becomes a defacto governance system by destroying the cultural norms and intellectual colonization towards the vested interest of the Economic invaders. The World Wars amongst the imperialistic power was also a consequence of the defacto governance, which was mainly a War of Economy.

The institutionalized system evolved in Europe after Industrialization through enhancement of technology and subsequent Wars I and II had made a drastic change in the sociology of European demography. Institutional governance system and its facilitation to the polity came through urbanization. Industries to support education, i.e. vocational skill made Economy man oriented and women to remain alienated. This brought a drastic change in the status of women in Imperialistic nations.

The Liberation for Women was mainly to bring into the main-stream society which was denied due to Industrialization. The contribution to the workforce by women in the agrarian society were at par with men, but due to the change in the means of survival which became technical and skill oriented than mere labour in the earlier society. The tenure between the Industrial process and the World Wars were almost of three great centuries which was a significant space to deteriorate the condition of women. After the fall of huge male population, due to the Wars in the region, it became mandatory for women to come ahead to participate in the production process for resource generation.

The Liberal concept of the Western World is a mere confusion in the field of Political Science. Western understanding of Liberalism has three aspects, i.e. Political, Economical and Social. The Political view indicates the Limited State to which State has negligible intervention or involvement in the indigenous system. Liberal Economy meant that the process or generation should be owned by Individual and Not State. Liberal society means no social control and every individual should be responsible for themselves. But the ideology of Liberalism was not competent of its own since no society can survive of its own and it needs support system so the governance by Laws through Constitutional Bodies and Institutions were established. Economy was governed through Guilds and Social system was controlled through Welfare Institutions, like Health Care, Old age, Educational Institutes, etc. The Institutionalized of the Governance system is Plato’s vision of ‘Communism’. Erosion of the family system, which was the micro governance and micro asset, i.e. next generation to be adopted by the State and men, women and children, would have been the State assets and responsibility towards nurturing. The conversion of the attribute of Women, i.e. nurturing the family was institutionalized through Education, Healthcare and Environment. The institution of Non-Government Organizations is performing the communism of the family system. Further the erosion of custom and tradition though the Renaissance era has further helped the erosion of the social system. The Western advocacy for Liberalism is far away from its implementation and the ideological Wars between Liberal and Communism is a blur towards understanding.

The Liberal inclination is the tenet of Nomadic approach that do not relate to the Norms and Civility. Capitalism is treated as synonyms of Liberalism, which is an incorrect since Liberalism is an approach whereas Capitalism is only a process of Economy generation. Capitalism can be Liberal orientation as well have a Communism inclination.

Liberalism neither believes in family system or the State system. It has the Individual flair of system, which is away from the structure of family and the Institutions of State-system. Liberalism approach is freedom from all systems and merely works on individual entrepreneurships. Liberty from Political Control, Liberty towards Economic process and Liberty from the Social accountability is the only motivating factor of Liberal understanding. The civilisation is an evolution from nomads which was bonded with norms, but when the norms are eroded then again the civility converts of nomadic.

The evolution of Liberalism in Europe was mainly an outcome from the erosion of the family system. The nurturing process of the society was institutionalizing which could not sustain due to its cost effective and inappropriate utilization of Human Resources due to Regional wars and competence. The evolution of Liberal era led to an era of violence, exploitation and subjugation. The process of Colonization that led to two World Wars is an outcome of Liberal era.

The community of Liberal society dominated the World with its Scholarship through Intellectual Colonization. To streamline the segmented societies to a political setup as democratic or dictatorship to cover-up their hidden character of liberal instinct of slavery and violence.

Democracy and Dictatorship (individual or one party system) pattern of Political system was not complete in itself. The Democratic system works on electoral representation of Province system. It functions on the ratio of 51:49, i.e. the representation becomes authentic by 51% of population against the rejection of 49% population. It indicates the accountability to 51% of population by neglecting 49% of population.

Another major factor of Democracy, it is a constant conflict between whether it has People’s sovereignty or the sovereignty of Law. This brings a conflict between the institution of Parliament and the institution of Law, i.e. Judiciary. Parliament works under the equation of 51:49, whereas Judiciary works within the framework of Constitution that guarantees Universal Survival. Parliament functions through mass mobilization, whereas Judiciary functions within rules and regulation.

The third aspect of Democracy is the Party system. Party system creates a division of ideology which again functions on the equation of 51:49. This further divides the province on ideology basis that again negligence to 49% of population.

Democracy has always been associated with Liberty, i.e. liberty to choose it’s representative, liberty to express the views and liberty to protest. This process is always played within the equation of 51:49.

Another aspect of Democracy that is always associated with Capitalism, whereas Capitalism is different from Democracy. Capitalism is a process of resources regeneration which can either be in a democratic set up or in the dictatorship system. The characteristic of the Province representation is feudalistic in nature. The feudalism in democratic set up can be acquired through dynasty or through muscle and money. That is why province representation is feudal in nature and makes it defacto in governance system.

After World War II, and the subsequent numerous agitations from the Colonies made imperialistic power to withdraw their direct control on the colonies and created a system called Leased Governance which was based on annual tributes.

The approach by the Traders of the Imperialistic countries to capture the resources through Military operation is still being continued. Though officially the colonies have been removed and give a status of sovereign nation, but that colonies still remain under the Imperialistic power within the fabric of Commonwealth and Global Political Economy. So, Commonwealth Nations are a stream of World System that is controlled by British Imperialism.

Commonwealth nation is a concept to which on the face of World they have been given independences from the colonial clutches, but they are totally controlled by English governance mechanism. The concept of democracy is a system, where representation is democratically elected and people submit their political rights to their representative. The polity remains only at a receiving end since it submits is decision making process in the hand of their representatives. It is easy to manipulate the few hundred representatives and mobilizing the policies that favor the imperialistic interest.

Even though the World has attained the status of Sovereign Lands, but the World Control system is in the hands of World War winners. The Commonwealth Nations are controlled by the British imperialism through control of State treasure. The tribute is reached to the British masters by way of defacto collection of tax through scams and organized corruption. The control on policy and the foreign relations are the tool to control the governance. Every Commonwealth nation is the victim of rigorous insoluble border disputes and chronic indigenous security crisis through Tribal conflicts. These are issues of the security measures attained to control the Nations incase they decide to come out from the grip of the Strategic feudal. The control on Commonwealth nation is based on Leased Governance system, i.e. a system that will follow the policies and the strategies have placed by the Colonial master under the local ruler. Though these rulers may be elected through democratic norms, but the governance tools and the policies cannot be changed with the wish and means of the rulers. Anything that will go against the wishes of Imperialistic interest, the local will be bashed by indigenous crisis or cross border war or through terrorism. So, the present World system based on the Democratic norms is a Leased Governance system and submission to British Imperialism. Those were not into the Imperialistic grip are targeted through NATO in the name of dictatorship and human rights. The Political control towards the control of resources is the main aim of the Leased Governance system. Corruption has risen in the world is nothing but the Tribute to the Defacto control of the Imperialistic masters. Another operational mode to control the local agents of the Imperial masters is that they allow agents to invest all their accumulated wealth in their home country through buying properties and in the lockers by way of gold and currency. In case these agents became traitor to their Masters, they seize their property and get their Agent killed.

Terrorism is a tool to control the polity without waging the war by the Imperialistic Masters. This is an arrangement of defacto army, which is generally organized by local adjutant tribal in the Arab peninsula. All the terrorists’ camps are furnished by the western imperialism to control the region towards resources. The slogan of “War against Terrorism” is mainly to be collective efforts in buying defense mechanism sold by the Guild of Arms and Weapon manufacturers. The marketing strategy of these mechanisms is to instigate the disturbance with the high technical small arm weapon. This will put pressure on the State defense to buy the suitable tools to counter them. So, unless there is no security threat, there will have no chance of selling weapons. The two polar system or multi-polar system is nothing to pressurize the nations towards purchase of weapons. These strategies are facilitated by the Local government through various corruptions in the Institutions that make system weak.

Hence, while concluding with a brief note that the need of governance mechanism is the Political Science has been overlooked and the following on the ideology of economy pattern created a divisive system. The world divided into two understand, i.e. a Liberal approach and other Collective approach or whether the Institution should be followed democratically elected or dictatorship remained a narrow understanding of Political Science. But somehow these approaches have failed to provide solutions. The Institutions are only operational tools but not governance mechanism. The dejure system based on structures provides Universal survival. In the next section a detailed understanding of Structural governance which will authenticate true sense of democracy where people will be master of their own and they will form the policies towards their own prosperity.