Friday, October 12, 2012

Defining Corruption


Email :

Ph – 9811915670

10th October, 2012

The Prime Minister of India

New Delhi.

Kind Attn. : Dr. Manmohan Singh

Sub : Defining Corruption

Dear Sir,

The term Corruption can be defined within the framework of Political Science is an act which defies the rules of execution. This can be Government, Independent Bodies, Society and Individual. Such act of corruption can be for the personal gains, i.e. monetary benefits / facilitations or simply negligence that defy of the rules of execution.

It is important to evaluate the Rules which could be political, social and/or religious. Some rules may be obsolete or beyond implementation or become blockades for smooth governance, then such rules need to be upgraded or changed.

The rules and regulations are tools for governance of the society whether through social administration or the mechanism such as Administrative, Judiciary and Police system.

In the administrative system there is a provision of the discretionary clause and this clause are generally abused for the personal gains which cost the State interest.

State interest is a wider subject. It is primarily the population, resources, State Treasure, State Boundaries, Foreign Relations and a continuity of Peace and prosperity of the nation.

These interests cannot be inclusive to all since one interest may clash with other interest/s and then it becomes mandatory to be judicious for the people in the decisive placement to make the priority of interest or balancing the various interests.

The trust on the people in the decisive placement is mandatory since no judgment or decision can be made under the fear of hanging sword. For this the process of placement procedure should be intact and correct so that wrong people do not get into the decisive placement and defy the rules. Presently, the wrong people are placed at the crucial positions that have challenged the rules and regulation of the governance system.

I am in the process of writing an academic work on “Politics of Drugs” in which I have highlighted the strategies that makes the system corrupt or failed state. I will send this to you as soon as it is completed.

With best regards,

Yours faithfully,