Tuesday, June 29, 2010

India Partition – an evaluation

Phone. : 9811915670
Email. : bosesharmila@rediffmail.com

21st September, 2009

The Prime Minister of India
New Delhi.

Kind Attn. : Dr. Manmohan Singh

Sub: India Partition – an evaluation

Dear Sir,

This is in continuation to our communication on the various issues; I am now providing you an original evaluation of the Historical Event called India Partition.

The freedom of struggle in 1857 was started as mutiny of Indian British Army and was backed by all the local rulers. Hence it had sowed the seed towards the rebel against the atrocities and the exploitations of the Colonial Rule.

Though the said first war of Independence faced a strong defeat from the British Army but it made a very serious thinking for the British Crown. To settle the aggression and the discontentment of the masses, the East India Company was taken over by the British Government. This was the first change of hands of Power, i.e. from the East India Company to the British Crown. The people of India got settled that they have thrown away the Company Rule and are now into Direct British Governance.

Here I would like to evaluate that earlier, the East India Company was a franchise of the British Government, and after the 1857 episode, the said franchise was cancelled and the British extended its administrative branch in India.

In due course of time with the settled governance and the ignorance of people, the new reformative ideas started floating in our country. Some reformation like Sati Pratha took a legislative role and introduction of English was a tool to further making the administration intricate. A rise of Hinduism also was seen in this period. During this period a critical analysis was floated towards Drain of Wealth. This is a kind of realization that the blessed governance of British was actually a source of Draining of Wealth and making the country poor. This period was called a period of Moderates.

In the wake of Hindu identity that was lost during the Muslim rule was also seen as a major administrative crisis. Bengal partition was a result of that rise of the Hinduism. This partition had created lots of discontentment in the Bengal people since many of them were displaced. Displacement is the biggest wound in any human crisis. This displacement created a wake of freedom struggles as hatred towards the British Rule. This led to Extremism where British officers were been targeted. The said Extremist were caught and were hanged were termed as martyr for a noble cause i.e. struggle for freedom. Further this led to an utmost desired called Self-governance, i.e. Swaraj.

The desire for self-governance was a great ambition of the elitist. The power is the base of all motivation towards the human action and this is the truth. Gandhiji’s contribution was significant in fulfilling the ambition of the Elitists. Gandhiji’s idealism and humanism was just acted as fuel to the fire to the struggle for power that we term as Freedom Struggle. Many movements led by Gandhiji were withdrawn due to lack of the Control system. This is a Great Significance as evidence to the inadequacies in the Governance abilities and Internal Cracks.

The history of World Wars was very significant towards our struggle for freedom. The two Wars have witnessed the dirt of imperialist ambitions and the mass destruction. This broke the World Community who was into imperial governance. India joining hands with British in the Second World War (while in the process of hate campaign against British Government) was an ample proof in the inadequacies in the freedom struggle and morality of the Elitist. The joining hands with British were mainly a negotiation of the Elitist towards the handing of Power at the cost of trust and fate of India and against the morality and ideology of Freedom Struggle. This incident as action was actually a massacre of the aspiration towards the Free India by few elitist.

The partition of India and the formation of Pakistan was not an ambition of Jinnah. It was the need of the situation that was created by the history of almost a century ago. Jinnah was a modern and educated man so he was made the Head of the State termed Pakistan. The Division of Bengal was not Jinnah’s ambition but was a political need. Jinnah was not a mass leader, he was an elitist. So the question of Civil War does not arise. Moreover, how come Jinnah’s ambition could be proved so powerful that he actually divided a country? If this is so then Jinnah was a true candidate of the State Head. It was actually blaming the other side to save one’s own skin.

India never got freedom from the colonial rule. It was just change of hands for power. Just the East India Company was taken over by the British Crown and later India was given on lease to the Indian National Congress for the governance. The assassination of Gandhi was very necessary for ambition of the Leased Colonised Governance. Gandhi was a mass leader and a man of vision. If he had died naturally then it was a big problem for the Leased Colonised Governance. Gandhiji did not accept any post in the Legislation since he was absolutely broken by the narrowness of concept of self-governance. Numerous people laid their live for their Motherland were actually cheated and betrayed.

Hatred towards Pakistan and allegation to Gandhiji towards his bend for Pakistan was a Political gimmick. The hatred that has been created was visionary hatred and had no base. Since the People of Pakistan is also having the same fate that People of India, that is exploitation by the Leased Colonialised governance.

The Constitution of our Land is just the same as Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is in a way it is correct since India is a mini world with a diversified cultures and identity.

The lack of abilities in the self-governance was a clear indication when forming the design of representation and division of states as per language. This limited the role of individuals towards the right to vote only and representation based on identity.

Colonized Leased Governance is still proactive; the collapse of USSR had a clear effect in Indian Economy. The SAP and introduction of Liberal Economy and Multinational Companies are the true evidence of Leased Colonised Governance. And more pathetically the drain of wealth in the foreign bank and in the foreign land in private account and also a scot-free of the Italian accused of the biggest Scam and that to on Defence Deal is a most evident proof of my stand of Leased Colonised Governance. The un-natural death of various leaders and the links to a political party is also a clear indication of Leased Colonised Governance and hence destroying the macro Human Resources which is a serious concern.

Gandhiji was honored as Father of Nation, but his virtues were only a lips service and never adhered. Since it would have been adhered, the Leased Colonial Governance would have failed. The betrayal of the emotions to the motherland by the common people is a clear indication towards the political crisis in the Country.

India never got freedom even after six decades after the exit of British governance. The masses are still being exploited. There is no provision of the Base Line that is the root of violence e.g. Naxals. The identity crisis and so called the flavour of terrorism where religion is a scapegoat is a clear indication of divide and rule policy of Leased Colonised Governance.

These are my absolute analysis on India Partition and are a based on free and uninfluenced thinking. Since SCHOLARS are Universal and Universality is their identity. This ideology is a stepping stone towards Social Justice.

With best regards,

Yours faithfully,


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