Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Combating Organised Crime Thru Mass Awareness Programme



Researcher in Political Science
New Delhi

Human Trafficking is the instrument to provide human resources for the Organised Crime towards trafficking of drugs, sex and arms conflict that can be checked through Mass Awareness Programme since most of the trafficking is mainly through deception and manipulation and not by choice from the region who are alienated from the information and awareness.  The main victims of the human trafficking are from the rural and tribal region, which is suppressed due to negligent on the indigenous economy.  Folk cultures were the tools of economy historically.  ‘Jatra’, the heritage of Bengal folk culture were the medium for the socio-political changes since the era of Bhakti (Devotional) Moment in India to the era of post-WWII.  Folk cultures not only create an awareness and entertainment, but bind the community and generate economy as well.  The intellectualism and creativity that flourish in Bengal can be used towards revitalizing the spirit of social reform in the region, which is under the grip of Organised Crime against humanity through deception and deprivation.

Organised Crime[1] is not based on the instinct, but a system, which is interconnect through multi-layers actors and based on Dependency theory of Core, Semi-Periphery and Periphery relations in the World System.

The ignorance of the population towards their rights from the Nation and the Community towards Life of Dignity is the main reason towards a systematic exploitation and oppression of the people of the deprived community in the hand of few powerful to fulfill the vested interest of the few powerful Nations through illicit migration for forced labour, sexual slavery and arms conflict.

The versatility of Organized Crime to which population from the backward region is victimized especially those who are tribal and do not relate to the mainstream economy. They are used towards indigenous conflicts, forced labour for the toxic industries and sexual slavery along with victimizing for organ smuggling.  The ignorance of the issues and its implication of such activities in their health hazard and life is the main reason for these populations to become the victim of trafficking.

The relevance of Mass Awareness Programme is mandatory to check the illicit migration whether a voluntary movement or trafficked since trafficking of population do not provide solutions to the Land of Origin and to the Land of Destination and create enormous economic, political and cultural crisis.  Issues like Human Trafficking through forced marriage, abduction, violence whether physical or sexual, misinformation and manipulation can be elucidate and emancipate through the Mass awareness programme.

Though the level of trafficking and organized crime differ from region to region and varies it’s potential from tribal to urban population, so the pattern of Mass Awareness Programme also varies.  Though many Non-Governmental Organizations are working towards the emancipation of the population from the deprived community through skill development, but these populations are further trafficked towards the forced labour in tune of employment opportunities. 

There is an absolute discord between the Policies and the activities of Voluntary organization funded by Corporate and International Organizations to check the trafficking of the population through indigenous economy.  This further makes the groomed population by the NGOs directionless and become a victim or the tool of the trafficking nexus.

It is important for the population to have a choice towards not to become a victim of Organised Crime by way of facilitation or exploitation.  Mass Awareness Programme (MAP) provides such scope for the people to choose to refuse to be exploited. 

The medium for the Awareness programme do varies from the region to region.  It could be educative or entertaining.  Educative pattern of Awareness programme will not attain the mass attention and may even face confrontation, but the entertaining medium will attract the masses. 

Historically, Folk cultures were the medium of Mass Awareness.  One of the Folk Culture, Jatra[2] originated in Bengal was powerful medium of Awareness along with Pleasure theatre which remained connected with the Social and Political changes through the medieval era to the era of post-World War II.

Jatra means “procession”.  This form may have come into existence in the 16th century as a part of Vaisnava Devotional Movement introduced by Chaitanya, which swept the population into the folds of Songs, dances and plays to propagate the faith.[3]  Up to 19th century Jatra plays focused on religious themes and were instructive and moralistic in tone.[4]
In the eighteenth century Jatra has a sweeping popularity.  The masses were hungry for this intensely emotional musical form.  Historical romances and love stories were added to the repertoire.  These included passionate scenes of abduction, murder and horror.  By the close of the eighteenth century Bengal was completely under the East India Company. The British introduced permanent land settlements and a new system of government.  The rising gentry were prosperous.  Riches flowed, and with the new wealth came the desire for entertainment. In the nineteenth century the Jatra repertoire swelled with love themes, erotic stories, mythological heroes, historical romances, tales of legendary robbers, saints, social reformers and champions of truth and justice, diluting its religious color.  The Jatra became secular and more contemporary in character.  As political consciousness grew, Jatra writers gave political coloring to their palas.  Mythological stories, fights between Good and Evil, symbolized the Indian masses and the British.  The Devil was dressed in the tight trousers and black jacket of the nineteenth century, and the Noble Prince wore the Indian dhoti.[5]
Jatra was mobilized by the Indian People’s Theatre Association (IPTA) during World War II to win for the Communist Party’s association with the Allies after Germany invaded Russia.[6]  The Communist party made use of Jatra to propagate its political message.[7]
Hence, it is an indicator that the Bengal Folk Culture evolutes from the Bhakti (Devotional) Movement of 16th Century to the era of Globalization of 21st century by way of entertainment along with the carrier of social and political message.
The design and pattern of Jatra is more people connected than any other conventional pattern of theatre and entertainment.  It is a low cost arrangement and has a larger connectivity to the audience where digital mass media do not have reachable capabilities.

Jatra frequently takes place in the open air under the large temporary canopy, which is called “sabha mandap” (pavilion).  On the ground are spread several large size rugs, carpets or bamboo mat on which audience sit packed closely together.  A little square arena called “Ranga Bhumi” marked as the enclosure in the middle of the Assembly.[8] Jatra performances resemble, the Nautanki of Uttar Pradesh, the Tamasha of Maharashtra and Bhavai of Gujarat.[9]

The role of ‘Vivek’, i.e. Conscience in the folk culture of Jatra is crucial that makes this art a strong medium towards social change or social renaissance which is under the grip of Global Mafia abusing the population by deception and destitution.
The Vivek is a character who can appear in any scene - in a bed chamber, in a king's court, in heaven, in hell, in a burning ghat, in a forest, in a street.  He enjoys unrestricted freedom.  Vivek means "conscience." When a character does something wrong, the Vivek turns up to warn in song.  If a king is doing an injustice, the Vivek suddenly appears to check him.  Dressed like a madman - his eyes glazed, his head and feet bare, his beard tangled - he wears a robe of black, saffron, or white.  His movements are sharp and conclusive.  He enters the gangway on the run and disappears in the same way. The Vivek has a definite dramatic function.  He comments on the action by his song, externalizes the feeling of the character, plays his double, and puts questions to him.  He is everybody's shadow, a running commentary on actions and events.  He lives in the past, present and future.[10]
Domestic Violence and Forced Marriage have greater influence in Human Trafficking in the Land of Origin and also known as periphery region towards sexual slavery and forced labour.  Child Abduction or run away children are the trend of deprived society that is further used for crimes, violence and forced labour.  It is important for population to understand the miseries faced by these abducted children or women so that they do not get victimized in the process of lure and deception.  The traffickers generally locate the victim of the disturb families, so that their action cannot be challenged due to absence of family bond.

Besides, Awareness programme, Folk culture generates Economy in the rural and tribal region.  The peripheries of the economy generated through Folk Culture also keep the population intact in the region.  This helps in curtailing Human Trafficking.

The rise of Crimes that became Organised in due process of time is through the channel of Recreation.  Recreation is an important part of human life and it provides energies and continuity of life.  Various forms of Entertainment are also a path of liberal thinking and creativity and generate new scope of thought.  Hence, captivating human mind was crucial for the British IR to control the Politics under the shield of Democracy.

Post-liberalisation and Globalisation has changed the pattern of Entertainment which came under the captivation of Under-world through illicit money of drugs, trafficking and extortion.  The glamorization of Entertainment made a systematic approach to change the mind of the audience against the Norms of the society.  The violence, greed and lust were imposed in the society through films and bringing the pleasure dominant the society without accountability.

Though the blooming of Entertainment Industries has given a huge scope of periphery economy in the glamour world, which is presently dominating the National and International Economy, but this blooming of Economy have deprived the major Economy based on Industrial and Skill Development beyond the ambit of Glamour and Entertainment, which is responsible for the growth and continuity of any society resulting to collapse of Economy at National and at Global level.

When there is a huge degradation of local economy in the era of Globalisation, this has given a big set-back in the tribal and rural economy as well which further victimized them towards Human Trafficking for forced labour, sexual slavery and arms conflict.  To strengthen the fabric of rural and tribal communities, it is important to revitalize their culture and traditions and Folk theatre is the means towards that.

The Folk Theatres does not replace the digital display of cinema, which is mainly at the mercy of the fraternity of Film production and exhibitors, but an alternate medium of entertainment to which people have choice to recreate and within their limited means.  The Audience of the Rural and Tribal society remains in the receiving end and do not get the benefit of the economy generation for the locality and remain as a consumer.

Folk theatres will bind the audience as participants, producers, suppliers along with the periphery economies.  When these Folk theatre will address the issues like Trafficking, Smuggling, Drugs, Organ stealing in their acts and exhibit, it will create awareness in the community.  Entertainment binds the community.

With the revival of folk theatre in tune of mass awareness programme against human trafficking which will pave the way towards the revival of Bengal Renaissance against organized crime which has become a great threat to humanity.  Since the Eastern region of India is perpetuate neglected and remained economically deprived and hence became the victim of trafficking towards forced labour and sexual slavery.

The creed of Bengal filled with intellectualism and creativity will be able to revitalize it legacy in the field of ‘Social-cultural reforms’.[11]  Though an ample work done on Sati, infanticide, polygamy, child marriage, caste-division, inter-caste hatred, untouchability etc., the beginning of new era of renaissance towards human trafficking against forced labour in toxic industries and sexual slavery, organ smuggling, drugs trafficking, crime and violence that is blocking the path of progress of the major portion of the population in the hand of Western interest.

Revitalizing Jatra, the folk theatre will pave an indigenous mechanism of education through entertainment that will not only generate economy and employment, but also provide an alternate entertainment which has been blocked by the entertainment run by illicit economy of drugs, trafficking, smuggling, extortion and corruption.

[3] Jatra The Cambridge guide to Asian theatre, by James R. Brandon, Martin Banham. Published by Cambridge University Press, 1997. ISBN 0-521-58822-7. Page 89-91.
[4] ibid
[5] Balwant Gargi, Jatra - Folk Theatre of India,
[6] Jatra Pop Culture India!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle, by Asha Kasbekar. Published by ABC-CLIO, 2006. ISBN 1-85109-636-1. Page 44.
[7] Jatra The Cambridge guide to Asian theatre, by James R. Brandon, Martin Banham. Published by Cambridge University Press, 1997. ISBN 0-521-58822-7. Page 89-91
[8] The Bengali Drama: Its Origin and Development, by P. Guha-Thakurta. Routledge, 2001. ISBN 0-415-24504-4. Chapter 4: The Yatra as Acted

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