Saturday, July 29, 2017

The threat on Gender Equality under Transnational Organised Crime in Periphery Nations

The threat on Gender Equality under Transnational Organised Crime in Periphery Nations

Gender inequality can be Inter Gender, i.e. between identical gender and Intra-gender, i.e. among the groups of same gender.  Gender Inequality should not be perceived as social perspective in isolation.  Gender inequality is more like a policy in the World System that facilitate the economy through oppression as global policy.   In this research document, we will explore the slavery through trafficking of population is the main concern towards gender inequality to which women are socially, politically, financially exploited under the tag of women’s emancipation.

Trafficking in human beings is a multi-billion-dollar form of international organized crime, constituting modern-day slavery. Trafficking for global sex markets affects every region in the world, either as a source, transit or destination country.  Women and children from developing countries, and from vulnerable parts of society in developed countries, are lured by promises of decent employment into leaving their homes and travelling to what they consider will be a better life.  Victims are often provided with false travel documents and an organized network is used to transport them to the destination country, where they find themselves forced into sexual slavery and held in inhumane conditions and constant fear." (Interpol)[1]

To understand the implication of the random trafficking of women towards the sex market as a Global economy it is very important to understand the World System that is based on dependency where national boundaries are losing its relevance and World resources are captivated  by the Corporate.  Post Cold War with the disintegration of USSR had created a policy were Liberal economy replaced the State accountability to its people and policies.  

The two major factors that influenced the aspiration of women that trapped women in the network of human traffickers in the era of liberal economy and globalization, i.e. financial independence and the aspiration towards the gender equality in economic platform.  The era of liberalization influenced the intra-state movement where women from the remote areas were brought for the employment in the newly developed economy beyond the state interference.  This created a network of traffickers and its tie up with the political system where they were no accountability to Laws that protected the life and liberty of the population.

Another aspect is the broken marriage due to Gender conflict that forced women to invade the domain of the men towards gender equality that made her more exploited and created a market for sex trade. Migration has created an ample scope for market and resources for the Economy of Sex, where women became resource and men became the market.  The beneficiaries from the economy of trade, i.e. Traffickers and Pimps have no gender, class and identity.  Traffickers create Resources and Pimps manage the market.  Though operators of the sex market, i.e. traffickers and pimps have no gender or class, but the sex market always operated on the basis of class, i.e. the sex slaves always facilitate the upper layer of the status, i.e. there is class and caste in the sex trade.

Sex market is not limited to brothel operation or street prostitution, but also network of espionage facilitate the indirect economy of sex market and to facilitate the Crimes of financial frauds and property mafia.  Espionage network is always anti-establishment, whether they have infiltrated to Institutions or the Corporate World or Securities or in the Family System. The economy of Espionage has Israel’s dominance since it provides intelligence support across the World and its institutions, so to generate the resources for its economy there has to be women who are either desperate or destitute or choice to get into the network of Espionage.  Espionage is a white color sex racket, which is different from the sex market of brothel and street prostitution.

Women into brothel network and Women in Espionage network have class difference.  The sex slaves in the brothel are mainly trafficked due to movement from periphery nations to core destinations, whereas the women into the espionage network are mainly from the urban population. Women in the brothel network or street prostitution facilitate the population whereas, the women in the espionage network facilitates the Institutions.  The women into espionage system are mainly the outcome of broken marriages where they are either deserted or moved away in search of salvation from the domestic atrocities.

Espionage facilitates undercover economy, so the women engaged in this are always deprived with any social security.  They are forced into this occupation either through compulsion and trapped through blackmailing.  Women are into this job to facilitate their family’s livelihoods that are mainly deserted by their spouse.  They take over the job to provide their family.  To attain the job and earn their living, they get into sexual facilitation and through sexual facilitation they become the part of illicit economy of crimes, which makes them vulnerable to prosecution and imprisonment, if caught.   Once women become the part of the network, they are never able to get out of that except for the death.  So, in other words, when women are the natural caregiver to the family and men are the provider, women are forced to move out from her domain to earn the livelihood for the family, and to earn that livelihood she has to surrender her sexual sovereignty and become a part of Transnational Organised Crime Syndicate.  This makes her a complete abusive to her labour, liberty and dignity and many times life.

Women in the sex slavery under brothel and street prostitution are more destitute.  The random sexual abuses by the population beyond the marriage often mistreat women since they are bought.  These makes them vulnerable to numerous diseases and exhausted in tune of physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually after some point or time and leave them as social garbage.

The theory of  Women’s emancipation propagated by many feminists have actually facilitate the economy of Espionage controlled by Israel by subjugating the Institution of Marriage and advocating for the sexual liberation in tune of theories like “my body my choice”.  Where is the choice for women for her body and gender equality remains when they move out from the Institution from the Family system and get trapped by traffickers and Spy network?  When matrimonial rapes and domestic violence are huge concern for the feminists, then how they will justify rapes in the brothel or rapes and violence in the street through acid attacks and brutal killings? 

Gender Inequality should be perceived from the perspective of Criminology because women constitute half of the population of the world and her suffering is the basic crime against Civility.


Friday, July 28, 2017

Child Abuse – a Criminology perspective

Child Abuse – a Criminology perspective
Sharmila Bose
 (M.A. in Pol. Science, History and PGD in Human Rights)
Independent Researcher in Political Science

Childhood is a tender stage of human individual that makes and breaks the human personality.  Parenthood is considered an important role in building sociology towards better society.  Child abuse is not just limited to indoor exploitation, but it is a systematic channel that is meant to prepare human resources for illicit economy.  Stability is child psychology will bring a stable adulthood and will not carry as a workforce for organized crime syndicate, thus it become a perpetual effort to keep the ongoing flow towards the resources that facilitate the crime syndicates, i.e., from forced labour to hazardous economy, begging, theft, sex slavery, murder, espionage, conflict soldiers and rapes.
The sociology of Child Abuse varies that influences the factors sprouted from cultural, political and economical.  The International Relations also play a significant role in addressing the trafficking of children that facilitate the economy of overseas network.  World System based on dependency theory that has ‘core, semi-periphery and periphery’ relations provides systematic networking that influence destitution of children.
India, represent Core, Semi-periphery and Periphery segment of the distribution of child labours, whereas Gujarat, Mumbai, etc., represent Core, whereas, Bihar, Bengal, U.P, Jharkhand, Orissa are periphery regions.  Gujarat and Mumbai being transit zones transport children to other foreign territories as supplies of child labour and sex slaves. Maltreatment of children has universal pattern and it cannot be isolated as a region or a nation.
The dynamism of Child Abuse is not class oriented, but it is universal crisis irrespective of region and social/economic stratum.  The victims are generally identified and targeted in the domestic radar, schools and within the community circle.  This is also called as micro environments.  The radar of abuses is varied from sexual abuse, bullying, beating, exploitation, neglect, harassment, deprivation, hunger, etc.
The Institutionalized abuses such as misappropriation by NGOs, Orphanage and Child Care Center, Religious Institutions, etc. plays significant role that creates passage for child trafficking.  Commercial Surrogate is another modes-operandi that subjugates rights of children towards their biological parents and compromises their natural rights.
Children trapped in the crime-syndicates such as beggar mafia, etc. are the most inhuman ways of child abuse.  Child abduction is the pattern that makes these children destitute in the hands of mafia.  Girls becomes vulnerable to sex-slaves and looses their innocence much before they become adult mentally and physically to absorb the most cruel and social atrocities.
This paper will explore the vulnerabilities of children in two ways, first as a target of exploitation, i.e. victim and second, a resource for crime, i.e. perpetrator.  It is also relevant to examine whether Juvenile Justice System protects the rights as Juvenile or treat them as apprentice of crime and bring them under the Criminal Justice System.  This research document will further explore organized crime syndicate strategically target children in lieu of protecting their interests through NGOs that advocates the welfare of children.  The exploitation of children is a crime and the study of Child Rights should be done under the ambit of Criminology.

Definition of Child Abuse and its parameters
According to UNICEF violence against children can be "physical and mental abuse and injury, neglect or negligent treatment, exploitation and sexual abuse. Violence may take place in homes, schools, orphanages, residential care facilities, on the streets, in the workplace, in prisons and in places of detention." Such violence can affect the normal development of a child impairing their mental, physical and social being. In extreme cases abuse of a child can result in death.  Child abuse has many forms: physical, emotional, sexual, neglect, and exploitation. Any of these that are potentially or actually harmful to a child's health, survival, dignity and development are abuse.[1]
Gujarat registered a whopping 70 per cent increase in rape and kidnapping of minor children. In 2012, the number of rape cases against minor girls was 150 but it shot up to 263 by the end of 2013. Gujarat ranks fourth nationally in abandonment of children either in garbage dumps or near hospitals after Maharashtra that reported 259 such cases in 2013.[2]  If proper investigation is done the abundant child could be child abduction.  Gujarat and Mumbai being the Port and the transit region, these abducted children are dumped for traffickers to transit overseas.
More girls in Gujarat seem to be reporting “sexual abuse” than anywhere else in the country. According to a recent status report published by an NGO — Save the Children — over 63 percent girls in Gujarat have reported sexual abuse which is the highest in the country. Madhya Pradesh (57%) and West Bengal (56%) stand second and third in the report titled, `Wings 2014: The World of India’s Girls’, conceptualised by the NGO and prepared by Advanced Centre for Women’s Studies of Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS).[3]  Gujarat is a core and a transit region so the girls are under the vulnerability of the sex crime, so the Madhya Pradesh and Bengal are periphery regions hence these girls are equally vulnerable to the sexual crimes.
The use of child soldiers in armed conflicts is qualified as one of the worst forms of child labour and concerns up to 300,000 individuals under the age of 18 years, some of whom are much younger. Mostly they are in developing countries with the situation being worse in sub-Saharan Africa, where two-thirds of contemporary armed conflicts are raging. International legal standards have been developed over the past 30 years. The difficulties in implementing them are due to the fact that, in most cases, child soldiers are present in the context of failed states, of internal conflicts, non-state actors, paramilitary organizations, organized crime, minorities and vulnerable groups, and/or mobile or displaced populations.[4]  Similar things we have witnessed in Kashmir, where children were involved in stone throwing as civil protest used by separatists against Indian Army.  The pellet guns attack these children vulnerable to permanent damage from the loss of sight and even to death. “We had 440 pellet patients who were hit in the eyes. Of these, 60 to 70 patients were under the age of 15,” consultant ophthalmologist at the SMHS Sajad Khanday told The Hindu.
These three factors indicate that the Child Abuse is not limited to the domestic atmosphere, where children have vulnerability to maltreatment, but also the economy sector that exploits the economic compulsion of the population that forced children to surrender their tenderness to the hands of exploiters for larger profits.  Further the child soldiers also indicate that the life of children has no significance that becomes easy prey to the hands of political conflicts that robs their basic rights towards life and liberty.
Child abuse is a violation of the basic human rights of a child and is an outcome of a set of inter-related familial, social, psychological and economic factors. The problem of child abuse and human rights violations is one of the most critical matters on the international human rights agenda. In the Indian context, acceptance of child rights as primary inviolable rights is fairly recent, as is the universal understanding of it.[5]

The parameter of Child Abuse can be viewed that the Child is the victim of all sorts of atrocities are already floating of as human cruelty, while the child is dependent on its parents and the Laws of civility that protect the interest of any individuals includes children.  If a proper evaluation is done, generally children are victims of maltreatment where there is a regime of limited State or failed State that gives provision to emerge a para-community that has no accountability to the Rule of Constitutional Laws that protects Life and Liberty.

Child Abuse parameters are the process of nurturing towards human trafficking that is meant towards sex slavery.  Physical abuse, sexual abuse, hunger, under-education, bullying, etc. are tend to make the victim a timid and low self-esteem person and loose its self-confidence or generate hatred, anger and violence against it’s surrounding.  Both these two extremes benefit the crime syndicates that flourish due to limited reasoning and controlled through emotions.

Organized crime emerges out of the power vacuum that is created by the absence of state enforcement, and which can have many sources: geographic, social, and ethnic distance, prohibition, or simply collapse of state institutions. Mafias and gangs are hierarchically organized and can be thought of as providing primitive state functions, with economic costs that are typically much higher than those associated with modern governance.[6]

The networking of the crime syndicates have penetrated every Institution that nurtures children, whether it is domestic sphere, school, Orphanages, child care center, etc., including the Ministries of Human Resources Department.  It identifies the background of children so that the child can be trapped according to the profile of the victim.  Child bullying by adolescences children are the modes operendi through the adult by luring them for benefits.
Crime has no accountability and morality.  It survives on destruction and destitution and that is why Civility has always condemned it.  The values of modern governance see that abuses and exploitation against the human morality and raises issues and concern and try to find the ways and mechanism to correct them.  Though the Laws have created to counter the issue of the heinous crimes against children, which is primarily Child Sex Abuse (CSA), it is not possible to curtail or check the crimes against children without addressing the crimes that have been nurtured strategically by way of manipulation of discourse towards identity and class domain than evaluating it as the economy of crimes and its human resources.
Economy of Sex through Trafficking

The dynamism of economies of human trafficking of illicit economy, Child Sex Abuse (CSA) is a strategic tool towards preparing workforce towards sex slavery.  The children irrespective of gender tend to become resources to exploit further children and/or surrender to the prostitution.  The voluntarily prostitution become the outcome of the sex abused faced by children and they see no scope to get out since, sexual abuse become social stigma and there is no forum that can make them rehabilitate.  Child Sex Abuse also create a fabric of pimps and traffickers that force the future adults to destroy the innocence of children through toxicities and blackmailing since they were themselves abused in the past.  In the absence of counseling and awareness the victims do not provision to repair the errors faced by them. 

As with the international drug trade and the illicit arms trade, profit is the driving motive for human trafficking. Human traffickers connect the supply of labour in source areas with the demand for labour in destination areas. Corruption in politicians and law enforcement officers contribute to both the lack of accurate information on human trafficking and the ease with which traffickers transport and exploit victims.[7]

The Department of Health and Human Services in the United States defines sex trafficking as the “modern-day form of slavery in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act is under the age of 18 years”. This definition identifies sex trafficking for the injustice that it is, and it also highlights the growing trend of sexual exploitation among minors including child prostitution and child sex trafficking. However, it is critical to clarify that sex trafficking is a crime despite the age of the victim, but in the case of minors, it is still illegal for anyone under the age of eighteen as well as the persons involved with a minor whether that be prostitution (potentially voluntary) or sex trafficking (assumedly involuntary).[8]

Surrendering sexuality is the pivotal role for women and children that engage them in the economy of crime.  This sexual submission is not restricted to economy restricted zones but also to the elites since, the economy of sexuality has no class barriers.  Hence, the vulnerability of Child Sex Abuse is not restricted, but it is universal.

Modern human slavery is a growing global phenomenon that currently entraps an estimated 2 million victims, and generates $7 Billion in criminal profits annually, rating third in profitability only after drugs and arms sales for the Mafia, yakuzas, cartels and similar international criminal organizations. In is estimated that 30,000 sexual slaves die each year around the world from torture, neglect and diseases including HIV/AIDS. [9]
The longevity of the sex slaves is limited due to the vulnerability of sexual diseases.  The continuous demand for the resources is the reason of the random child abuse and creation of resources through manipulation, deception and force.  Rapes in the society are the precondition of sex trafficking since rapes destroys the confidence of the victims and are easily traded into the business.

Juvenile Crimes and its dynamism
Government policy on juvenile delinquency must often struggle with the appropriate balance of concern over the healthy development of children and adolescents who violate the law and a public desire to punish criminals. This tension between rehabilitation and punishment when dealing with children and adolescents who commit crimes results in an ambivalent orientation toward young offenders. Criminal acts must be suppressed, condemned, and punished. Nevertheless, children and adolescents who commit criminal acts must be educated and supported in a growth process that should be the objective of government policy for all young people, including young offenders.[10]
Though there should not be any sympathy to the crime offender, but it is also important to deal with the factors that become provocative to the criminal acts.  It is also important to understand the migration of children from the remote to urban makes them into the grip of racketeers and they generally become victim to the conspiracy of the adult minds.
Petty crimes in general and heinous crimes in particular are being committed regularly in India by children. Crimes such as theft, burglary, snatching which are not so serious in nature or crimes such as robbery, dacoity, murder and rape etc which are relatively serious are on the rise in whole of the country. And the unfortunate thing is that all types of these crimes are also being committed by children below the age of 18 years. Among juveniles also there is a specific trend that juveniles between the age of 16 to 18 years are found to be more involved in heinous criminal acts. Among juveniles also there is a specific trend that juveniles between the age of 16 to 18 years are found to be more involved in heinous criminal acts. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, the data of 2013 shows that of the 43,506 crimes registered against minors under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Special Local Law (SLL) by juveniles, 28,830 had been committed by those between the ages of 16 to 18. The statistics also show the number of juveniles found to be in conflict with law under the IPC and the SLL has risen 13.6% and 2.5% respectively in 2013, as compared with 2012.[11]
Though these data are random, but it is also important to find out the pattern of crimes by Juvenile.  Are these juveniles are independent in crime design and/or they are tools of the crimes design by adults and just act as contract criminals?  The criminal act of murder, rape, theft, etc., needs a channel and the purpose.  Further there is also need to understand their status whether they are locals or the migrated populations.  Most of the crime is done by the migrated population and they are into the network that has the political patronage.
In India, the first legislation dealing with children in conflict with law or children committing crime was the Apprentices Act, 1850. It provided that children under the age of 15 years found to have committed petty offences will be bounded as apprentices.[12] Apprentices of offences are generally applauded by adults involved in the economy of crimes.  Hence, isolating children from the ambit of adults in crimes would not yield any results in providing Justice to Juveniles.
The Nirbhaya rape incident that raised many issue and a strict Law framed against the crimes of rapes did not yield any results except awareness and concern of crimes against women.  Similarly, imprisoning children under new Juvenile act as adult crimes that have the patronage from the adults who are the beneficiaries of the crimes is mainly not a fair justice to Juvenile.  Juvenile crimes cannot be isolated with the adult crimes.  These juveniles are the tools of adult and there is a need to expand the investigation of crime and re-evaluate the laws that provides loopholes for the perpetrators.
The social factors that engages juvenile attracted to the crimes is the lack-of proper parenthood and engagement attitude towards the morality in the society.  When the economy is generated through recreations of drugs, sex and gambling, the juvenile tends to get trapped and ultimately become the tool of crimes.  Lack-of skill orientation towards the constructive role in the society makes these juvenile vulnerable. 
The types of offenses for which girls are arrested differ from the types for which boys are arrested. Girls have consistently been most likely to be arrested for larceny/theft, which usually involves shoplifting and for running away from home. Boys have consistently higher arrest rates than girls for all crimes except for prostitution and running away.[13]
 “UNICEF is of the view that reducing the minimum age of criminal responsibility is not the solution to the use of children 15 years or below in the commission of crimes. It will violate the very essence of justice if children who have been exploited by criminal syndicates are penalized instead of the adults who had exploited them,” Atty. Alberto Muyot, UNICEF Child Protection Specialist said. [14]  There is a need of distributive studies how the juvenile are trapped towards crime that benefits adult economy and the policies should be made accordingly.


Pedogate - Global Child Exploitation Crime Syndicate

The way every economy of crime has their syndicates, such as arms, drugs, trafficking, organ smuggling, forced labour, etc., and they specialized in their field and its networking pattern, similarly, Child exploitation has also nurtured by syndicate that has its own dynamism and networking system.  It has its market and resources generation.  This crime syndicate has been termed as “pedogate”, while the US Awake citizen and its federal institution FBI have exposed this “pedogate” as pizzagate.  Exploitation of children in the Global set-up is not the sociological disorder.  Even though it has been tried to define as pedophilia is a mental illness, then how there is a random increase in the child sex abuse in the every corner of the world. 
By some estimates, 1 per cent of the male population continues, long after puberty, to find themselves attracted to prepubescent children. These people are living with pedophilia, a sexual attraction to prepubescents that often constitutes a mental illness. Unfortunately, our laws are failing them and, consequently, ignoring opportunities to prevent child abuse.[15] If one percent of the male population constitute of the mental illness towards the sexual attraction towards prepubescents, then how there are institutionalized exploitation of children connecting the most powerful institutions of the World, such as CIA and other intelligence network in the Globe.  There is much more to the pedophilia besides the mental illness.  It is an Organised Crime towards the vested interest towards blackmailing, extortion, organ smuggling, child bloody sacrifice towards Kabalistic occult rituals and political control.  The recent exposure on Pizzagate, a co-ordinate effort by FBI and alert citizen group in US has exposed the modes-operendi of the undercover institution to check the politician and people in decisive position towards protecting their interest and power-play.
What makes Pizzagate so very explosive is that all of the key players are deep in D.C. politics and Washington power-plays, US government influence peddling and federal power-brokering.  And then there is the C.I.A., often regarded as the intelligence agency that not only controls the many Pedogates occurring nationwide, but also closely monitors each and every one of them.  After all, these unimaginable child abuse operations are implemented — first and foremost — as the primary control mechanism that keeps American politicians in complete check.[16]  India's former Foreign Minister Natwar Singh says that the CIA told India's former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh which people to choose for his cabinet.  Natwar Singh says that CIA agents have "penetrated deep into every sphere of decision and policy making" in the Indian government.[17] CIA and MOSSAD, to a large extent, are under the control of the British Deep State.  CIA was founded by Britain, by the British deep state. MOSSAD was also founded by the British deep state. And it was the British deep state that drew the borders of Israel.[18]
It is thus, very crucial to understand the control system of the World’s undercover, defacto governance that is controlled by British Royals and Rothschild that facilitated the creation of Israel through a strategic design of WWI and WWII.  Child sacrifice is the most crucial aspect of the Kabalistic culture sprouted from Mesopotamia civilization, for those in Power to sustain to the surrender to the satanic rituals.  There is a huge demand of children as offering for the power of few in the Shadow world.  The qualification of this network to is surrender to these rituals to attain its power.  Naturally, when the Power is attained on Child sacrifice, then how any policy and its implementation can be benefit to child’s interest?
Pizzagate has simply uncovered what everyone in Washington has always known.  That virtually every politician of note is controlled by having been compromised with an illegal and/or outrageous sexual affair, often with underage children.  In once Puritan America this has always been the easiest way to bring down a noncompliant elected official.  Of course, if the unlawful and lurid conduct occurred in the context of child rape or satanic ritual sacrifice, their political career not only ended, so was their freedom of movement due to imprisonment.[19]
This is the reason that Political Leaders who represent the people’s interest in the democratic set-up do not work for the interest of the people of their country.  Random loots and anti-people policies have always overlooked by political leaders, media and the people in the decisive position.
In May of this year a federal grand jury indicted former Speaker of the House John Dennis Hastert. The charges: that he had “structured” withdrawals of over $950,000 from various bank accounts to skirt bank reporting laws and that he had lied to federal agents about these withdrawals. According to the indictment the withdrawals were part of a bid to pay $3.5 million in blackmail to cover up “past misconduct” from his time as a high school teacher in Illinois. The story seemed perfect fodder for the tabloid corporate press. It featured a former high-ranking politician, blackmail and intrigue, and just enough details about Hastert’s former life as a teacher and wrestling coach to suggest that the “past misconduct” referred to a salacious scandal of sexual abuse of a minor. But for some reason the story faded from the headlines almost as quickly as it appeared.[20]
The media cry against the accused of minor sexual assault will surely raise eyes of population and will be justified for imprisonment, but such voices diminished when the money is paid.  This clearly indicates that how the child empathy is a tool of power mongers towards extortion.
In America, allegations of political pedophile rings date back decades, with the most notorious being the Franklin scandal in which Lawrence E. King Jr. was accused of running an elite child prostitution ring for Nebraska Republican Party members and high-ranking U.S. politicians.[21]  Pedophile is mainly seen in the elite class where they enjoy the innocence of children where they are fresh and non-contaminated and without any disease.
Only 10% of human trafficking in India is international, while almost 90% is interstate. Nearly 40,000 children are abducted every year of which 11000 remain untraced according to a report by the National Human Rights Commission of India.[22]  Abduction of 40,000 children across the country where 11000 remain untraced is not possible without the crime syndicate and police protection under the political patronage.  The absence of concrete policies that could curtail the crime against children is only to facilitate the strategies of British deep state through its arms of CIA-Mossad under the patronage of Rothschild, the Jewish who is sustaining its position through child sacrifice to Kabalistic rituals.  The untraced 11000 children are mostly sacrificed to the Occult rituals and/or killed them towards organ smuggling.
It’s crucial to comprehend that the C.I.A. does not, and never has, worked for the American people. The Company, as it is also known, works exclusively for the Military Industrial Complex and other key Fortune 1000 companies scattered around the globe. The C.I.A. is also employed by select NGOs, which have actually been set up as CIA front companies like the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Global Initiative is just that—a global CIA operation that interpenetrates every kind of corporation that is necessary to perform a backup wherever it is necessary to have such a benevolent cover.[23]
Isolating CIA is not sufficient to handle the issue, the Mossad that is responsible for executing the policies of CIA towards military intelligence and Corporate scattered across the globe.  This intelligence have multi-layer network, i.e. as Institutions and non-government agencies, schools, religious trust/god-man, etc.  Clinton Foundation is one of them in US, just like Navjoyoti Foundation under Kiran Bedi and Prayas under Amod Kanth in India. Both of them are ex-officials of Delhi Police, the Law Enforcement Agencies and part of Mossad network.  All these Non-Government Agencies actually work for the interest of children and there is no one to investigate how the children are trafficked through their sub-contractual agencies.  The Pedogate actually works with the networking of the NGOs that work in the interest of children. The function of these CEOs of these NGOs remain deceptive and beyond any accountability.  There is a network of NGOs who are ground rooted to the remote remain under the trafficking radar that facilitate British deep state agenda towards global power.
The very endeavor that put the Clinton Foundation on the map was its response to the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti. However, a woman who was caught and convicted of child smuggling (33 children) — Laura Silsby — and who Secretary of State Clinton tried to protect from prosecution, also has ties to the Foundation. Which is why the mainstream media (MSM) was eerily silent on this whole criminal matter?[24]

Why just media, why, the international agencies did not take suo-motu initiative in the interest of children being smuggled.  Without the protection from the State Federal system, no such foundation can function.  In such case, all the activism for Child Rights is only on documents and far from the realities.  Hence, it is CIA/Mossad that is controlling the destiny of Human population which includes children under the democratic set-up by intruding into the Law Enforcement Agencies and creating its network that block policy implementation and checking the contractual crimes that includes children’s institutionalized maltreatment.

Since 2010, the Clinton Foundation has raised a total of more than $30 million for Haiti, including relief funds as well as projects focused on supporting Haiti’s small and medium businesses, improving livelihoods, enhancing education and exploring the nexus of agriculture, energy and environment. The Clinton Foundation has helped Haitian businesses develop their skills, increase their productivity, and connect with international partners.[25]

The theory of aid should be evaluated that why there is a fund rising business that distributes funds to the NGOs in the respective countries.  There is an understanding towards surrendering the population to the crime syndicate through trafficking mainly women and children.  There is no political leadership that could protect the interest of women and children due to its wrong policies, inefficient system and inadequate think tank.  This incompetence of the Governance actually supports the British deep state through CIA/Mossad and local intelligence.

If we evaluate from the above analysis, the maltreatment of children either in the domestic sphere or in an Institution towards child care are the strategic tool of the International conspiracy of the shadow world that influence the policies of the countries.  The political process and the Institution of Governance that protects the Rights and Liberty of every citizen including children are invaded by this shadow world that is abusing the power and conspiring against the people in the democratic setup.  There is also need to work towards the demand while restricting the supplies while working on child’s destitution in the hands of adults.
All the policies, legislation and activism are cover-up issues and a conspiracy to hide the real abuse of children in the hand of few powerful groups in the World Order that is run by the Crime Syndicates.  There is no appropriate approach is taken to uncover the real hazards towards the Child’s Rights, which is suppressed under the engagement of activism under the tag of Child’s empathy.
International bodies such as UNICEF, WHO, ILO cannot resolve the issue of Child abuse unless it has a collective approach with other UN’s bodies of UNODC, Interpol, UNSC and UNHRC.  Without the collective approach on Child Abuse, it will be difficult to protect the Child’s Rights. Children are the future generation and without securing their interest and well-being, the World Security will not be preserved.

[1] Childline India Foundation,
[2] Desai Darshan, Ahmedabad, July, 1, 2014,
[4]  Vautravers Alexandre J., Why Child Soldiers are Such a Complex Issue, Refugee Survey Quarterly (2009) 27 (4): 96-107.
[5]Study on Child Abuse, India 2007, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India,

[6] Skaperdas Stergios, The political economy of organized crime: providing protection when the state does not, Department of Economics, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, U.S.A,

[7] Wheaton Elizabeth M., Schauer Edward J. and Galli Thomas V., Economics of Human Trafficking, International Migration Vol. 48 (4) 2010,
[8] Robertson, Grace (2012) "The Injustice of Sex Trafficking and the Efficacy of Legislation," Global Tides: Vol. 6, Article 4. Available at:
[9] Goolsby, Jr.  Charles M. Dynamics of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking from Latin America into the United States
[10] Patterns and Trends in Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice." Institute of Medicine and National Research Council. 2001. Juvenile Crime, Juvenile Justice. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9747.

[11] Srivastava, Namit K, Juvenile Crimes in India,
[12] ibid
[13] Patterns and Trends in Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice." Institute of Medicine and National Research Council. 2001. Juvenile Crime, Juvenile Justice. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9747.

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[19] Editor, 2016 December 28, Pedogate- A special report on the Washington, D.C., Pedophilia Scandal, The Event Chronicle,

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[24] ibid
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