Saturday, July 29, 2017

The threat on Gender Equality under Transnational Organised Crime in Periphery Nations

The threat on Gender Equality under Transnational Organised Crime in Periphery Nations

Gender inequality can be Inter Gender, i.e. between identical gender and Intra-gender, i.e. among the groups of same gender.  Gender Inequality should not be perceived as social perspective in isolation.  Gender inequality is more like a policy in the World System that facilitate the economy through oppression as global policy.   In this research document, we will explore the slavery through trafficking of population is the main concern towards gender inequality to which women are socially, politically, financially exploited under the tag of women’s emancipation.

Trafficking in human beings is a multi-billion-dollar form of international organized crime, constituting modern-day slavery. Trafficking for global sex markets affects every region in the world, either as a source, transit or destination country.  Women and children from developing countries, and from vulnerable parts of society in developed countries, are lured by promises of decent employment into leaving their homes and travelling to what they consider will be a better life.  Victims are often provided with false travel documents and an organized network is used to transport them to the destination country, where they find themselves forced into sexual slavery and held in inhumane conditions and constant fear." (Interpol)[1]

To understand the implication of the random trafficking of women towards the sex market as a Global economy it is very important to understand the World System that is based on dependency where national boundaries are losing its relevance and World resources are captivated  by the Corporate.  Post Cold War with the disintegration of USSR had created a policy were Liberal economy replaced the State accountability to its people and policies.  

The two major factors that influenced the aspiration of women that trapped women in the network of human traffickers in the era of liberal economy and globalization, i.e. financial independence and the aspiration towards the gender equality in economic platform.  The era of liberalization influenced the intra-state movement where women from the remote areas were brought for the employment in the newly developed economy beyond the state interference.  This created a network of traffickers and its tie up with the political system where they were no accountability to Laws that protected the life and liberty of the population.

Another aspect is the broken marriage due to Gender conflict that forced women to invade the domain of the men towards gender equality that made her more exploited and created a market for sex trade. Migration has created an ample scope for market and resources for the Economy of Sex, where women became resource and men became the market.  The beneficiaries from the economy of trade, i.e. Traffickers and Pimps have no gender, class and identity.  Traffickers create Resources and Pimps manage the market.  Though operators of the sex market, i.e. traffickers and pimps have no gender or class, but the sex market always operated on the basis of class, i.e. the sex slaves always facilitate the upper layer of the status, i.e. there is class and caste in the sex trade.

Sex market is not limited to brothel operation or street prostitution, but also network of espionage facilitate the indirect economy of sex market and to facilitate the Crimes of financial frauds and property mafia.  Espionage network is always anti-establishment, whether they have infiltrated to Institutions or the Corporate World or Securities or in the Family System. The economy of Espionage has Israel’s dominance since it provides intelligence support across the World and its institutions, so to generate the resources for its economy there has to be women who are either desperate or destitute or choice to get into the network of Espionage.  Espionage is a white color sex racket, which is different from the sex market of brothel and street prostitution.

Women into brothel network and Women in Espionage network have class difference.  The sex slaves in the brothel are mainly trafficked due to movement from periphery nations to core destinations, whereas the women into the espionage network are mainly from the urban population. Women in the brothel network or street prostitution facilitate the population whereas, the women in the espionage network facilitates the Institutions.  The women into espionage system are mainly the outcome of broken marriages where they are either deserted or moved away in search of salvation from the domestic atrocities.

Espionage facilitates undercover economy, so the women engaged in this are always deprived with any social security.  They are forced into this occupation either through compulsion and trapped through blackmailing.  Women are into this job to facilitate their family’s livelihoods that are mainly deserted by their spouse.  They take over the job to provide their family.  To attain the job and earn their living, they get into sexual facilitation and through sexual facilitation they become the part of illicit economy of crimes, which makes them vulnerable to prosecution and imprisonment, if caught.   Once women become the part of the network, they are never able to get out of that except for the death.  So, in other words, when women are the natural caregiver to the family and men are the provider, women are forced to move out from her domain to earn the livelihood for the family, and to earn that livelihood she has to surrender her sexual sovereignty and become a part of Transnational Organised Crime Syndicate.  This makes her a complete abusive to her labour, liberty and dignity and many times life.

Women in the sex slavery under brothel and street prostitution are more destitute.  The random sexual abuses by the population beyond the marriage often mistreat women since they are bought.  These makes them vulnerable to numerous diseases and exhausted in tune of physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually after some point or time and leave them as social garbage.

The theory of  Women’s emancipation propagated by many feminists have actually facilitate the economy of Espionage controlled by Israel by subjugating the Institution of Marriage and advocating for the sexual liberation in tune of theories like “my body my choice”.  Where is the choice for women for her body and gender equality remains when they move out from the Institution from the Family system and get trapped by traffickers and Spy network?  When matrimonial rapes and domestic violence are huge concern for the feminists, then how they will justify rapes in the brothel or rapes and violence in the street through acid attacks and brutal killings? 

Gender Inequality should be perceived from the perspective of Criminology because women constitute half of the population of the world and her suffering is the basic crime against Civility.


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