Collective punishment and Organised Crime - a perspective from Individual and Group Rights.
The collective punishment discourse comes under groups vs individual rights or accountability. The identity or ideology has a collective accountability when it is a process of law and punishment. However, groups are not always behind the identity or ideology, but also an interest-groups or syndicate of crimes. Thus, this discourse has a major implication when to identify the collective perpetrators or the collateral perpetrator.
“Collective punishment is a punishment or sanction imposed on a group for acts allegedly perpetrated by a member of that group, which could be an ethnic or political group, or just the family, friends and neighbors of the perpetrator.”
Collective punishment is most against the armed rebellions who are threatening the State. Most of the armed rebellions are crushed under wrongdoing and armed conflicts. However, it has to be done through the process of law and not through arbitrary decisions. Killing has a protocol even for the state due to international laws and treaties along with humanitarian laws. This curtails absolutism of the state, which is accountable to International Law. This can be explained in the present genocide by Israel against Gaza.
However, the theory of collective punishment can be seen in various forms of genocide and war crimes, such as Rwanda genocide to Hiroshima & Nagasaki war crime. The Hiroshima Nagasaki nuclear attack was the biggest example of collective punishment towards the conclusion of World War II and a new American colony in Japan. The Constitution of Japan was made by American Civilian Officials under Allied Occupation in Japan that reduced the role of Emperor of Japan to Constitutional Monarchy. This was primarily a new American economy in Japan. Here, the political monument can be visible of a pattern, where Japan attacked the United States of America during World War II and the US reciprocated through Nuclear Attack. Here, the nuclear war against Japan was collective punishment against people of Japan who were basically Japanese population and inhabited in the region that was not part of the War. Those who engaged Japan in World war II were the Japanese Jews. Jews in Japan were quite powerful and that led to the colonization of Japan by the Americans.
The same thing is visible in the present Ukraine War and the Gaza-Israel war. The conclusion of Ukraine war is done by the genocide of people of Palestine. Thus, collective punishment became the norm of the concluding wars as a war ritual for a new beginning or project. These are the war rituals for the Monarchy where Jews are the perpetrator and the victims at both sides wherein the non-Jews also become the vulnerable of the rituals of war.
However, the abuse of Power and a collective or collaborative corruption and organized crime has no identity. It is a network that works as a cabal in the system that is under the direct and indirect patronage of the Monarchies of the world. Organized crime that steals resources through corruption and policy manipulation that aids the Monarch economy generally benefits the families, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc., should come under the collective punishment since they were the beneficiaries. The nature of corruption and crime should be evaluated according to the harm done and the benefits reaped. Many of the times the perpetrator is the forced crime laborer to which the benefits go to the conspirators. In such a case how the humanitarian and international laws explains the dynamism of organized crime and collective punishment.
The parameter of collective punishment for State and People
State acquisition of the lands from people within the territory is the state policy of the welfare projects such as roads and other infrastructure development that benefits the people collectively. However, such acquisition has to go as a policy that protects the interest of the ownership of land. Jews from Europe were not state, but an identity as a group however, they sought asylum in Palestine. This asylum was termed under the narrative of returning home and not to create a state for themselves by displacing the Palestinians, the inhabitants for 3000 years. However, forced displacement by the occupying power went against the humanitarian and legal concern of the civilized societies. The conflict was deliberate to create violent dispute to facilitate the occult rituals of human sacrifices. Children were targeted by both ends using the people of Palestine and the strategist behind as the beneficiary.
“The relationship between an Occupying Power and the local population under its control is somewhat unnatural. Pursuant to the laws of occupation, an Occupying Power has almost complete authority over the local population and that population must for all intents and purposes accept that dominance. The relationship between Israel and the population of the West Bank and Gaza Strip since 1967 has been strained at the best of times. International humanitarian law seeks to regulate this relationship, by guaranteeing the rights of the population under occupation, while taking into account the genuine security concerns of the Occupying Power. Striking the correct balance between these two has often proved elusive in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
All the peace process for seven decades in Palestine and the Occupiers in tune of two states to legitimize the deceptive and falsified occupation of the territories through wrong history. The intent was to control the Mount Temple. The intent did not end here however, the long conflict in the region was towards the bloody game of human sacrifice that was the occult of King David’s temple. King David was the aggressor in the region and not the sprouted from the region however, rule the region through this occult practices. However, it was the collective punishment given to the people by the forced and manipulated occupier to justify the wrongs done in Europe under a military operation. World Wars were military operations and not wars since wars are meant for winning of power between two opponents. However, military operations do not expand strategically. Such a strategic operation is called aggression, but not war.
Jews in Europe were the victims of Ricardo's rent theory that was about the acquisition of land and territories under colonial rule. Control over the Mount temple by the Rothschild was the motto for the use of the Jews as a group or identity towards the acquisition of Palestine. It took almost a century to destabilize the Jews and the forced evacuation under the aspiration of homeland for the European Jews. This pushed them to leave Europe and rehabilitate a region where they were neither born nor related. New Israel is not part of the middle-east as its flag represents the different identity that relates to Mongol culture and not the Abrahamic or Egyptian culture. Thus, the collective punishment was given to Jews by the Zions of Europe to control the Mount temple. This collective punishment was given since they were Jews. World War I & II was to acquire the huge land of Eurasia and the Middle-east by dismantling the Ottoman Empire. Thus, when we see the Israel-Palestine conflict, it is the extension of the oppression of the Jews crisis which came to Palestine since they are the inhabitants of the region where Mount Temple is placed. Mount Temple is a temple for occult practice of King David.
“Regulation 119(1) allows for the seizure of any "house, structure, or land" and for the subsequent destruction of "the house or the structure or anything in or on the house, the structure or the land" as a punitive measure for the commission of illegal acts. 18 Such punishment can be imposed where any hostile activity has been carried out from within that building itself or by inhabitants of other houses "in any area, town, village, quarter or street."' Therefore, a Military Commander may order the demolition of a house, or houses, on the suspicion that some inhabitants of a town have committed, or abetted the commission of, or been accessories to the commission of offences; the provision demands no link between the perpetrators and those to be punished other than mere geographical proximity. Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, to which Israel is a signatory and to which it is bound as an Occupying Power, prohibits the destruction of property, "except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations." Similarly, Article 23 of the 1907 Hague Regulations stipulates that it is "especially forbidden" to "destroy or to seize the enemy's property, unless such destruction or seizure be imperatively demanded by the necessities of war." By the very fact that housing demolitions are carried out as a punitive measure would defeat any claim that such actions can be justified as being an absolute military necessity.”
The history of the persecution of the Jews is mainly they were the courtiers of the Monarchy that were born from the occult ritual. Jews were the facilitators for the occult rituals for drugs, sex and human sacrifice. Monarchs used their shoulders for their own power. However, it brought Jews a victim of the hatred from the common people as they were the bouncers in the society on behalf of Monarchy. Common people were under the influence of the Organised Religion that conflicted with the occult rituals of the Monarch. The life born from the rituals got the identity and were alienated from the mainstream societies. However, they became the regime of Monarch or Priest King or Tantrik to facilitate the agenda. Thus, the life born were natural criminals since they were born from the ritual and not ethnic. Rapes by Mongols and life born from rapes were the occult rituals. Rape is a ritual and culture of the occult. Rapes in India has become a culture and occupation. This makes Jews as an identity for collective punishment since they were born from crimes and survive from crime. Most of the time Jews became liability since they are overheads rather than assets. Thus, the persecution of Jews has been “collective punishment” since they were born as identity and not social rituals.
If by generations they want to correct what they were tagged wrongs by birth, they are not allowed to do so. Since they are backed by an identity of organised crime as economy for occult rituals. Same thing goes with the dalits in India. Dalits in India are also born from the Brahmism of the society. Brahims were the Priest temple from the Mesopotamia civilisation and extension of Babylonians. Thus, the first and the foremost victims of the social punishment and hatred and isolation were the Jews historically. Jews are not rich, they survive on a truck system, i.e. coupon system or staple lifestyle.
Thus, mass displacement of the Jews from Europe was the collective punishment since one family, i.e. Rothschild wished to control over the Mount Temple. This displacement took away their shelter, just like we witnessed in the Indo-Pak displacements. So, to create and prepare the displacement of the Jews there had been a strategic harassment of Jews in Europe. The occupation of the Jews or Israelite in Palestine is based on the agreement, i.e. a secret-pact Sykes-Picot Agreement in 1916 by the British Monarch and Rothschild France to create a homeland for Jews as Israel to control over Temple Mount. Italy and Russia had given consent over this decision. However, this secret-pact has no legitimacy over the lands of Palestine since the Palestinian stakeholders were not part of the pact or had the consent of the people. Thus, such acquisition of the Palestine land by the European Jews is illegal since the acquisition by using force. This makes the State of Israel illegal and the state-machinery by Israel is illegal under the International Law. The collective punishment for Palestine for 75 years since the occupation of Israel was mainly becoz they were the inhabitants of Palestine for 3000 years and on the verge of losing identity besides their land that they inhabited for millennium. Ukraine war is towards the correction of the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916. However, this correction has become a collective punishment for the people of Ukraine due to the war that caused a mass displacement of the people of Ukraine.
Political Monuments of Collective Punishment
“It is a fundamental legal principle that individuals may only be punished for offenses which they have personally committed. The corollary to this is that persons or groups of persons may not be punished for acts which have been committed by others. Punishment must be personal and individual. International law prescribes punishing persons on a collective or non-individual basis. Within both international human rights law and international humanitarian law the individual nature of punishment has been constantly stressed”
The individual cannot be punished for which they were not engaged in the crime for example in the Sikh Massacre, 1984 riots in Delhi. However, if we analyse the Sikh genocide, it is not about the collective punishment for killing the Prime Minister of India by the security guards. This was an institutional issue since security guards are part of the securities and government accountability. However, such killing cannot be justified as an outburst of the Blue-Star operation, 1984 in which Sikh militants armed with Chinese-made rocket propelled grenade launchers and ammunition with armor-piercing capabilities under the political leadership of Indira Gandhi. Khalistan is the separatist movement controlled in the foreign territory. However, it is in the interest of territorial integrity, such separatism should be crushed when it becomes an armed rebellion. However, when Indira Gandhi was assassinated by the security guard it became a strategy to crush the Sikhs that were engaged in the separatist movement. However, Rajiv Gandhi got executed for promoting the Sikh killing and the justice delivered to the collective wrong or punishment on both sides. Sikh killing was done by the mercenaries and not the state-security. State legal system gave the death penalty to the accused.
The same thing happened in the Gujarat Riots, 2002 where Godhra train burning led to the Muslim Massacre as collective punishment under Modi’s leadership as Chief Minister of Gujarat. However, Modi faced legal and media trials and got the clean chit. Though 15000 crores rupees were given as compensation to get the clearance of the responsibility for the Gujarat Massacre. The compensation was not given to the victims directly, but became part of a consolidated fund controlled in Dubai through a betting syndicate. Whereas, Dhirubhai Ambani who funded the Gujarat Massacre got executed peacefully unlike Rajiv Gandhi. However, these executions did not go through the legal process nationally and internationally and were termed as execution arbitrarily.
If we compare the two genocidal incidents, the Blue-Star operation was based on KGB intelligence, however, the Gujarat riots was Israel's agenda. Blue Star operation was to protect the territorial integrity, however, the Gujarat Massacre to create SEZ economy, i.e. private economic corridor as foreign occupation through benami acquisition of Adani and Ambani. Here the foreign interest was promoted against the national interest by Modi and became a benami ruler of the foreign stakeholders in the Indian national interest. The complete economy became the mortgage of Israel by the western stakeholder.
There is a possibility that the group's identity became the victim of collective punishment in the geo-politics of the cold war and global economic policy. The change of regime from the state controlled economy to the liberal economy was important for Israel to take over Indian military intelligence. This was an extension of the United States of America’s global network. The end of the Cold war and disintegration of the USSR was that political monument where the groups were punished as identity and the leaders were killed as ideology. In tune of that both groups and individual leaders as State head got killed as punishment for what they are. If anyone who facilitated Rothschild's shareholding agenda survived since Modi aided the SEZ global policy and he survived from the punishment of Gujarat genocide.
Almost 80 world leaders of political heads were killed in their political positions after Israel was formed towards the political agenda. Any leader who will defend the national interest will be killed, however, those who will be a puppet of the foreign aggression will be honored and protected. This is imperialism and not the world system of modern-state or democratic systems. Thus, Israel became the state militant that operates through Mossad for the killings of State heads. Indira Gandhi resisted Mossad and she was eliminated through the narrative of Khalistan.
State-heads are not individual leaders, they are political institutions in themselves and are people’s asset. Any leader that will resist the foreign aggression in tune of policy compromise will be killed. Such killing is an attack on the sovereign of the country and an attack on the people’s democracy. However, UNSC Charter under international treaties restrict military aggression on other sovereign states, however, military aggression is a defense mechanism. Whereas, killing political leaders is an aggression on the civil system, which is more harmful. Mossad Israel’s economy is based on such civil aggression by killing political heads. Between 1950-90 there have been significant killings of political leaders across the world since Israel wanted to get its legitimacy through manipulation. However, such manipulation benefited Ricadro’s rent theory and acquisition of lands by the global mafia.
Napoleonic Wars
France, Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria, Spain, and Portugal each lost more than 100,000 soldiers, some multiples more. Total combat deaths probably ran between 2.5 million and 3.5 million. Civilian deaths were substantial as well, but the range of estimates is far wider, from 750,000 to three million.
Rwanda Genocide
Rwanda genocide of 1994, planned campaign of mass murder in Rwanda that occurred over the course of some 100 days in April–July 1994. The genocide was conceived by extremist elements of Rwanda’s majority Hutu population who planned to kill the minority Tutsi population and anyone who opposed those genocidal intentions. It is estimated that some 200,000 Hutu, spurred on by propaganda from various media outlets, participated in the genocide. More than 800,000 civilians—primarily Tutsi, but also moderate Hutu—were killed during the campaign. As many as 2,000,000 Rwandans fled the country during or immediately after the genocide.
Gulf Wars
There have been between 280,771-315,190 Iraqi civilians killed by direct violence since the U.S. invasion. Life-threatening damage to Iraqi health care and other infrastructure has not been repaired: civilians are still dying in significant numbers.
Gujarat Riots
According to official figures, the riots ended with 1,044 dead, 223 missing, and 2,500 injured. Of the dead, 790 were Muslim and 254 Hindu. The Concerned Citizens Tribunal Report, estimated that as many as 1,926 may have been killed. Other sources estimated death tolls in excess of 2,000.
Sikh Riots
Government estimates project that about 2,800 Sikhs were killed in Delhi and 3,350 nationwide, whilst independent sources estimate the number of deaths at about 8,000–17,000. As per Wikipedia, the total number of deaths in Operation Blue Star was 410, and 1,180 people were injured.
World Wars I & II
Estimated to be 10 million military dead, 7 million civilian deaths, 21 million wounded, and 7.7 million missing or imprisoned. Over 60 million people died in World War II. Estimated deaths range from 50-80 million. 38 to 55 million civilians were killed, including 13 to 20 million from war-related disease and famine.
All the death and casualties under the war of ideology by an Interest group is the collective punishment as an opponent of ideology or identity. However, the killing of the political leaders as punishment has no legal legitimacy towards the protection of their territorial integrity. Khala sect of Guru Govind Singh was a Buddhist converted to Sikh through Baptism. Khalsa is an identity and not religion. Khalistan land is racism like Israel for Mongolian Jews. Both are Buddhisms as organized religion in origin.
Critical analysis of International Laws and collective punishment
Laws are secular, when they have universality beyond any identity. State laws and personal laws are different. Personal Laws are communal laws meant for the community. When the International Laws come under the governance discourse, it is universal and beyond the territorial and cultural norms. Territorial comes under territorial sovereignty however, cultural norms come from cultural autonomy. Cultural norms are part of the political sociology under the political parties, however, the government is accountable to the international treaties under secular norms. No government can bypass the secular law under international treaties and take the political decision arbitrarily.
Article 50 of the 1907 Hague Regulations establishes that: No general penalty, pecuniary or otherwise, shall be inflicted upon the population on account of the acts of individuals for which they cannot be regarded as jointly and severally responsible. Article 33(1) of the Fourth Geneva Convention provides a more concrete and absolute prohibition of collective punishment by emphasizing the principle of individual responsibility: No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited. Article 50 demands a very high degree of responsibility, that of being "jointly and severally responsible" before punishment may be imposed, and it does offer a considerably high degree of protection from collective punishment.
There are three forms of Armed conflicts, i.e. Intra-community regional conflict, i.e. intra-ethnic conflict, Inter-community conflicts, i.e. religious conflict and state vs. ethnic or ideological conflict. Humanitarian Laws are applicable only for State vs. ethnic or ideological conflicts. Manipur violence is intra-ethnic conflict that comes under local administration. However, the theory of collective punishment comes under the administration of internal security that protects life, liberty and property. The Gujarat riots comes under the inter-community violence and can be termed as communal riots where state is only responsible towards the precautionary measure. The use of intelligence to restrict such a monument that is meant towards collective punishment. Modi as CM of Gujarat was actually accused of giving a free hand and allowed towards the collective punishment as a part of a community group. However, Sikh killings were Political group affiliated to the Government towards collective punishment of the community without the legal process. Sikh massacre was a consequence of territorial integrity against separatism for Khalistan.
The risk of this categorization is that certain individuals may not receive adequate protection if the actors in a conflict do not recognize them as belonging to one of the categories of protected persons. To counter this risk, humanitarian law also establishes certain fundamental guarantees that are applicable in time of conflict to everyone who does not or no longer participates in the hostilities.
In tune with that, Humanitarian Laws are very narrow to address the armed conflicts or punishment for the conflict. It is more about protecting the hostilities instead to ensure minimizing the conflicts or addressing the cause of conflicts. Most of the Maoist organisation kill government officials get protected under the humanitarian laws under ideology. Ideology is a part of political sociology and this makes state-machinery subordinate against aggression since there are no laws that prohibit groups towards aggression against the State.
A combatant who falls into the hands of an adverse party to a conflict in the course of an international armed conflict is a prisoner of war. Individuals who fall into the hands of the enemy during an armed conflict are protected under humanitarian law. If the individual is a combatant, he or she is accorded protection as a prisoner of war. If the individual is a civilian, he or she is protected as such. As explained in the ICRC Commentary on the Geneva Conventions: “nobody in enemy hands can be outside the law.”
Humanitarian Laws and International Laws are accountable to the Modern State that has political boundaries and Constitutional Democracy or Constitutional Monarchy. The Constitution abides by the UN Charter of Human Rights and other covenants such as UNSC, etc. Thus, when it comes to State responsibility it has to deal with the Humanitarian Law and goes through the process of Law. However, Political Parties and other Non-state actors have no accountability to Humanitarian Laws. However, they have the internal mechanism of compensation through insurance of the groups. In case of death, the families are compensated by the insurance money. Thus, the internal system balances the humanitarian laws.
If this obligation is violated, the individual who has committed such an act may be held accountable to his or her civil or criminal responsibilities. Responsibility is often individual, notably in international criminal law. State representatives benefit from jurisdictional immunity, except in matters of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. A special pattern of responsibility applies to States in case of violations of their international engagements toward another State.
Humanitarian Laws are complex to implement since there are diversities and accountability. Political sociology is so potent that it generally engages in aggression against the state mechanism. The creation of Israel as the homeland for Jews is a part of political sociology since the modern states are secular and not communal. Jews state is an aggression on the secular Palestine that had coexisted since millenium. The State has religion, however, religion is not the State. Israel has no written constitution. All the countries have the religious majority as not the state of identity. However, it is the state that has the majority of a religion that is governed by the religious custom under the constitution whether democracy or monarchy. Muslim rule had the diversified community after the first Caliphate. It was ruled by multiple nations and given its contribution to the region. However, only the Muslim identity protected them Jajiya tax, however, that have to give the community tax for their consolidated fund. Thus, Muslim were the regime and the Islam was territory and the Quran was the constitution. Post-disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, the territories became the modern state, which are either secular law of constitution or Sharia Law. This is distinct from the Jews idea of homeland. Jews first took asylum in Palestine and took over the government and created an Israel State by derecognising Palestine as the inhabitant in the region. Humanitarian Laws is ineffective for two reasons, i.e. Israel is the identity of Jews and second Israel is not a legitimate State. If Israel gets legitimate, then it will endorse the aggression as the precedent.
Ricardo’s rent theory and global political crisis
Smith’s division of labour was derived by Ricardo’s rent theory that is to divide the mode of production, i.e. land, labour and capital towards generating surplus value as rent. Thus, lands were colonized through policies, laborers were captivated through das capital and the capital got captivated through stock and share. This theory unified the resources in a few hands that could create policies through force and violence.
Reducing the political economy of the Monarch to control over the people as supremacy and sovereign pushed towards the mechanism to control the population through policies. However, international trades were the source of economy to the trader and vassal that was becoming the economy beyond the control of the Monarch. Trade was not to have enough surplus value that could bear the heavy expenses of the Monarch and their standing army. Vassals were reluctant to pay tax and took an overhead expense towards their commodity value in the international market. Domestic market never had enough surplus since it was towards the common consumption. Thus, international trade was the only source of making surplus value. The conflict between the vassal and the Monarch remained the “tax” issue and the political economy of the Monarch towards the expenses and the standing army.
The growing network of land mafia at macro and micro level in tune of grabbing properties and acquisition of lands become legitimate. The killing of substantial numbers of the population in the foreign territory became acceptable as policy. The half of the farming land acquired by Bill Gates and its associate through farmers’ suicide is the policy to keep the network of British Royal secured in tune of political economy and control over population through food security. Israel is one such occupation in the land of Palestine. SEZ policy, though manipulating the parliament, took over the huge occupation of ports, roads and economic zones. Creation of the USSR for the railway under the ideology of communism was to acquire the lands of railways, which is a constant income through the rent theory.
No government protests such acquisition of lands becoz every country is under debt and the assets of the territory including people are mortgaged. Further, all the money of the political parties either acquired as shares or wealth are managed by the financial institution of the Jewish lobby.
In democracy, the government is formed by the people and all the decisions by the government or its competence, people are accountable for their choice of government. Thus, all the doctrine of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights of life, liberty and property are not implemented due to Ricardo's economics as global policy. Policy and Laws are distinct. Policy can be coercive however, laws are secular and universal. This makes the people under the tag of democracy into “collective punishment” in tune with debt slaves.
Even at micro level, anyone that possesses land is into the radar of property mafia to take over the possession of the land and become a victim of crime. The inheritors of the property get victimized in many form, such as conspiracy of crime, murder, etc., so that they surrender their rights as property to the hands of property mafia. The members of the syndicates under the Israel patronage hold huge numbers of residential and commercial assets that work on Ricardo's rent theory. The majority of the portion of rent goes to the government officials of the Israel lobby so that they have immunity from the legal process.
In an overview of the humanitarian and collective punishment, the basic challenge is the global economic policy and the cultural rights as autonomy of groups. The cultural rights binding people as a community and make them accountable to the cultural rituals of human sacrifice. However, the political sociology under the political parties have the feudalism of identity that either become the political capital or the fodder of the cultural rituals. This creates an inter- lobby war where people get punished collectively even when the individuals are not direct perpetrators, but the beneficiary of the collective offense. Humanitarian laws do not address this offense of groups.
Communism does not fall under the humanitarian laws since they are regimes beyond territorial integrity to the international laws. Thus, they have their own system of governance and generally take shelter as “deprived and exploited” community and preferential rights, such as Dalit and Anti-Semitism.
Crime under secular laws have no identity, however, the immunity from the crime cannot be justified by the identity and class war. Dalits and Jews take this privilege of their immunity against the penalisation, then it is the community that punishes them under the collective punishment. These communities are used by the zions or Brahminism to use them in human sacrifice or aggression against non-dalit or non-Jews. Jews generally get killed in various forms of holocaust since as in WW2, 26/11 and recent Palestine conflict, where Israels were also being killed in the aggression. The Palestine conflict is holocaust towards a ritual urban development project in Ukraine where Black Star, a financial investment company owned by Jews signed a deal of 400 billion of US$ under the leadership of Modi. Modi as SEZ King and BRICS took the lead to establish a new colony in Ukraine. Zelensky got US$ 10 billion per month to sprout the Ukraine war since until there is a war, people will not vacate and new buildings cannot be built. Ukraine war is Mutual Fund by many shareholders including Modi. Palestine genocide were human sacrifice to which Modi gave its endorsement and finally his regime will be the beneficiary.
The conflict with the Smith’s and Ricardo’s economic theory, both are functioning parallel, however Ricardo’s economic theory has dominated the world. International trades are Smith’s economic theory, however, the SEZ is Ricardo’s political economy. SEZ captures the economic zone of ports, roads and railways. However, the international trades have to pay the rent as toll tax whosoever uses these routes. This is controlling the life-line of the economy. This becomes a burden besides paying tax to the government. That is why the Government waives off the loans or taxes to the corporate to balance the economy. Such benefits are given that compromises fiscal budgets. This leads to a crisis of paying government bills such as salaries and supplies.
All the international relations and geopolitics is based on it. Instead of generating economies and engaging people in the development of economies, International trade became a tool of acquisition of lands, ports and railways. This is depriving the domestic economy and creating a layer of poverty and helplessness. Such poverty becomes a tool of collective punishment as a ritual of the occult of the Global dominance by Jews.
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