Independent Researcher in Political Science
being is being governed by three virtues, i.e. Reason, Emotions and Faith. According to the ‘Sharmila Bose School of Thoughts’, Human Society is an extension of
Human Body where the Society is governed by three instincts, i.e. norms,
coercion (power) and faith. Social
Norms, i.e. the Rule of Law become the State, coercion becomes the Institution
of Power (Cartel) and faith takes the shape of Institution of Religion. There are varieties in the understanding of
human society where, some people endorse the universal law within State-system,
i.e. the Rule of Law sustain where people are self-governed. While ruling of Power is used on the coercion
on the society that is shattered and ungoverned. The rule of religious institution are for
those societies that have instinct of fear and lack of reason take the shelter
of Religion in the name of God since faith arise in the absence of reasoning
and courage.
origin of political control over the society was in the name of God evolved in
the Mesopotamia civilization where the Kings represented the God and the people
remained subjects to the Priest King.
This is the first creation of the fabric of religion, i.e. a feudal
system in the name of God. Whereas
worshiping the natural virtues of the creation of God was an ecocentric
environment in the Indus Valley civilization was not a religion, but a culture
of the community. So, the theory of Religion
was simply opposite in the two oldest civilization in the name of God.
Rule of Laws evolved through the process of belief system. The Priest King had ruled its regime in the
name of God and hence created a fabric of religion. When faith failed to bind its people into its
fabric, and then the population becomes shattered. Then these shattered populations are
controlled through the coercion and subsequently the Rule of Power emerges. Further, when the Power becomes abusive, then
the Rule of Laws takes a shape of State and protects the life and liberty of
the population and flourishes civility.
Hence, reasoning evolves from ‘faith’ and move through ‘courage’ to
reach the destination of ‘reason’.
research paper will explore the parameter of Religion in the modern political
system based on Rule of Law under the democratic process in the era of
globalization. It is crucial to evaluate
the evolution of Religion in other parts of the world with diversified ecology.
of Soul and its impact on Religion
theory of Tripartite Soul has great impact on the Religion in the region of
Mesopotamia civilization that expanded the whole world through imperialism and
expansionism. The three religions that
sprouted from this region, i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam were the
philosophy of the theory of Tripartite Souls that divided the population under
the Institution of Temple, Church and Mosque.
Plato was influenced of the Pythagorean theory of the human
nature. Pythagoras classifies human
nature in three sections that are reason, courage and appetite. Plato says that state is a living body and
state represents the same features at large level, which an individual
represent at small level. Individuals
are the organs of the state. As an
organ cannot survive without body, similarly, an individual is nothing out of
the state. State is composed of classes
and these classes are its parts. He
based his ideal state on three major classes.
The ruling class, highly educated in philosophy, is to administer the
state. A military class, having courage
and physical strength, is to defend the state while professional class is
needed to be ruled and to deal with the ordinary or common daily affairs of the
state. So, he bases his ideal state on
the three major classes, which are the ruling class, military class and the
professional class. These classes are also
known as the guiding class, auxiliary class and professional class.[1]
So, Plato divided the society into classes that were meant to be the
Administrator of the population, Protector of the regime and third the
skill/unskilled people that are meant to support the state. This was the stepping stone of the creation
of Religion based on class. The class of
philosopher/Administrator (Reason), the class of Military (Power) and those who
do not relate to reason and power become the appetitive community.
Figure 1 Image courtesy The Tripartite
Theory of Souls
is part of the point of the Tripartite Theory that a human being can act
without reason. This means it is possible for a human being to act in terms of
the appetitive part and the spirited parts of the souls. For this to be
possible, it must be possible for these parts of the soul to represent the
states of affairs they are motivated to bring about.[2] This indicates that the Plato theory of souls
systematically alienated a part of population whom he believed beyond reasoning
and a class that is beyond reason and seized their rights to be a part of
governing process.
understanding of belief raises a question for the Tripartite Theory of the
Soul. The parts of the soul without reason can generate action. So they must
have representations of the world that can move a human being to act in a
specific way. If these representations are not beliefs, what are they? The
answer seems to be that they are a matter of perception, imagination, and
memory.[3] This representation was the form of Religion
that created a fabric of belief in a particular form under the tag of identity
and idea.
theory of souls is the idea of the State system and not the realism of
state-system to which Aristotle advocated towards the happiness of the people. However, the religion that sprouted from the
theory of souls remained as an ideology and became ideological conflicts
through the ages of time.
based his ideal state on the concept of communism. He wanted a state free of problems, a sacred
and the super-most institute. He
believed that the ruling and military classes have no concern with appetite as
they represent reason and courage respectively.
So, these two classes must be free of any tension to run the
administration. He was influenced of the
service conditions of the citizens of Sparta where they would sacrifice even
their wives for the State. So, he
presented the concept of communism in order to control the economic lusts of
the two classes to given attention to the state administration. For his ideal state, he deprived the two
important classes of private ownership and children.[4]
categorically abandoned the ‘appetite’, i.e. the service class and retained the
Scholars/Administrator and military class. He even deprived the ownership of
children and wives and they became to property of State and lost their
individual freedom. Plato’s theology has
the influence of Judaism, since the Judaism already existed amongst the Ruling
class and has captivated the intellectual class of the society. Hence, there
was a larger section of population that was ignored by the Ruling class under
the influence of Jewish that was the courtiers of their respective kings. That is why under the Jewish dominance, the
most abused populations are women and children.
This was the first Intellectual Corruption institutionalized by the western
Thinkers. If a proper investigation is
done Plato/Aristotle are created character since the Judaism was never a
religion, but an understanding of an interest group called Jewish, the
Courtiers. The rise of Jewish flourished
with the rise of Rothschild. Plato’s
theory of Soul is exactly to facilitate the economy of Jews that is based on
white slavery and child prostitution.
Neglecting women and children as a political philosophy is itself an
evidence of intellectual inadequacies and moral corruption.
almost 4 to 5 centuries of abuses against the population by the Ruling class, it
became mandatory to protect the interest of women and children, a fabric was
created in the name of Christianity that floated a class of ‘appetite’ whom the
Ruling class under the influence of Plato’s theology was absolutely
neglected. This can be said that the
doctrine of Christianity sprouted from the abandoned population and created its
own doctrine in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God. That is the reason Christianity protects the
interest of women and children that were abused by the Judaism. Christianity also protects the interest of
the families that were rejected by the theology of Plato under the influence of
fabric of “appetite” called them Christian and created its own regime beyond
boundaries. The churches were the place
of assembly in the name of God and hence became a Religion in the modern
term. The doctrine called Bible was
developed in many years to create directive principles for the ‘appetite’. Hence, Bible was the written constitution for
the regime called Christians and hence paved the way for constitutional
philosophy on Souls did integrate Intellectual/Administrator and Military to be
cared about, but both Military and Administrator are not the economy of its own. They survive on the economy of tax. Churches were getting its share of income
through the donation from its Christian followers, who were the professional
class and skilled population, but the Jewish after formation of Christianity
were not able to hold their economy.
This resulted the split in Jewish Administrator and Military. Jewish took over the trade and merchandiser
and another fabric of Muslim created as Military regime. There was a substantial population in the
region of Arab who were Jihadist,
i.e. military and they did not have any doctrine to protect their
interest. Hence, the Islam was formed
where the interest of Jihadist to be
protected. The women in this regime were
secured and there was no prostitution or disloyalty to the male counterpart. Abortion was prohibited since every life
remained in the interest of Jihad of Islam, i.e. military. Similarly, in Christianity, the abortion is
prohibited since every life is important to continue its generation. Loyalty to partner is the basic principle in
Christianity to sustain the fabric of family and the continuity of the
generation. Hence there were three
regime in the name of Religion, i.e. Jewish who are merchandisers, Christianity
who own skilled/unskilled population and third Islam who are military to
protect the interest of merchandisers.
"On this holy placed today where the temple once stood, the
Dome of the Rock Mosque stands as Islam's second most holy place. Sweeping
changes were in the wind. Corruption, apathy, greed, cruelty, perversion and
rebellion were eating at the Roman Empire, and it was ready to collapse. The
persecution against Christians was useless as they continued to lay down their
lives for the gospel of Christ.
"The only way Satan could stop this thrust was to create a
counterfeit "Christian" religion to destroy the work of God. The
solution was in Rome. Their religion had come from ancient Babylon and all it
needed was a face-lift. This didn't happen overnight, but began in the writings
of the 'early church fathers'.[5]
This indicates that there were need of the institution that could curtain the
evil/crimes in the society. The creation
of Islam was more like a policing system in the society and policing is always
seen as challenges to individual freedom.
Islam was more like a reformist to curtail criminality in the society, the Jihadists
were protectionist to the regime in the lieu of tax, i.e. jajiya, but there were no tax from their own community of Muslim. There is huge evidence that the mosques are
either constructed near temple or over temples.
Temples were the locker for the Jewish wealth across the globe and
Islamic follower chased the temples, either looted them or protected them,
based on the situation. Jihadist had no
interest in destroying Churches, but if the Churches were destroyed, it was a
contract given by Jewish since the real challenge to Jewish remained
Christians, since Christianity is formed from the ruins of Jewish theology.
there are three identities; Christians were the neglected community and the
regime of population. Jewish became merchandiser and Muslims became
protectionist/Military. So, Churches
were town-hall (People), Temples were banks (Wealth) and Mosques were military
base (Arms).
Communism and Religion
While insisting that “no
Christian can be a communist,” King calls on his congregation to consider
communism “a necessary corrective for a Christianity that has been all too
passive and a democracy that has been all too inert.”[6]
It is true that the Christian
can never be communist since the communism defined by Plato and Karl Marx is to
protect the interest of two classes, i.e. Ruling class and Military. Plato’s communism is Jewish Communism,
whereas Karl Marx communism is Jihadist communism. Christianity protects the interest of
“appetite”, i.e. the population and their skills and nurtures them to be in the
civility. Whereas, the Plato’s communism
and Karl Marx communism is based on oppression and criminality of the
population, where they are treated as serfs/slaves and the property of the
State since Communism remained a transition economy in the World System.
Jews are still soft on Communism, which is one of the reasons why a vigorous
and objective examination of the history of Jews and Communism remains taboo.
There is also a legitimate fear that such an examination may play into the
hands of those who may fan the flames of anti-Semitism. The problem with this
argument is that the historic involvement of many prominent Jews in the
communist movement was itself responsible for fanning those flames.[7]
are responsibilities and this includes women and children. Without the protection of the interest of the
population, there is no relevance of ruling class. Plato’s theory of Soul excludes the
population and advocates the Institutions of Ruling class and Military. However, the question is whom they would rule
and for whom these institutions would fight for or against, it is the
population, territory and the economy that makes a Nation. Further, the ruling class and military are
part of the population so dividing them in the name of class and alienating
‘appetite’ is itself an intellectual corruption and biased vision. Jewish advocating for communism indicates
that they have been the lobby of corrupt intellect to protect the interest of
the Jewish class, i.e., the courtiers / administrator of King/Monarch and
underestimated the natural wisdom of the people. Plato’s advocacy for the Monarch pattern of
State-system was to authenticate the interest of Jewish that could sustain in
the Monarchy and not in other form of Government. That is why British Royal is the Monarch and
Rothschild remained the Courtier of that Monarchy.
communism is the outcome of conditions of Athens in the 4th century B.C. But,
Modern communism is the result of the most complex conditions arising due to
the industrial revolution in the Nineteenth Century Europe. Plato’s communism
does not want total transformation of society. The producing class remains
intact. It is applied only to the Guardian class. But, Marxist communism is
mainly concerned with alteration of economic structure of the society. It aims
at abolition of private ownership of the means of production. All economic
resources are centralised by the machinery of communist party. This led Barker to remark that “Plato’s
communism was aristocratic; it is a way of surrender; and it is a surrender
imposed on the best. It exists for the sake of the whole society, but not for
the whole society.”[8]
is true that the Karl Marx theory of Communism relates to class division and
has the economic interest. Here is the
deception of Jewish theology on Communism.
Karl Marx being the Jewish was anti-religion and the only religion that
was challenging the Jewish hegemony was Christianity. Churches were quite powerful since they were
controlling the population and their skills and industrial revolution has
further strengthened its socio-economic status.
Further, the morality and the civility nurtured in them were challenging
the Jewish economy that was surviving on white slavery and war crimes. The Communism Government was mainly to
control the population and surrender its sovereignty to the Government and its
policies. There was not provision of
individual’s choice and interest and population were merely like serfs to the
interest of the Government. It was easy
for Rothschild to control the few members of the Government that was
controlling the population as state policy.
This is the deception as Intellection property that advocates class war
in the name of proletariat through
communism and control the national resources post World War 2. Though Communism is anti-religion but they
are pro-Islam. They treat Muslim as
secular, since Muslims are jihadist, i.e. Military. Hence, the only challenge the communism have
is Christianity.
Christian values and ideas would have to shape and enliven human institutions
in a gradual way. They could do so as the process of moral education, primarily
through the family, and then through the schools and the social means of
communication at the service of family values, would unleash all the creative
energies of man in the world of temporal realities: socio-economic growth,
social upliftment, and cultural development. But man has to contend with his
own selfishness, mental laziness and proneness to injustice the risk of his
liberty and the call to his responsibility.[9]
Christianity believes in value of life and liberty, so its endorsement towards
the democratic process is quite natural.
Economy to sustain its well-being, a humanitarian approach and promotion
of family values and civility is the essence of the fabric of
Christianity. This is the reason,
Christian missionaries are into heavy donation and services whenever there are
natural calamities or artificial crisis.
This makes Christianity a largest followers group and Communist in true
sense unlike Plato and Karl Marx abusive and exploitative communism.
in Axial age
Karl Jaspers coined the term the "axial period" to
refer to what he saw as the simultaneous development in several different and
separate societies-China, India, Iran, Israel, Greece-of "a new departure
within mankind." What he meant has been characterized as "a kind of
critical, reflective questioning of the actual and a new vision of what lies
beyond." While it is true that people in each of these separate cultures
began to develop new ways of talking about the cosmos, ethics, and community.[10]
It is interesting to observe that the era of enlightenment
in the Axial age started from the east, i.e. Buddha was the oldest or rather
premier in the era, i.e., 623 B.C., while Mahavira Jain was in 599 B.C.,
Confucius in 551 B.C., whereas in the West, Socratics/Plato/Aristotle evolved
almost one and half century later, i.e. from 470 B.C. to 384 B.C. The comparative analysis of Confucius
Political thought is certainly original sprouted from natural civilization than
the Plato’s political thought as imposed intellect.
philosophy of Ruler of Saint, which is reflected in Great Declaration of Shang Shu “Heaven, for the help of the
inferior people, made for them rulers, and made for them instructors”, is the
major part of Confucius’ political thought.
Ruler of Saint combines the political and educational functions together
and attaches to them equal importance.
The monarch is not only the king of the world, but also the education of
the people. Although there are
specialized educational institutions in the state, the society itself is more
like a big school, serving the goal of shaping one’s character. Therefore, as is stressed by Confucius, the
main job of politics is to educate people.[11]
treated population to be nurture by education and coercion and to abide the
political ruler, whereas, Plato’s political thought alienated people as
‘appetite’ and remained focused on the ‘aristocracy’. Plato’s philosopher kings were only to control
the power and not to nurture the society they were responsible for. This makes Plato’s vision as self-center,
incomplete and evil as political thought.
worked through his whole life as a local governor, minister, and a councilor
and manager to various state leaders while only Aristotle worked as a teacher
or councilor to Great Alexander for some years. Confucius was also a teacher
who taught people how to prepare themselves for a position in the government at
different levels. If politics is the art or science of government and a
politician practices politics, Confucius was a professional politician while
none of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle was.[12] The fundamental difference between Confucius
and Plato, Aristotle was: The former based the genetically coded natural
primary society while the latter was based on the man-made secondary society.
During Confucius’ time, the Ancient Chinese Super State of Primary Societies
was still intact and functioning like today’s United Nations to keep peace among
local powers while Plato’s philosopher kings are also partially played by the
United Nations in modern world.[13]
theory of religion is Jewish propaganda.
While Churches were the town-hall, where the neglected communities of
the Plato’s communism assimilated and protected their interest. Jewish were historically into the
intellectual property theft and so their political thoughts. The political
thoughts of the West under the shield of Plato were mainly to protect their
economic interest and to sustain Jewish aristocracy. The creation of Islam and its Jihadist
theology is Jewish strategy to create an expansion of their domain and to
protect their wealth across the World.
The invasion of Muslims and the expansion of the Muslim empire was a
part of Jewish agenda. Muslim were only
the owner of the Benami regime
controlled by Jewish. The Kings and Monarchs
were only a puppet in the hand of Jewish lobby across the globe. The fall of Muslim rulers, dismantle of
Ottoman Empire and rise of European imperialism and expansion of Christianity
is the evidence that the religion sprouted from Mesopotamia civilization is a
secondary set-up towards imperialism and feudal societies under Jewish
The Relevance of
Religion in the Modern State System
Revolution has witness a huge change in the Geopolitics and sociology in
Europe. One of them was Renaissance and
The 15th century saw the rise of what we call the
Renaissance, which brought to Europe a new spirit in the arts, sciences,
astronomy and philosophy – at the same time it brought a weakening of the hold
that the Church had on the population.
On one hand, the Church scored a great “triumph” in its expulsion of the
Jews from Spain and forcing of hundreds of thousands of Jews to convert to
Christianity. On the other hand, its “triumph” coincided with the beginning of
the unraveling of the power of the Church. The modern Western world now began.[14]
The relevance of Monarchy was deteriorating and Church was becoming
more powerful since Church was managing the ‘appetite’, i.e. the population
that was neglected in Plato’s theory of Souls.
Unchallenged Power always corrupt the institution and that happened with
the Church that was the region beyond boundaries. Industrial revolution had changed the
demography and the sociology in Europe and Church was not able to handle the
social dynamism and it needed more dynamic process that could be inclusive and
hence Modern state system was born where the State was accountable towards
people under the Rule of Law and not mercy of Monarch and power of military.
The Renaissance exposed the Church to a great deal of temptation
which it was not able to withstand. It was a decadent time, a time of excesses
and hedonism of the highest sort – excesses and hedonism the Church
participated in. The Church had the
misfortune to have a series of Popes, Cardinals and Bishops who were not merely
lacking in morals but were proactively immoral and amoral. The dichotomy was
not lost on the latter and contributed to a new, general revulsion toward the
organized Church. The combination of the
moral decadence of the Church plus the pleasure-ridden society of the times
undermined the appeal of the Church and left it open to caricature, criticism,
mockery – all of the things Martin Luther would say a century later when he
began the Protestant Reformation.[15]
Church remained the fabric of people, but they were not the
institution that would protect the sovereignty of life and liberty. Churches were governed through moral grounds
and could not cope with the changing economic pattern of the region. Hence, there was a need to look into the
theology of Church that would handle the reasoning of the followers. This led to Protestant Reformation.
Religion has a limitation. It cannot substitute the
State-system. The institutions of
Religion can be powerful to influence the policies, but cannot make
policies. Religion can aid to
State-system, but cannot takeover the State-system since religions do not have
its own economy, military, judiciary and international relations except for its
moral doctrine. Religion is a fabric of followers and not the citizen of the
region. Religions do not give its
follower the ‘Right’ but engage in ‘Duty’, whereas, State-system provides its
citizen both ‘Right’ and ‘Duty’ to maintain its civility. Religious
Institutions are to be protected by the State-system. Hence,
Religion is always a subordinate to State-system.
Religion and Globalization
World War 2 and creation of Israel has changed the theology of Political
outlook. Religion became secondary and
the institution of ‘Church’ and ‘Jihadist’ took over by the political intuition
of Sovereign States and Military Institutions.
The two ideologies of Capitalist (Zions, the neo-Jewish) and Communism
(Islamic) divided the world on the basis of ideology, though the Communist
countries were only the transition economy for the Zions. Zions remained the courtiers of the Monarchy
of British Royals. The religious wars
took over by the ideological wars, such as Vietnam wars, Gulf Wars, Cold War
and disintegration of USSR. Post
Cold-War and the liberal economy played a great impact on Religion. The Religion doctrine took over by sect
culture through God-men irrespective of any religion. These god-men or religious preachers or
rabbis changed the perception of theory of Religion in political system.
phenomenon of a religion's expanding without ties to a specific nation,
society, or ethnic group is not, in itself, new. Religion is fundamentally is
endowed with just such powers of survival. But what I wish to emphasize here is
the fact that the concept of globalization concerns the situation after
the branches and sects of so-called "world religions" --- namely,
Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism --- have established their religio-cultural
spheres throughout the world. Everywhere in the world one can observe the deep
connection between religion and the state or ethnic group, and various
religious structures --- together with the characteristics originally held by
the religion or sect --- have often undergone great transformations in the
process of developing within specific nations or ethnic groups. For example,
the same Mahayana Buddhism has developed substantially different social
functions in the neighboring countries of Korea and Japan. In this way, each
region of the world can be defined by a distribution map of its main religious
groups, while at the same time, the religion within each nation and ethnic
group has come to possess its own unique characteristics.[16]
philosophies sprouted in the Axial Age had been revived in the era of post-Cold
War, i.e. the liberalization and globalization.
These theologies have taken as sect-cult and spread as a Religious
imperialism. Huge followers added to
these God-men and subsequently flair of property grabbing in the name of Sect
identity and archaeological dynamism.
These sect-cults destroyed the original theology of Religion based on
spirituality and ultimate wisdom.
offers one of the most significant aspects of cohesiveness among the immigrants
and for Oriyas it is very much important in one’s everyday life. It is not only the basis of creating ethnic
consciousness, but also it helps to establish communication network in a larger
scale, which is not cut across national boundaries. For example, the devotees of religious
preachers/ Gurus like Sathya Sai Baba, Sankaracharya, Swami Premananda,
Vivekananda and so on meet ever now and then during birthday anniversaries,
religious conferences and preaching activities across the world.[17]
the rise of sect culture has provided enough sociological benefits and activism
in social sphere in the name of art and culture, it has also created a huge
political mobilization and became pressure groups. These followers got into the trap of vote
bank politics and also influenced the policies and institutional protection of
these socio-political sects. One thing is very common in all these sects that
they are not only the property grabbers and a tool of property mafia controlled
by Israel under the patronage of Rothschild, but also manages huge human
resources to facilitate British Royal’s economy. These human resources are further becomes a
tool of organized crime of sex slavery, drugs and violence.
Kenyans fall prey to these fake pastors because they do not have a proper
understanding of what it means to be a true Christian,” says Elizabeth Wanjiru,
a former chairlady of the Christian Women’s Association (CWA). “They lack the
faith to truly understand what is expected of them as Christians. They keep
moving from one church to another, expecting to finally receive true miracle
from any new pastor that starts a miracle church. That’s why these churches
have been able to survive for so long. Any con man with an ability to interpret
the bible in any way will find an audience of desperate people to exploit.”[18]
miracle is the concept of faith that is exploited by these sect-cults. Black magic and a network of tantriks play a crucial role towards
hypnotizing their clients and a huge extortion in the name of miracle. Black-magic and tantric cults of Kabalistic cult sprouted from Mesopotamia
civilization. This legacy is spread
across the globe through these sect-cults under Israel patronage. No-doubt, the few anti-superstitious crusaders
like Narender Dabolkar was killed by Mossad since it challenged the sect cults
through reasoning.
fall of religion and the rise of atheism are due to criminality in the name of
Religion through these Sect-cult and its followers. The rise of reasoning and advancement of
Science and Technology is clearly dividing population between reason and
faith. Faith is now in correlation with
emotions is taken a path of criminality through property grabbing and
slavery. This is further controlled
through toxic, i.e. drugs and violence duly endorsed by interpreted theology of
Relevance of Religion in the Political system is very crucial since it is micro
governance and protects multiculturalism, but the State should make sure that
the Religion is not towards power mobilisation.
Alienating State from religion is only to protect the religious inference
since religion is sprouted from multiculturalism and multi-identities. Hence, State should be neutral and above the
religion. The crime is a crime, whether it is within the religious institution
or as a state-law. No, religious belief
can curtail the life and liberty of any population within the framework of
civility. Religions are to enhance the
civility and not to destroy the civility.
the democratic societies, the democratic process should be beyond identities
and ideologies, but within the State System.
If the State machinery is not influenced by the religious ideologies and
act as a secular institution, no religion can be a threat to State-system. Property grabbing, human trafficking,
violence are crimes, whether it is done by individuals or institutions. It should be handled within the purview of
the Criminal proceedings.
should be accountability in donations that make these sect-cults powerful and buying
properties become a platform for the money circulation. There should a limit in property acquiring so
that the property mafia do not play under the sect cult. Religion keeps the population intact. It
should be preserved and protected since when State fails, it is the religion
that takes over the system. State
governs its population through collective wisdom and people cannot be ignored and/or
neglected in the process since the wisdom sprouts from the societies that
strengthened state-institutions.
Recommendations :
is another field of study i.e., in which way the Religion can be complement to
the State Machinery so the values of Religion are sustained and potency of
State-Institution are maintained.
[1] Farooq Umar, A Brief Note on Plato Ideal State Concept, Study Lecture Notes,
[2] Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, The Tripartite Theory of Souls,
Perseus Digital Library: Plato's Republic, Theaetetus, Timaeus, Philebus
[3] ibid
[4] Farooq Umar, A Brief Note on Plato Ideal State Concept, Study Lecture Notes,
[5] Rivera Alberto, How Vatican created Islam? Red Ice Creation,
[6] Sermon, Can a Christina be a communist?, 30th September,
1962, Martin Luther King, Jr and the Global Freedom Struggle
[7] Morse Chuck, Jews and Communism,
[8] Pradhan Sohini, Difference between Plato’s Communism and Marx’s
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[9] REV. JOSEPH M. DE TORRE, The Influence of Christianity on modern
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[10] Black Antony, The
"Axial Period": What Was It and What Does It Signify?, The Review of Politics, Vol. 70, No. 1,
Special Issue on Comparative Political Theory(Winter, 2008), pp. 23-39,
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[11] Dai Changzheng, A Comparison of Political Thoughts of Confucius and
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Classics, Pages, 181-190, Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
[12] Sheng Li You, A Comparison of
Confucius with Plato and Aristotle in Political Philosophy, Canadian Academy of Independent Scholars, Taoist
Philosophy for 21st Century,
[13] ibid
[14] Wein Berel, The Jews and the
Renaissance, JewishHistory.Org,
[15] ibid
[16] Nobutaka INOUE, The information age and Globalisation of Religion, Globalisation and Indigenous Culture
[17] Sahoo Ajay Kumar, Sociological Perspectives on Globalisation, 2006,
Gyan Publishing House
[18] Karluki James, June 13, 2016, Rise of Religious Conman, Urban Presence - Nairobi
NOTE : This article was published in Religion and its Political Relevance,1st Edition, Religion –Thy Relevance, Jupiter Publication consortium, Chennai.
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