on Industrial Dispute
Law, i.e. Industrial Development Act, 1947 remained a law that protect the
interest of Labours in the Large scale sector due to its economic
policies. The Labour Laws became less
relevant since the aura of economy diversified through the process of
liberalisation and globalisation. The
other factors of labour in unorganised sectors and crime labours were ignored
while addressing the Workers’ right.
There has been a systematic ignorance in the women as workforce and
children as labour. There are other
factors of dispute such as land, resources (natural and human), market,
technology, patent and intellectual properties.
The industrial disputes is also the outcome of the policy making and parallel
system that runs besides the Government and Banks.
there have been efforts to study the issues of labour and workforce. The approach on the labour issues have been
deceptive since no labour exist without the enterprising skills. There have been approaches to study various
forms of slavery, i.e. from Chattel system, Peonage, Debt slave, Penal and
Lease slave and truck system, but the aspects of the enterprises are not
addressed. From the modern theory of
slavery, the non-payment of wages were the defining source of slavery, but the
other factors, such as generation of money or economy, trade, etc., were not
included in the theory of slavery. Just
because, these factors were not included in the discourse, the slavery in the
form of Chattel, Peonage, Debt, Penal, Lease and Truck system still exists in
the modern form. Failing the address to
the enterprising skill, the labour issues have become a conflict and dispute. One-sided or partisan approach towards the
welfare of Labour become an ‘ideology’.
from slavery existed in every culture, as described in the religious
texts. There remained a time-frame for
slavery that was almost six years of service.
Manumission was right of the slaves.
This indicates that slavery was more a punishment that exploitation of a
life. Slaves in the ancient time were
the war criminals. Whereas, in others
period slave became a trade as migrant workers in the Arab countries. In India, slavery never existed since the
lowest strata of the society were of the indigenous community and the elitist
were migrants. Thus, the exploitation of
the dalits had the legacy of the
colonial rule. British expanded its
regime through the population shifts to fill the largest territories that they
captured strategically.
evolution of the socio-economic condition in the Industrial era has introduced
the wage labours. This enable the
society in just not the change in the labour system as the skills evolved
through the transformation of the technology from the manual labour. The wages were given to the men and for their
expenses of the family members. This
made men as provider and became the bread-earned and women became the domestic
servitude. This expelled women from the
cores of economy to unfree labours.
Children became separated from the vocation learning and left to the
menial jobs which were unpaid. The Union
of men of skills created association to negotiate the welfare measure for their
families with their employers. They used
strikes as a negotiation tools. This
enable the Government to legitimise Unions and the tribunals were formed to
resolve disputes. The union also made
the political ally to share political power.
There were a larger section of the society of the unskilled population
or craft unions took-over by the ideology of class war and formed a forum of
The creation of Labour Party to have a better process to
legislate the welfare policies for the workforce. Earlier, Trade Union remained
a tool of negotiation through strikes and shutdown. This minimise their role of trade-unions as coordination and
consolidation of the political capital for the Labour Party. Whereas, the
communism became the ally of the political power. The members of the communism,
were the large section of the society. They were not only the political
capitals, but also the workforce for the parallel economy. The society divided
between 'have' and 'have-not'. The 'have' were skilled worker, whereas
'have-not' remained unskilled worker. The women and children were the potent
workforce of the 'have-not' sector. This brought them under the chattel system.
The expansion of the Communism to across European countries allowed an
ideological war and the advocacy of the 'dictatorship of proletariat'. This led
the formation of USSR under the flagship of Russia and enslave the population
of eastern-Europe on minimum wages under Truck system. This empowered Russia in
the world order while destroying the cultural economy of the region.
Academically and politically the women, children and unskilled labour became
slaves or unfree labour
as communist. They bound them under the tag of ideology and gave a parallel
economy that threatened the society as
class war.
In the economy section, the approach of monetary
policies play a significant role in the Industrial disputes. There are
primarily two sections of monetary policy, i.e. Credit system, i.e. Central
Bank and Fiscal system, the Government. Credit system creates wealth by
mortgaging skills, assets and liberty, whereas fiscal policy provides security
and environment to create skills and employments ability. Credit system create
wealth thorough 'interest', whereas, fiscal system earn through 'tax'. Both
systems are interdependent. The relevance of the currency plays a significant
role in the poverty alleviation. However, the absence of circulation of money
in the remote or rural regions, block development. The allocation of the
reserves of currency depends upon the collateral security of gold deposits, by
the government. The quota of the reserves is the monetary policy of the
International Financial Organisations, such as International Monetary
Fund, World Bank, etc. The infrastructural development of the sovereign country
is controlled by the monetary policies of these global banks through
conditional aids. This block indigenous policy making system and thus, the
benefit does not reach to all. This creates economic feudalism.
The relevance of currency is not limited to the
circulation, but its legitimacy from the central authority, whether in the
national or in the Global system. The
value of currency effect the international relation and trading. The hegemony of the US dollars is because
they enjoy the currency sovereignty and the acceptability of the currency and
global standard. This allow US to have
its strategic relations in the world.
Though the monetary policy of the World system is controlled by IMF,
there are alternative currency and alternate trade system that wants to break
the central authority. The foremost is
the counterfeit currency that challenge the trade relations. Secondly, the cryptocurrency, which is a
cybercurrency and has no legitimacy by the central authority. The control of the United States is making
the other part of the world discomfort due to the hegemony of the US
Dollar. The opening of the new regional
ties under dependency theory, BRICS created a central banking system to alter
the US hegemony. This is an Industrial Dispute
due to the conflict of currency.
Besides the Central Reserve Bank and the fiscal
policy of the government, there are another factor that generate money from the
people, i.e. Stock Market. Stock Market
plays a role of catalyst that generate investment for the economy sector and
investment from the public, financial institutions, government and foreign
agencies, etc. The stock or share is
more relevant in controlling the resources instead of just a paradigm of
investment. Mutual Funds and Chit Funds
are two forms of stock that is utilised for investment in securing resources. Mutual Funds is macro stock and Chit funds is
micro stock. Though gold has been
treated most valued exchange due to its engagement of manual skilled labour
process. Whereas, the labour engaged in
other inputs are more technically advanced and sophisticated. The gold devalues other skills and thus, it
needs a rethinking of the standard of currency.
The feudalism of currency through SDR, i.e. Special Drawing Rights of
Euro, US Dollar, Yen, Pounds Sterling and Yuan created by IMF has diversified
currency exchange under the exchange value of the US Dollar. This underestimated the currency sovereignty
of other countries. Even though the
standard of these SDR exchange remained gold, but it could not overtake the
sovereignty of US Dollar in the World system.
IMF, World Bank and other Financial Institution continued the trend of
credits and enslave the world population as debt slaves through the policies
made by government.
The global impact on the Trade Unions were
damaging. The trade unions lost its grip
of the negotiating tool due to global policies.
Though the global policies were meant to target the hegemony of Trade
Unions who captivated the skilled workforce, but the other factors also
included in the decision. The other decisions included the investments, market,
resources and labours. It was
outsourcing the production, marketing strategies, research and development to
various countries. This is more a
marketing strategies than the trade union issues. Investment were mainly the collection of investments
through local franchise. These investors
could be public, government, political establishments, benami investors or financial institutions. This not only damaged the trade union, but
also weaken the State. Corporate became
a global policy, where national policies due to corruption and incompetence
became bleak. This created unemployment due to narrow utilisation of skills.
The disputes always has the relevance of the
instinct of crime. However, when the instinct of crime take a shape of
structure is called organised crime. The criminology perspective of
Industrial Dispute cannot ignore the class war theory. Class war theory is a
criminal approach since it advocate for dictatorship of proletariat.
Dictatorship is always a coercion and not consensus. Coercion of idea or
ideology is always there is other side to be imposed or resist. Thus, the
theory of dictatorship of proletariat is always a coercion against the 'have'
or the elitists. Naxalism remained
an ideology of the class struggle which was compensated with the land reforms.
However, the seed of anti-state or anti-power remained a potent tool of
aggression. Naxalism, Marxism or Maoism
are different sides of the same ideology, i.e. class war. Class war is a tool
of extortion by means of violence. The structured violence, i.e. terrorism,
forced displacement, genocide and created pandemics are the mechanism to
extortion. The creation of ICMLPO in the global order using the periphery
nations or the disputed territories are used to target the government. This
became tool to influence the government policies that could benefit the
specific corporate under the patronage of France. The ICMLPO networks use its
tool as strike, riots, revolts, etc. in their territories to influence a
distant Corporate in search of markets or procurement. Thus, the ideology
of class-war or dictatorship of proletariat become a structure of violence which
are funded by Corporate to facilitate specific international relations.
Espionage is always a tool of war, whether it is
real war between two regimes or the class war.
Thus, espionage became the tool of commune of unskilled lobby towards
the stealing of information of the other lobby.
Industrial espionage was the most potent tool of France to steal the
intellectual assets of research and development and skilled professional of
British. This created a special
structure of spy that invaded most of the Corporate, i.e. Arms, Securities,
Research and Development, State Institutions, Legislation, Media, Healthcare
and others. This network is used to
control the policies and the benefit of French international relations. The ICMLPO network controls their respective
region through AKDN who works as catalyst in the system. They control the system through agitations,
strike, riots, mob-lynching, etc. Though
digital system is controlling every aspects of life, the role of
crypto-currency is more threatening due to its block-chain methodology. Crypto-currency is not a legal tender, its
exchange value is a tool of stealing exchange.
The value of single unit of crypto-currency is very high in tune of
legal tender. However, the
sustainability of crypto-currency is insignificant without its exchange
value. Crypto-currency can only work in
a closed economy. In that case
crypto-currency will certainly be a theft of exchange value.
The main crisis in the industrial relations in
the world system is the stealing of Intellectual property. Firstly, the
discouragement of the periphery countries in the Research and Development.
Secondly, there is a systematic process of brain drain in the core nations.
This makes periphery nations on the receiving end and get into the dependency
on the technical know-how or the premium of the end product. Even though, the
intellectual property has the legacy of the traditional knowledge of the
indigenous communities. Patent captivate the intellectual properties that give
way towards the counterfeit or piracy. These terminology generally give
benefits when there is claim over the property in the legal door. The way the
law on infringement is made, it benefits none except for those who use as
economy generation. It is a nexus of espionage and lawyers in the making of
Industrial Dispute. Intellectual property once come in the market becomes a
public consumption.
The way theft of intellectual property creates
conflicts, similarly, counterfeit is stealing the market. Counterfeit not unlawful
since it facilitates the demand and aspiration of the branded produces which
the brands cannot handle due to the limitation of the production capacity.
Counterfeit produces is used everywhere since it has a market of people with
limited means. Whether it is medicine or clothes and even the currencies.
The major impact of industrial dispute affect the
society is an intricate manner. It
changes the dynamism of sociology. The
SDR, i.e. the basket of currencies and its exchange value further created the
feudalism of currency and a tool of compromised trade relations. The trade relations are more on barter or
comparative trade. This further curtail
the currency flow or exchange value.
This resulted other mechanism of collection of currency from the society
through crime syndicates. The most
potent crime syndicate is begging mafia where children are abducted and
trafficked as the workforce. Further
these children when they get adolescent are used for crimes since they get the
benefit of juvenile. Women are also
abused since they are used as perk to facilitate as bribe since there is flow
of currency or cash. To put women in the
sex racket are abused at home, society and workplace. Men are also used as pimps. This destroy the human skills and turn the
society as paranoid.
The process of creation of Law plays a
significant role in the Industrial disputes. The present legal system is based
of Law of Contract. The perception of Law is contract between individuals,
trade, political, Institutional and communities, etc. The codification of law
ignore the tort behaviour of the society and tort such as bully is not a
contract, but an instinct. Though the contractual disputes or offences are
dealt with the Lawyers that are based on evidence. The creations of evidence by
the defence or the prosecution creates further disputes. This creates delay in
the justice delivery or implementation of order. The parallel construction is a
process of criminal justice system where judge become part of the investigation
and the process of defence is included in the process of investigation. This
save time and the overhead expenses of the criminal justice system. The
coercion of Law become when the Law is created with the vested interest,
instead of the sociology of Law. The Lawyers, which is an autonomous body
control by the practicing lawyers, whether it is judiciary, parliament or
constitutional head. This makes the professional lawyers bias and create law to
benefit their occupation. More dispute leads to more litigation process and the
jobs are created for the Legal professional at the cost of the masses and
peaceful existence.
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