Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Invisible Hand(s) - A Criminological Perspective


The Invisible Hand(s)

(A Criminological perspective)



The rising health care crisis and random the decline of health issue across the globe is alarming irrespective of the economic status of the country. It is generally claimed that the life-style is the cause of degradation of health of the majority of population. This needs an in-depth analysis whether the health is a life-style crisis or a commerce at the cost of the Right to Health, which is a part of the Fundamental Right of Life and Liberty.

The control on Health Services by the invisible hand(s) that is ideological in character will be explored in this thesis.  There will be an effort to investigate the health under social, culture and economic ambit.  This will also attempt to find solutions towards combating the exploitative economic theories. 

The invisible hand(s), the phrase coined by Adam Smith, the father of Economics gave a hint of the control on government that curtail the means of survival of common people. He advocated towards the way out to free economics from the clutches of invisible hands. 

The rise of technological advancement in the medical services and its cost are being paid by the compromised health care that counter Health Right of the people.  This paper will also explore how the lobby under the shield of health care are trading health and further enslaving through medically impairment. Individual Health is a Fundamental Right to Life besides socio, economic and cultural rights in the modern societies.

This thesis is not to target Medical as profession and Health Service as occupation, but only to identify the invisible hand(s).



“People” are diversified in itself and is one amongst bio-diversity.  Our diversities are again have a diversity of virtues, instincts and divinity.  That is why we have many religions, culture and governance to address the issues of “People”, whether it is created through various school of thoughts or bestowed by God, through his messengers in different era.

One of the diversity is Human Health.  Though there have been various approach and studies on Human Health, but the human health remained a crisis even in the process of development in the digital era. In every variation of human health crisis that is recorded across the globe has universal combating mechanism that is identified, which is implement through global approach.

The approach towards the study of Microbiology to study the various micro-organism that benefit human body or destroy the human bodies through infectious diseases.  The micro-organism found in water, air and soil do influence or harm human bodies in short-term diseases and a long-term or chronic illness through parasites.  One single parasite is not competent enough to make a human body ill, it can be resisted by the immunity of the body, but when these micro-organisms multiply and gradually attack the organs and make the function of human body passive and ineffective.  These micro-organism is “invisible hand(s)” floating in the environment that gives threat as health crisis.

Though there have been huge advancement of medical remedies through research and development along with diagnostic equipment that makes Health as Medical Industries.  Medical industries survives on ill-health of people that are generally blamed to life-style issues as narrative to shield “invisible hand(s)”.

Similarly, in the human societies, there are many elements that aid the progress of human societies.  There are also challenges towards the existence of being human with a life with meaningful existence.  Just like the huge development of Health amenities, it could not secure general health and became a huge concern of health crisis due to affordability.  Similarly, the progressive societies are also unable to secure universal dignified existence due to health crisis.  Progressive Health Care has given longevity, but could not care good health.

Indian President Draupadi Murmu had expressed her concern on the diluting values of Doctors, Teachers and Lawyers during the Constitutional Day.  In a cryptic manner she expressed that these honoured services is not benefiting the people. In the verge of the development in every aspect, these services are merely become a money-making tool instead of the service towards the society building.  Education is not able to make employment ability since there is joblessness due to gap in demand in lieu of quality and supplies of skill. The Health-care service is unable to ensure general health.  Law services cannot provide legal remedies through process of Law, then there is a need to introspect where the flaw.

This brief thesis will try to explore the possible aspects of various schools of thoughts that ultimately challenge the health of the societies that are degrading underneath of the “Invisible Hands”.


The Feudalism of Health

Though the Right to Health is the economic, social, and cultural right to a universal minimum standard of health to which all individuals are entitled [1] according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but these are the services rendered to the individual claim from the sovereign nations.  Whereas, Right to Health comes under Right to Life as individuals, where medical services are controlled by the invisible hand(s) in the modern time that has historical legacy.

The Invisible Hand(s) is the phrase used by Adam Smith in his scholarly writing “Wealth of Nations” in 18th century, which was never explained the perspective of Smith that is controlling the economy under the protection of the Government.  His advocacy towards economy that should not be under the clutches of government and be a free-trade economy.  In the era of Wars, the War financiers were controlling the economy through the aristocrats and influencing the economic decision.  People were merely at the receiving end in the feudalistic environments.  Free trade economy were compulsive to counter the indigenous economy through agrarian method or self-sufficiency economy in that era.  Wars remained political mobilization towards the generation of lending business along with suppression of the aspiration of people as demands for better living.  Thus, wars became a strategy to control the population through political instability.

The deterioration conditions of the Services in the societies such as education, health and legal remedies lies mainly on the economic theories. The means of production that dependent on demands and supplies only focused on the mercantile interest.  Thus, the economic theories thereafter became traders’ interest of “demand and supply” until date and became a narrow concept of economic theories.

When economic spectrum become narrow, then there are many factors become as alternate to economy and thus, strengthen “invisible hand(s)”.  David Ricardo’s theory of Rent became the invisible hand(s) that is still controlling the world population by captivating resources such as land, labours and institutions (political and social) as cabal.  David Ricardo’s school of economy became the parallel economic theories of Adam Smith’s laissez-faire capitalism.  Though Adam Smith is considered Father of Economics, but none try to investigate “invisible hands” that challenges the “Moral Sentiments”.  Though “sympathy” in the theories do indicate the right to appropriate wages and division of labour along with entrepreneurship amongst the people.  This also creates wealth, for the nations and of the nations. 

The “invisible hand(s)” remained untouched in scholarly domain.  However, they extended as strategies all over the institutions of the society, whether it is religion, institutions, economy and family to control the population as slaves.  Mongols did not dominate / ruled the larger territories only through sword, they contaminated society through rapes and controlled the health of the society by tantric rituals. They corrupted religious institutions through conversions and got assimilated losing their own identity.  They fought the aristocracy in the region as class-war and captivated larger portions of lands and territories through acquisition process strategically.  The Marxist theory of Class War, remained anti-religion since Mongol followed pagan system that had the influence of tantric ritual along with Jewish Kabbalah.  Presently, the majority of Mongolia is an empty land with a smaller population since they have spread all over invisibly.  France is taken over by the Mongolian Jews and made the Franco ethnic homeless and rehabilitated in other continents in the world.  Similarly, Mongolian Jews took over Palestine as homeland for Jews as Israel by the Mongols converted to Jews to captivate land in the region.

Economics is not the result of one person's ideas and theories. Instead, the field has been developed over centuries of experience, thought, and discussion.”[2]

Origin of economic theories developed over the millenniums through Mongol’s silk trade route were developed as mercantile theories of economics that sprouted from the sponsorship of Rothschild, Mongolian Jewish lobby in the western Europe.  The complete economic outlook is based on Demand and Supplies supported by Wages theories.  That means wages are merely through the mode of production, i.e. supply that has demand as market value.  If the market values are shrunk due to unforeseen reasons, the values of wages gets affected. However, those wages or labours as Services through “Moral Sentiments” lost their relevance. Services did not have any immediate market values, such as education that builds morality of the society, health and legal remedies under “welfarism” and most importantly the labour of procreation.  The labour of procreation has never come under the discourse of economic theories and left into the mercy of the social obligation.

The economy generated through mercantile economy created a network of “intermediaries”.  Intermediaries remained a middle-men duly dominated by Babylon Jews historically through feudalistic control of economy of sex.  Mongols were under the influence of Babylon Jews.  The fusion of Babylon Jews and Mongols created an environment of economy controlled by the intermediaries.  The vast Silk Road that connected many continents did not have official taxation.  However, there were renting of the road through sex slavery in the motels and surplus value of the trade to the empire.  This theory of rent has evolved in the David Ricardo School of economic thoughts.  The acquisition of huge territory were not easy in the various kingdoms existed.  They were strategically compelled to lay the route through deception and killing.  The control over the king(s) were either through facilitation of drugs and recreation, i.e. sex or by killing via medical ailment through tantric rituals or imprisonment by the coups as change of regime.  Most of the Communist leaders are medically terminated by the rare disease or cancer.

After industrialization, the silk roads took over by Railways and formation of USSR is the evidence of this.  The ideology of Communism and Class War was mainly to take over the political control and policy making for the railways.  However, it was an acquisition policy of huge territories of the vast region invisibly under the tag of dictatorship of proletariat.  These acquired lands are controlled by invisible Mongols.  For example, Israel is invisible Mongol territory of Babylon Jews.  Babylon were different region and not old Israel (Egypt) or Palestine that has more than 3000 years of historical legacy that Jews claim as their homeland.  Palestine was not a regime or ethnic territory, but a land of inhabitants historically.

Medical termination does not limit to abortion of unwanted pregnancy, but few of the medical termination is visible in the death of Michel Jackson, Princess Diana and Jawaharlal Nehru.  Medical termination cannot be challenged most of the time in the process of Law.  However, it requires physical evidence and expert opinion to authenticate to claim of offence that as an act of aggression in the Right to Health or ill-health.  These types of aggression should be viewed to its dynamism of reason of killing and should be treated as crime or political execution by the invisible hand(s).

“Frank P. Grad credits the WHO Constitution as "claiming ... the full area of contemporary international public health," establishing the right to health as a "fundamental, inalienable human right" that governments cannot abridge, and are rather obligated to protect and uphold. The WHO Constitution, notably, marks the first formal demarcation of a right to health in international law.”[3]

Right to Health as Human Rights is bestowed by United Nations and World Health Organization along with Constitutional democracy as Fundamental Right. This indicates that it is duty of the government to protect the physical body from the aggression by the Medical profession. The termination of life or permanent impairment as the vested interest of the invisible hand(s) to facilitate Ricardo's theory of Rent or opaque punishment without the process of law. The farmers' suicides are one such example of termination of life towards the land mass grabbing.

“Farmers' suicides in the United States refers to the national occurrences of farmers taking their own lives, largely since the 1980s, partly due to their falling into debt, but as a larger mental health crisis among U.S. agriculture workers. In the Midwest alone, over 1,500 farmers have taken their own lives since the 1980s. It mirrors a crisis happening globally: in Australia, a farmer dies by suicide every four days; in the United Kingdom, one farmer a week takes their own life; and in France it is one every two days. In India more than 270,000 farmers have died by suicide since 1995.”[4]

The farmers’ suicide comes under Right to Health under UN Declaration of Human Rights. The economic policies of lenders under the protection of government compel farmers to lose the right to life. Besides this, they also have to give away their lands to the big Moguls through acquisition process. Bill Gates acquired approximately 242,000 acres of farming land from the Native Americans by being not a farmer. This is feudalism of land.

“A $171 million purchase of 14,500 acres of prime eastern Washington farmland in 2018 gave the power couple an estimated 242,000 acres of farmland, which is nearly the size of Hong Kong”.[5]


Similarly, The billionaire media mogul Ted Turner own 2 million acres and has the world’s largest privately owned buffalo herd in the State of South Dakota Land, guaranteed to the people of Lakota, native Americans.[7]

The elimination of life is not always becoz they are not able to cope with the financial pressure as always stated in the theories of Farmers’ suicide.  Many time life-insurance play a significant role in the loss of life, when the farmer who is also owner of the land are compelled to suicide by the land mafia.  The compulsion of the global policies on the farm produces also deliberately squeeze the farmers’ income for them to compel them to surrender their lands to the hands of Corporate.

As of 2019, farm debt was at $416 billion, an all-time high. Over half of all farmers have lost money every year since 2013, and farm loan delinquencies are increasing. Also in 2019, median farm income was projected to be −$1,644.[8]

Here come the world’s economic policy that is dependent of the Loans.  Loans are the economy of Lenders either thru banking system or the private lenders.  The interest on the loans to the banking system is the “rent” against the capital.  Though the present monetary policies are in the hands of Rothschild Banking system, thus interest against the loans are “rent” or “surplus value”, i.e. profit. 

“According to modern theory, economic rent is a surplus that is not peculiar to land alone. It can be a part of the income of labour, capital, entrepreneur.”[9]

Adam Smith economic theory of free trade is to free trade from the clutches government that led to industrialisation.  Whereas, David Ricardo’s theory of Rent led to Colonisation across the globe.  Likewise, British Monarchy claims the sovereign fee and not tax.  Tax goes to the government as fiscal money.  Sovereign fee is the rent of the land or ownership of the territories.  The government in the post-decolonization, are the leased government and the sovereign fee goes to the British Monarchy invisibly.  Thus, even though theoretically every independent States are sovereign against the lease or rent either to British Monarchy or Rothschild France as rent or against debt.

“Banking was already well-established in the British Empire when economist Adam Smith introduced his invisible hand theory in 1776. Empowered by his views of a self-regulated economy, moneylenders and bankers managed to limit the state’s involvement in the banking sector and the economy as a whole. This free-market capitalism and competitive banking found fertile ground in the New World, where the United States of America was about to emerge.”[10]

In the study of micro-biology, the characteristics of organisms define their behaviour of impact on human body whether it is supportive or destructive of their existence.  Similarly, the characteristic of Mongols and Babylon Jews through their strategies indicate their presence in the human society even though they are invisible.  English Monarchy had been invaded by Mongols strategically, whereas France took over by Mongolian Jews.  British Monarchy is establishment, i.e. government, whereas Jewish communism sprouted from the UK is cabal in the system.  Mongolian Jewish Rothschild is controlling the monetary system.  That is the reason, Adam Smith advocated for the decentralized banking system since the banking system was generating the monetary wealth of the Nation.  However, such steps were totally ignored by the clan of scholars under the patronage of Mongolian Jews.  Late President Gaddafi of Libya tried to break the hegemony of Mongolian Jews that have control over monetary system.  However, he was pathetically killed duly sponsored by Rothschild France and celebrated his death by the western leaders, Mongolian patronage governments.

Mongols always control trade-routes, whether it is inland or water.  The SEZ economy that control Ports and highways are Mongol policy.  When it is said handful British ruled the world that will be incorrect since it is handful Mongols duly multiplied through rapes and sex slavery spread across.  They became an invisible army that created terror and extorted rents.  British are civil and skilled people and they do not multiply like parasites in human body destroying organs in the body that gradually make a disease body or ill health. 

“Parasites, by definition from the CDC, are “organisms that live on or in a host organism and get food from, or at the expense of, its host. These infections are very frequent in tropic and subtropic climates and cause a high rate of disease and death globally.”[11]

One of the most prominent characteristic of the invisible Mongols is that they have good appetite for sex.  They command sex as rent or otherwise they rape to fulfill their sexual need.  Mongol are genetically nomad and unregistered and ungoverned sex are their natural behaviour.  No laws can compel them to rectify from this natural behaviour as moral sentiments.  Since they control the system strategically, rent/bribe becomes their natural right.

“A couple of hundred female members of the UK armed forces have been “misdiagnosed” with various personality disorders after they reported their sexual assaults at the hands of their colleagues to the department.”[12]

Naturally, if the inheriting claims of Mongols are challenged, it has to be misdiagnosed with various personality disorders. The rapes are also done virtually without meeting two bodies through controlling the body by tantric rituals. That is the reason, Army discourage women to be part of their establishment since Armies are dominated by Mongols.  Advocacy for the women’s recruitment in Armies to make them sexual fodder for Mongols in Army.  This is a known fact in every establishment, whether it is Judiciary, Police or Military have sexual exploitation even though law prohibited these actions.  All establishments are controlled by cabal use women as facilitators.

The fusion of Mongols and Babylon Jews is that, their relationship is based on demand and supply.  Historically, Jewish were the courtiers (haram or brothel) and the sex facilitator through enslaving women either through wars or abduction.  The Kabbalah rituals of child sacrifice were protecting spirit of them and their assets.  That is the reason, child sacrifice through child abduction is the most potent ritual is visible in the business of real estates.  In India, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of Art of Living, the Godman (Rabbi) is tantric that facilitate the acquisition of properties and lands through tantric rituals of the transnational syndicate.  This tantric rituals is supported by killing by the Naxal in Indian context.  Naxals are neo-nazi and Mongolian breed.  This Godman controls the government officials and becomes coordinator to the policies, promotions and recruitment.

“The occult, in the broadest sense, is a category of esoteric supernatural beliefs and practices which generally fall outside the scope of religion and science, encompassing phenomena involving otherworldly agency, such as magic and mysticism and their varied spells. It can also refer to supernatural ideas like extra-sensory perception and parapsychology.”[13]

The fusion of two interest groups of Babylon Jews and Mongols through their cult are controlling the world through blood and sex.  Their occult practices requires continuous feed of blood and sex.  That is why, Jews remained the financier of war that bleeds the earth and Mongols cult of sex created a forum of sex slavery historically duly facilitated by Jews.  This makes their fusion strong and rigid.  That is why it is often seen that the tantric are engaged in sex in the name of rituals and child sacrifice, which is a crime in the licit society.  The Godman, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is one of the occult practice in India that engaged in killing, rapes, sex slavery, property grabbing under the tag of “world peace”.  He procures Ricardo’s rent in the form of donation to protect the government officials who are engaged in manipulation of the government policies.

If the invisible theory trantrism to be analyzed by the visible theory in the ambit of Criminology, ability to bleed is the ‘Power’ and strategy to captivate the body through sex is ‘Control’, i.e. slavery.  Bleeding at mass scale through wars or terrorism or holocaust or genocide is destruction of peace and blockage to the prosperity, whereas, slavery is subjugation of regime of population.  Examples such as Bill Gates and Ted Turner acquisition of the large territory of the farming lands in US.  This indicates the control over food that is the basis of human survival.

Thus, Adam Smith's theory of “invisible hands” is indicator of controlling by bleeding, i.e. elimination of life, slavery through sex trafficking and hunger with food control. The rise of food crisis is not felt, but inflation in food prices is quite visible. Thus, inflation is the ‘rent' on food supplies and not the cost of production. The acquisition of large territories through policies and strategies naturally controls the population. However, the populations are the permanent occupiers of the land and nurture their territories through their labours, skills and intellectual properties. They are not only just pay the tax, which is a legitimate towards their collective welfarism, but also pay Ricardo's rent to the invisible hand(s).

“Prostitution has seen a massive jump at Davos even as top leaders and politicians arrived in the popular ski-resort town in Switzerland for the World Economic Forum (WEF).”[14]

“She revealed that they are requested for a wide range of services — from escorting people to dinner to sexual services, reported Indy100.”[15]

The rise of prostitution in the World Economic Forum, 2023 indicate that the control brothel over the economy.  The policies and strategies taken over by the member participants are the face of invisible hand(s) in the Forum.  This also indicates a brothel approach towards the economic policies and challenging the economic provision as a whole or universal.



Theories of Wages


If the wages of sin are death, what else, I should like to know, is the wages of virtue?— Samuel Butler (1835–1902)[16]

Wages means if the action is within the ambit of Law of civility, then it would be value added or credit value.  However, if the action is against the civility, then it is crime or debit value and makes under punishment or compensation.  These actions can be varied and versatile.

Various economic theories defined wages within the ambit of mode of production, which is based on demand and supplies, whereas Adam Smith’s theory of wages is within the ambit of division of labour.  Adam Smith’s theory of wages is based on the basic assumption that workers are paid wages out of a pre-determined fund of wealth.[17]  In such case, wealth is not a commerce, but the monetary policy and consolidated fund.

Economy and Commerce are distinct.  Commerce remained as exchange in trades and surplus of money during this trade that is remuneration of traders, whereas, economy is generation and distribution of wealth.  Commerce is one of the mode of generation of wealth.  Distribution of wealth is through “Wages and Perks” as engagement using skills.  Economy is basically “engagement” of people, for the people and by the people.

The other theorists such as David Ricardo’s substantial theory[18], Karl Marx’s surplus value theory[19], Francis A Walker’s Residual Claimant theory[20], Phillips Henry Wick-seed(UK) and John Bates Clark (USA)’s theory of Marginal Productivity[21], John Davidson’s bargaining theories of wages[22] and the last Behavioural theories[23], where wages are used as facilitation as mode of production.  The parameter of the study of wages of these theorists other than Adam Smith is limited to the mode of production, either of the marginal workers’ or skilled or workers associated with trade unions.  There have been wages beyond mode of production or market value, such as scholarly inputs, women being procreator and society builder, etc.

David Ricardo’s wage theories advocate the secured wages and it should not be affected with the profit or loss of the business.  We have a minimum wage theory based on the substantial theory.  Whereas Karl Marx surplus value theory is profit sharing from the surplus value besides the substantial wage, i.e. minimum wage.  This added to “bonus”, which every employee get as perk in many organisations.

Francis A Walker’s Residual Claimant theory indicates that only the wages are flexible whereas, land, capital and enterprising are rewards and what is left in it, is wages.  Thus, wages can be earned through negotiation with efficiency building.  This means, the competition amongst the workers and enhancement of efficiency.  That is why many vocational and skill oriented institution allow the negotiation of wages.  This allowed many skilled oriented programme such as MBA, Engineering, IT professionals, etc. to flourish and became mandatory towards employment.

Phillips Henry Wick-seed (UK) and John Bates Clark (USA)’s theory of Marginal Productivity indicates that the value of wage is based on the marginal workers or front-line of the production. Since they have the similar work so similar wages is applicable.  This is mainly towards unskilled, semi-skilled or skilled workers and not the management.

John Davidson’s bargaining theories of wages is basically a wage is negotiated by the trade-unions or contractors of labours that negotiate with the employer on the fixed wages during the contract or agreements.  Most of the Corporate engage contractual labours through outsourcing.  In this case, labour is commodity irrespective of its skill.  They become tenants of the contractors.  These contractors do maintain Ricardo’s substantial wages, i.e. minimum wage.

Behavioural theories treat wages as motivators, such as IT professionals.  The high salaried jobs push other professional to switch over IT industries or bankers since there are high wages in comparative to their respective industries such as engineering, etc.

Economy means any action that adds value in the social life beyond self since every individual is social being and interdependent.  This “value added” has a wage, which can be either through monetisation, barter, social security or recognition.  Government monitors the monetisation process of rewards towards value –addition in the society.

The existing theories of wages is very narrow.  It comes under the commerce engaged in surplus value, market and mode of production.  Capital, Land and Entrepreneurship has a fixed income whereas wages is invariably variable and thus, there are many theories towards fixation of wages.  Capital is liquid money, Land is fixed assets and Entrepreneurship is a fixed profit as rent on investments, i.e. surplus.  Thus, wage theories are part of Commerce and not economy under the market economy. 

Non-recognizable services under wages sustains through donations, funded or sponsorship.  It either goes from the fiscal money or part of surplus value.  Thus, surplus value from the commerce is still channelled to other activities that has no market value, such as sport, health-care, recreation, education, legal remedies, etc., and most importantly the labour of procreation of children, i.e. motherhood.

Surplus Value has many obligations, such as tax, interest, rent, workers’ welfare (health and insurance), legal remedies and dispute resolution, corporate social responsibilities (CSR), political funding, sponsorship and research and development.  Thus, surplus value is not absolute to the rewards of entrepreneurship. This restrict the visionary exploration of more enterprising since the surplus values goes to non-commercial wages.  This makes entrepreneurship as substantial wages of Ricardo theory of Wages.

“While Marx's concept of labour power has been compared to that of human capital, Marx himself may have considered a concept such as "human capital" to be a reification, the purpose of which was to imply that workers were a kind of capitalist.”[24]

Marxist theory of human capital or Das Capital when human being are visionary, but Workforce are not visionary, but skill oriented.  When those from the Workforce are visionary becomes capitalist.  Workforce is divided into unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled aptitudes depend upon their capabilities and capacities.

“Human capital is a concept used by social scientists to designate personal attributes considered useful in the production process. It encompasses employee knowledgeskillsknow-how, good health, and education.  Human capital has a substantial impact on individual earnings.  Research indicates that human capital investments have high economic returns throughout childhood and young adulthood.”[25]

The building of human capabilities goes from the process of procreation, i.e. in the womb.  Women become social labour ever since she conceives.  Her tenure of pregnancy depends upon pre-natal and post-post natal health care.  Human behaviour is shaped by woman before the child gets a social environment through schooling, i.e. education, skills and health.  The labour put by woman in social building is never got any recognition as “wages” for social building, whereas, sex worker got a recognition of occupation in the recent judgment by the India’s Apex Court and many countries that is dominated by Jews.

The labour by women that nurture societies through procreation, health, education and moral building is either trapped into domestic servitude or sex slavery.  Women become a sex worker within marriage under Communism destroying the sanctity of marriage in the civil society.  Family is a single unit of the society.  Women pay rent under David Ricardo’s rent theory for being woman as gender towards their own existence.  Even though, when her contribution in the society has the most significance in term of value-added.  Jewish control’s vagina and enslave women through tantrism, violence or as mortgage debt slaves. Non-recognition of women’s contribution towards nurturing the next generation is the cause of broken marriages and shattered society.  In the absence of recognition force women to find other alternatives and get into the trap of sex-trafficking to earn money towards her own sustainability or basic needs.  Sex-trafficking is third largest economy in the world after drugs and arms.  Jews control’s vagina and enslave women as interest group, historically. That means, the deliberate suppression of women at home to force them into the economy of sex by destroying family system. 

The claim of wages for women in the family system is only possible through maintenance as separation or alimony after divorce.  This is a prolonged legal process of a decade or two and stand like beggar in the matrimonial courts.  In such case women get trapped in the legal proceeding and become penal slave and gradually become sex slaves in the hands of lawyers as facilitators.  Judges get sex as David Ricardo’s rent being services given as Jurist towards legal remedies, physically and virtually.  In case, the women binds her family through sacrifices makes her as receiving end and leads a life servitude.  Until the time she serves, she gets fed otherwise remains neglected.  Food is not the only requisite for women, she needs dignified living.  An insecure women physically, financially, emotionally and socially cannot raise a healthy society.

Economy of sex is based on demand and supplies.  The demand of sex is created through broken families and gender conflicts and supplies are created towards a compromise for survival for women to sustain her broken families.  Surrendering sexual sovereignty is compulsive for jobs and employment in Jews controlled economy.  Brothelism, i.e. para-community is social reality and that is why is remained distinct from civilised societies historically.  Recognition of Brothel is very important since it captivate the nomadic tendencies from the society and barricade them in the brothel system.  Human Rights is sustained under Universal Charter of Human Rights even though they are brothel dwellers.  Presently, Brothels are stealing women strategically and converting them into prostitute that violates human rights of women.  Brothels have no religion and thus, no morality, but has its culture that has sprouted from its commerce.

Women and Prostitute, Men and Militia are distinct in this discourse.  Prostitute and Militia are commerce, whereas Women and Men are economy, i.e. beyond profit or advantage.  Prostitute and Militia are occupations, whereas Women and Men are builders of human societies in tune with ecological balance and that make them Economy as a whole.  Presently, the commerce invaded economy and belittled the dynamics of economics.  Our political system has narrowed the dynamics of economy and limited it to Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Finance, i.e. profits and managing the profits through taxation.  There is nothing that study the dynamics of economy towards generation of wealth or distribution of wealth.  Presently, the wealth is merely the exchange of hands.  All the policies and strategies are within the ambit of existing wealth.  There is no generation or creation of wealth and also no appropriate policies towards distribution of wealth.  Wages on social engineering or commerce should be based on credits and those credits should have a monetary values.

Morality is too fragile to stand alone unless it has the impact of religion, national laws and international covenants that are backed by ‘governance’.  That is why in every establishment there is ‘administration department’ towards smooth sailing.  Without governance religion, national laws and international covenants are bleak and ineffective.  That is why Adam Smith’s ‘moral sentiments’ influenced to create statehood, parliamentary democracy and human charter in United Nations.  But, the ‘moral sentiments’ is remained ineffective due to absence of “World Government” to deal with transnational criminal syndicates, i.e. barricading brothelism.   Transnational syndicates penetrated political system through political parties in the democratic system.


Health under Legal Remedies


The legal remedies is going through a process of crimes, exploitation, suppression and medical impairment. It is important to understand that whether the remedies are a tool of control or governance system.

Legal remedies go through a process of Law and within the ambit of Laws derived from the Constitution.  Constitution is universal and protects fundamental rights of life, liberty and property.  Human Rights is applicable to all that includes outlawed people.

In the present context, where Legal remedies that has the influence of David Ricardo’s rent theory and mainly has a lobby of Industrial Disputes such as land & property disputes are civil disputes.  Other disputes such as aggression against women in matrimony are civil in nature and is subsidiary to property disputes.  All the crimes has the influence of property disputes or acquisition process.  This makes criminal justice system a hand tool of the acquisition of properties in the various forms.

The example of Nirbhaya Gang Rape[26] is the one of the potent example where a narrative of a brutal gang rape was created.  This led to huge agitations demanding stringent laws against the rapist, hence new rape law was created with a broader dimension.  The new rape law with a broader dimensions was a tool towards the compromising property disputes or acquisition process or extortion of money strategically.  The brutality in the Nirbhaya gang rape was endorsed by Safdarjung hospital, Delhi. The extreme brutality with internal bleeding that led to the death of the victim. Whereas, rape never happened and the victim never died.  There have been process of laws to the extent of Apex Court where the convicts were given death sentence.  Only one convict got murdered in the Jail within three months of arrests before the legal proceedings since he picked the contract of crime.  Other convicts’ execution was as fake as the Nirbhaya gang rape. This rape law gave huge employment provisions to the Lawyers where rape cases were registered and the victims were given Rs.20 lakhs or marriage or job.  Most of the rape cases were fake.  The involvement of Safdarjang Hospital with the wrong report exposes the medical submission in the process of Law.  The Nibhaya gang rape case was designed by Lawyers, of the Lawyers and for the Lawyers to facilitate acquisition of lands and properties.  The role of Medical Institution creating a narrative of crime remained visibly invisible.

Though the death penalty was advocated, but new rape law does not prescribe death penalty, however, few of the death penalty was awarded in the rape cases.  When the rapes cases become acquisition process, then the death penalty become legal murder.  In such case how the activism against the death penalty is advocated by the same lobby who are killing under the shield of rape crime.  Rapes in India are contractual crimes by the crime labour.  These crime labours are Naxal in India as Karl Marx’s Das Capital.  Rapes are strategic aggression and not social crime of instinct since rapes has legacy of Mongol history.

David Ricardo’s rent theory created a syndicate of Property Mafia that is strategized by Rothschild Israel towards the acquisition of lands and properties.  They have a complete parallel system in the government and judiciary that facilitate the acquisition of properties through manipulation of laws by creating fake courts.  The arbitration and mediation supersedes the legal process since most of the mediation are coercive and justice do not prevail and/or rights of life, liberty and property is deprived.  Courts are only to authenticate through documents, i.e., legal paper work. In such case, the Institutions of Justice is a mere face of the Constitution, where remedies are acquired through coerciveness by the lobby of Mongolian Jews.  This makes Constitutional Institutions bleak and the legal remedies are deceptions under, rule of Law.

Another example of the nexus of Medical and Law is Covid-19.  Covid-19 was not a pandemic, but a holocaust under medical remedies.  This holocaust was mainly to cleanse the blockages in the legal remedies.  Most of the dispute were handled in the hospitals under arbitration and mediation centre in India.  The random deaths in the hospital and outside was the outcome of legal remedies. 

Another concern in the Health is the proliferation of the diseases in millions across the globe.  The rise of cancer, diabetics, thyroid, brain strokes, kidney failures, etc., are creating a panel of diseases, which is captivating the people of the world as a lobby.  Health is local and not global.  The diagnosis of the health hazards are mainly related to life-style.  Whereas, life-style varies from region to region and culture to culture.  In tune of this how the diseases are spreading like pandemic, requires deep analysis.

“According to estimates from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in 2018 there were 17.0 million new cancer cases and 9.5 million cancer deaths worldwide. By 2040, the global burden is expected to grow to 27.5 million new cancer cases and 16.3 million cancer deaths simply due to the growth and aging of the population. The future burden will probably be even larger due to increasing prevalence of factors that increase risk, such as smoking, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and fewer childbirths, in economically transitioning countries.”[27]

There are various association of the health issues such as cancer, thyroid, diabetics, etc. This indicates towards disease sociology.  However, disease is individual physiological condition.  Interestingly, there is no concrete evidence of the origin of these disease as pandemic and cure guarantee.  Thus, the patients have to be pharmacy dependency.  In such case, the treatment is based on the “probability theory” and not medical science.

“It is estimated that 200 million people in the world have some form of thyroid disease. In Canada there is a staggering number of people affected. Recent studies indicate that 1 in 10 Canadians suffer from a thyroid condition of one type or another! Of those, as many as 50% are undiagnosed!”[28]

When random growth of numbers of any disease such has thyroid without any logical reason, then it is not a medical science, but a probability theory.  It is important to investigate the invisible hands that are making people as pharmacy-dependent.  The rise of health issues across the globe has created health as Industry.  Every health crisis in millions in number indicates a lobby system that has its own economy.  For example, diabetics is growing as society.

“About 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, the majority living in low-and middle-income countries, and 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year. Both the number of cases and the prevalence of diabetes have been steadily increasing over the past few decades.”[29]

Diabetics is proliferating as society and identity similar to thyroid.  The proliferation is not only making pharmacy dependent, but also restricting life with a psychological effect.  The worst part comes when the medical impairment or elimination is defended by the diabetics.  Diabetics are nurtured through manipulation of the diagnostic similar to thyroid and other ailments.  Diabetics also creates a specialised food lobby mainly meant for the patients. This becomes an economy. Though it cannot be denied the disease occurs, but spreading like epidemic and pandemics is a real concerns and questionable.  However, every physiology is identical in itself based on local food habits and environment that leads to immunity level.  Just like every biometric details are identical or unique in every individual. That is why societies have diversities based on ecological factors.  In India during Covid-19, diabetic patients were created medically in the hospitals by manipulating data.  Diabetic patients are the target of the property dispute lobby.  They are monitored through creating illness and gradually killed under the shield of diabetics.

Diabetics is about food control.  Control of food kills the aspiration of life and monitored medically.  This is imprisonment.  Diabetics control low income and middle-income countries indicates food control due to economical restraints.  India is the largest sugar exporter in the world.  Thus, restraining indigenous consumption will make export flourishing.  Export flourishing attract dollars in the economy.  Attracting foreign exchange at the cost of the compromised living in the country need to be viewed under fundamental rights of life, health and liberty of aspiration.

“Although a stroke is largely preventable, the number of cases is rising across the world. However, awareness about the critical brain condition is still low. According to the Stroke Forum, there are over 13.7 million new strokes of all types every year. Studies have also pointed out that every fourth person aged more than 25 years will suffer a stroke in their lifetime across the world. Additionally, nearly six million people die due to stroke every year.  Not just death stroke also contributes to serious and long-term disabilities. Stroke Forum data suggest over 116 million years of healthy life are lost due to stroke every year.”[30]

The rising cases in India of brain stroke also creates concern of medical manipulation and impairment.  Most of the patients are women at home, i.e. housewives.  This medical impairment with long-term disabilities to plant private nurses/domestic-help/therapist help and alternate women for sexual facilitation, etc., to alternate the home-maker’s placement in the family.  This is employment generated for the medical related workforce.  These workforce further play a strategic role of class-war through espionage, information leakages and mediation.  These leakages help in the strategic role towards legal remedies and dispute resolution.  Here, right to health of an individual in question towards the job generation and dispute resolution.

Kidney failure, paralysis, ventilation, etc., are tools of compensation against crime that is channelized through the Medical Institutions and hospitals.  Medical sociology play a significant role in administration through physical impairment and elimination.

“Of the 2 million people who receive treatment for kidney failure, the majority are treated in only five countries – the United States, Japan, Germany, Brazil, and Italy. These five countries represent only 12% of the world population. Only 20% are treated in about 100 developing countries that make up over 50% of the world population.”[31]

The cost of the medical establishment is borne by the medical insurance.  Medical insurance is only applicable in the hospital expenses recovery.  It is not applicable for the outside patient or retail health care in Indian context.  When the person has medical insurance guarantees medical scrutiny.  Medical insurance benefits medical industry and not the patients since bills can be raised at the cost of the manipulation of health on documents and data.  This makes medical sociology a syndicate that subjugate Right to Health of the people.

All the above medical ailments cause death.  The genocide through medical elimination under Health indicates the economic failure and narrow governance policies.  These killing are passive killing and destroy the aspiration of people.  Economy generates through aspiration and not market.  Health industries do creating economy for medical professionals. However, it kills major economy that is generated through life.  When the aspirations are killed, it blocks the evolution socially, economically, culturally and politically.

Though medical sociology is a broader study in tune of sociology as an academic domain.  This indicates the social impact in human health such as cleanliness, mental health, suicides, etc.  However, the physical ailment, which is treatment oriented in totality with the medical science and not based on probability theory.  Medical sociology is under the grip of Political Sociology under the impact of Das Capital to create a control over power and a tool of class war.  Political sociology intermediate between people and governance. However, governance through medical impairment and elimination completely erode right to health, life, liberty and property and creates an opaque system.  The collapse of justice system is due to medical sociology under the grip of Marxist political sociology that is cabal in the system.  No ideology can eliminate the gross population in the world invisibly.

It is also important to analyse, whether the study of micro-biology is creating a bio-weapon, which is killing the people passively as class-war, besides creating a narrative and network of illness in the form of pandemic and epidemic.

The administration is to eradicate crime through a process of law and transparency under, Rule of Law.  Communism is anti-state and controlling population through medical impairment.  The medical impairment under medical sociology needs a thorough research and an elaborate study.


Invisible grip in Health

The invisible grip of health can be seen through its fund-raising techniques.  The role of research and development plays a significant role in the development of health care.  The research and development of microbiology, which is a broader subject influence the various health issues that have impact of the environment and its combating mechanism.  That is why every health issues has a traditional knowledge since it is based on local environment.  No virus or bacteria that invades the body through food, air or water is so potent that it can take a shape of pandemic.  Most of the food that is consumed are cooked are local in nature otherwise imported.

“Biological weapons may be employed in various ways to gain a strategic or tactical advantage over the enemy, either by threats or by actual deployments. Like some chemical weapons, biological weapons may also be useful as area denial weapons. These agents may be lethal or non-lethal, and may be targeted against a single individual, a group of people, or even an entire population. They may be developed, acquired, stockpiled or deployed by nation states or by non-national groups. In the latter case, or if a nation-state uses it clandestinely, it may also be considered bioterrorism.”[32]

Thus, it is important to explore the passive killing and growing health care expenses as invisible bio-weapon.  Biological weapons can be created from the living organism such as bacteria, virus or fungi.  These microbes can invade cells and cause infection and diseases.  Thus, microbes are transmitted artificially. 

“The foundation of microbiology was securely laid during the period from about 1880 to 1900. Students of Pasteur, Koch, and others discovered in rapid succession a host of bacteria capable of causing specific diseases (pathogens). They also elaborated an extensive arsenal of techniques and laboratory procedures for revealing the ubiquity, diversity, and abilities of microbes.”[33]

There have been historical evidence where the biological warfare such as small-pox, etc., were used to defeat the opponents.  Covid-19 was one such global warfare as pandemic.  Bio-logical war fare affect the economy and thus, the healthcare expenses take a larger chunk from the society.  These expenses are parallel to the military expenses of any country.  For example, cancer ailment is the most expensive healthcare to which the cause of diseases and its curability in unpredictable.

“Cancer-causing infections, such as human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis, are responsible for approximately 30% of cancer cases in low- and lower-middle-income countries.  Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Other terms used are malignant tumours and neoplasms. One defining feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, and which can then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs; the latter process is referred to as metastasis. Widespread metastases are the primary cause of death from cancer.”[34]

The Cancer is metaphor or symbolic of the political sociology of Marxist theories, where there is a representation to the power of groups and not individual.  Groups are the organs of the body and the conflicts are within the groups or intra-groups that create cancer.  Abnormal cells are people with conflict.  The complete theory of micro-biology is the study of human being in the environment/ecology.  They are controlled through bodies.  The study of vaccination, immunity, virology, microbes, etc., are the medical sociology of the political control through a stream of diseases.  When those abnormal cells, i.e., the rebels are beyond control, they are killed by the diagnosis of cancer.  The study of micro-biology has the influence of Plato’s theory of souls.

The economy of the Medical sociology is diagnostic centres, pharmacy, hospitals, medical insurances, life insurances, etc. The rising economy of pharmacy as industry is a strategic implementation on the health of the people.  If every household there is a monthly expenses of US$150 to US$300 then it is a huge collection in the form of Ricardo’s rent.  The counterfeit medicines flow the low income group countries since political sociology is more functional in these countries.  This leads to US$200 billion[35] annual trade in the developing countries.  WHO also estimates that between 1% and 10% of drugs sold around the world are counterfeits, but it may be as high as 50% in some countries.[36]

The forerunner of the diagnosis are primarily doctors through the diagnostic centre.  The pathological centres maintained the biological data of the people through various tests.  This help the business of organ transplantation.  The random proliferation of the diagnostic centres and pathological laboratories through vigorous marketing is to collect the biological data in record.  The pharmacy is the economy of the medical sociology that pumps money towards building political sociology.  Identity and ideology is political mobilisation and it needs fund.

Another collection of funds is from the insurance business.  The collection of money as yearly premium has made the insurance business in trillions.  Insurance business run on probability theory and probabilities can be created.

“In terms of the size of insurance industry in India, the share of life insurance in total premium in India is 75.24% and the share of non-life premium is 24.76% (2020).  The market share of private sector companies in the non-life insurance market rose from 15% in FY2004 to 49.3% in FY2021.  Health insurance witnessed 13.3% growth in GDPI in FY21.[37]

“Health insurance contributes 20% to the non-life insurance business, making it the 2nd largest portfolio. The gross direct premium income underwritten by health insurance grew 17.16% year-on-year to reach $6.87 bn in FY20”[38]


Health insurance do not have the retail benefits, whereas the benefits of the hospital, i.e. admitted for surgery, etc., then the claim is valid.  In many occasions it is mostly done towards the arbitration in case of any legal disputes.  Medical insurances bear medical establishment costs. 

“The number of inpatient hospital deaths decreased 8% from 776,000 in 2000 to 715,000 in 2010.  At the same time, total hospitalizations increased 11%, from 31.7 million in 2000 to 35.1 million in 2010 (data not shown).  Female inpatient hospital deaths decreased from 411,000 in 2000 to 364,000 in 2010. Male inpatient deaths did not change significantly during this time.”[39]

The decreased in the numbers of death is mainly, medical insurance and do not cover death benefits.  Most of the elderly death is life termination to curtail the longevity of life than the health issue.  This makes hospitals a slaughterhouse.  The corruption in the hospital contradicts the aspiration of medical services as health care.  Whereas, the medical professional has to follow the system of Medical sociology that contradicts their profession.

“Another sting operation was in Mumbai. The sting operation undertaken on July 16th 2014 revealed how a pathology Lab registered in Navi Mumbai is run by a doctor registered with Karnataka Medical Council and he does not even the sign reports himself. In fact, the city has become more famous in recent time as a hub for illegal laboratories.”[40]

The trillions of insurance business besides pharmacy and diagnostic centres create fund towards the expenses of political sociology in various form of activism.  The expenses of political sociology is very high since they have no economy of their own.  The activism can create policies such as New Rape Law in India through fake rape case, but then economy through provision has limited scope of existence.  That is the reason medical termination is the passive way of cleansing life since killing through weapons comes under the scrutiny of criminal justice system.


Wherever, there is economy of drugs, cancer hospitals will prevail since cancer treatments are the channel of money laundering.  For example, Punjab is the hub of drugs consumption and drug manufacturing industries.  The problem of drug abuse among the youth in Punjab is fast becoming an epidemic. The local government had estimated way back in 2009 that two-thirds of all rural households in Punjab had at least one drug addict.[41]




“Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) is a comprehensive cancer centre located in Mumbai, India. It is the largest cancer hospital in Asia and one of the leading Cancer treatment centres in the world. TMC offers advanced medical facilities for diagnosis and treatment of cancer.  It also conducts research into the causes and cures for cancer. The Centre is affiliated to Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI). The Tata Memorial Hospital was inaugurated on 28 February 1952.”[43]

“the role of the Parsis of India in the opium trade between China and India during the 18th and 19th centuries. It examines the significant role of a non-European group in the history of drugs. The Parsi involvement in the opium trade constituted an important component in the rise of Western capital in Asia, the development of the Indian and imperial economies, and the growth of Bombay and other colonial centers.”[44]

“In 2010, the total annual economic cost of cancer through healthcare expenditure and loss of productivity was estimated at US$ 1.16 trillion. Strategies to improve early diagnosis can be readily built into health systems at a low cost.”[45]


This indicates how economy of drugs are the channel of the medical sociology in tune of welfare.  The estimated costs of the cancer treatment of chemotherapy is approximately between US$ 20,000 to US$150,000.  This is for those who can afford to pay the bill goes and others are taken care of by the drug money as subsidised treatment.  The estimated 1.16 trillion dollars in cancer treatment not just create employment for medical sociology, but also create infrastructure of the operation and administration of the political sociology.  As stated by the Indian President Draupadi Murmu that crowds in prison and demand for proliferation of prisons contradicts the theory of progressive country.  The progressive countries have limited crimes.  Similarly, the numerous buildings of Hospitals do create employments for the medical services. However, this indicates a diseased societies and sick country. Healthy countries focus on prevention first than quantum of cures.  The total turnover of Hospital Industry in India [46]is about US$ 132 billion by 2023 and expected to be US$ 61.8 billion in 2027.  This indicates that Health is an industry and human body is the market.  This contradicts, Right to Health.


These groups under political sociology creates political representations through identity and ideology.  Whereas, the Westminster democracy is the representation of the province and not identity.  Political sociology has created a parallel system of political parties that controls the parliament based on ideology and identity.  Though Caste system in India was symbolically criticised by Marxist, but political sociology is a new caste system of identity and ideology.

Political sociology has no licit provision in the governance.  They are only a process of acquisition of power and hence become cabal in the system.  Political sociology is defacto in the governance since they do not represent province.  Province governance through parliamentary democracy aid the welfare and infrastructure development.  Group rights is cultural rights, which is sovereign in its own way, i.e. culture autonomy and has no territorial claim.  Governance is universal and accountable to individual rights that have territorial claim.  Territorial governance is always based on citizenship.  Citizenship prohibit the organised crimes, national and transnational.

Group rights create lobby war and human trafficking.  Since they control people as groups, they surrender their sovereignty to the group ideology.  Crimes, killings are the justifications towards identity politics.  The fund-raising for these groups are from the economy of drugs, human trafficking and violence.  They become contractual crime labours.  The groups are insured through group insurance.  Life loss is monetary gains of the group.  That is why political murders has less legal implication since these are groups-war under political sociology.  Criminal Justice system seems bleak in this situation.

Political Sociology invades family system.  Every member of the family belongs to different groups.  The group war leads to family conflict.  Most of it end with the property disputes.  This includes broken marriages.  Marriages between two lobby members often end with the two lobby disputes or dissolve their treaties in remote.  The marriage based on caste has community accountability and generally sustain due to community pressure.  Whereas, political sociology restricts marriage as gender conflict.  The long waiting, for the matrimonial claims generally due to these group conflict and not the incompetence in the judicial administration or policy lapses.

Political sociology under ideology and identity is communism as gross identity, similar to Cancer is the ultimate identity of the various diseases.  Political Sociology is an Organised Crime that functions under Drugs, Sex Slavery and Arms economy.  That is why these are the top three economy in the world.  Political sociology replaced class-war and became anti-State.  Ricardo’s rent theory is mainly a rent given by Political Sociology to Political Institutions towards leased governance.  In present context, Political Institutions leased the governance against the rent or lease towards social administration to which the local administration is clueless and conflicts with the governance.  This compromises the Constitutional democracy.


Invisible role of Tantra and Holocaust


 “People take steroids in huge amount and for a longer time so as to get some short-term results; however, they may have to suffer throughout their lives.”[47]

Tantra or mysticism functions in the society is like steroid that generates unnatural energies or works as energy booster in the individuals against all.  It provides protection and immunity from any aggression. Steroids existed historically that boosted energies in many cases to overpower the competent.  Similarly, Tantra gives power against the people to the individuals under the influence of tantra supersedes other.  The way cancer is the genre term of communism in medical sociology, similarly, tantra is mystic steroid, i.e., an artificial regulatory of metabolism.

“A steroid is a biologically active organic compound with four rings arranged in a specific molecular configuration. Steroids have two principal biological functions: as important components of cell membranes that alter membrane fluidity; and as signaling molecules. Hundreds of steroids are found in plantsanimals and fungi. All steroids are manufactured in cells from the sterols lanosterol (opisthokonts) or cycloartenol (plants). Lanosterol and cycloartenol are derived from the cyclization of the triterpene squalene[48]

Steroids is made of microbes, which is not locally generated, but manufactured in the pharmacy.  Steroid is a compilation from the various form of natural components.  Steroids is an imported organism into the body.  It gives artificial strength than the natural immunity of the strength.  Steroids destroys the natural function and gradually takes over the body function.  This makes steroids against health rights.  Steroids not just gives a short-term privileges, but gives a long-term illness. Antibiotics and steroids are distinct. Thus, steroids are not health care and tantra is not religion.  Religions do not endorse tantrism. Both are used for being in a privileged position.  Steroids is passive killing.  The way steroids role in the health care, similarly tantrism has the similar role in the human societies.

Doping tests are done to prevent unethical ways to win games since early 90s. Since then, many famous athletes were caught using steroids to win a sport and set a mark in history. ‘Doping test’ is a biochemical test to detect the presence of performance-enhancing drugs in the blood. Doping test is usually done in the athletic events such as the Olympic Games to find out any traces of performance-enhancing drugs in blood or urine. Doping to enhance performance is not only unfair, it is also unsafe,” writes the scientific executive director of Amgen, a biotech company.[49]

The regulatory authority ban steroids through doping test indicate that there should not be any artificial privileges against other when the performance is measured.  Similarly, every religion disown the mystic/tantra steal cosmic energies to the benefits of few.  Religion is universal, whereas mystic/tantra is partisan.

Tantrism is not a local culture or a community or group of people.  It is a network across the globe.  It is the control of people through this network since mantra are orated on the astronomical timing.  Thus, it will be incorrect to identity it with any region or culture of that region.  Tantrism is a tool of protection.

“Other attributes associated with Kāpālikas were that they revered the fierce Bhairava form of Shiva by emulating his behavior and characteristics, smeared their body with ashes from the cremation grounds, wore their hair long and matted, and engaged in transgressive rituals such as sexual intercourse with lower-class womenhuman sacrifices, consumption of meat and alcoholic beverages, and offerings involving orgiastic sexuality and sexual fluids.”[50]

From the criminology perspective, the Kapalikas are seen in the societies as a cultural trend.  Long hair, tattoos, open sex societies, sexual orientation, rapes, human sacrifices (holocaust) is visible in the most potent ways.  All these cultural trend is distinct from the civilised societies across the globe.  Homosexuality is the creation from the tantric rituals.  The rising trends of the homosexuality is an outcome of the steroid, i.e. tantrism in the society.  The gay society is dictating as feudal lords in the societies and creating a community in themselves and expanding in their own form.  From transgender to LGBTQ is increasing day by day and claiming social, legal and political legitimacy from the civilised society.  LGBTQ is a tantric community with strict rituals and norms for themselves as community.

“As a life-embracing philosophy, Tantra consists of various practices, including spirituality, love, sexual union and social life, in order to achieve one’s spiritual aspiration.”[51]

People gets trapped in the tantrism as a solution towards their failure in lives.  The modern societies are disintegrated and became solo in its own way.  Shrinking religion and fall of community as social culture have pushed people towards some solution in their existence and aspiration of life.  Gender conflicts and its legal implication has ruined the societies and created a good market for tantrism.

Random crime against women is the outcome of the tantrism in the societies.  Women are contaminated by invisible tantrism through sexual intercourse.  Once they are destroyed, they are killed.  Rapes are the aggression against women. Tantrism sees women as lowest strata as consumable. The consumption of drug and random killing is the flow of trantrism in the societies that has invaded the religion.  Religion protects civility and see killing, aggression against women and consumption of drugs as sin.  The first three economies in the world is drugs, arms and sex-slavery is due to the impact of tantrism in the society. It creates huge appetite in the form of toxic, sex and human sacrifice in a smaller way and collectively it becomes huge and organised crime. 

“Many studies have conclusively proven that meditative techniques derived from the Indian systems of philosophy, meditation and ritual classified as "Tantra" can bring about sustained changes in the structure and function of the nervous system of practitioners. The aim of this study is to provide neuroscientists a framework through which to interpret Tantra, and thereby provide a foundation upon which future interdisciplinary study can be built.”[52]

Tantrism has role in the creating ailments since it touches the neurology.  Epilepsy is one the contract of tantrism.  Tantrism creates a huge market for medical industry.  It creates pains in the body.  Ailments such as migraine, joints pains, back pain, sciatica, neurological disorder, speechless, breathlessness, sleeplessness, heart pain, sudden loss of eyesight, etc.  Any form of pains can be created through tantrism and that push people towards medical remedies.  This pain can then have a medical terminology and a process of treatment and open market for pharmacy.  The pains through tantrism remains for limited time.  Not able to bear the consistent pain push people for the remedies.  Medical remedies based on data of the pathological laboratories and diagnostic centres are deceptions than the expertise of practitioner becoz data are created and digital reports are manipulated.   Ever since the modern medicine have evolved, people are more towards the physical ailment.  Prior to that, people had less health crisis since all the health issue were taken care of by traditional knowledge based on environmental remedies and the specialized professionals.

Religion played a significant role in this process since the place of worship in the territory or at home demanded cleanliness and was the most potent way of environmental remedies.

 “The ancient Mesopotamians made no distinction between rational science and magic. When a person became ill, doctors would prescribe both magical formulas to be recited as well as medicinal treatments.”[53]

There is a historical evidence that tantrism is practiced towards health remedies and it is also available in the present time.  People do visit for the remedies in few temples, mosques or churches that protect them what modern medicine treatments cannot provide.  This does not say that the rise of modern medical treatment are vague.  However, the Health as Industry surely create a suspicion when it makes trillions as business and creating sick societies across the globe instead of health care.

“Although connotations have varied from positive to negative at times throughout history, magic continues to have an important religious and medicinal role in many cultures today.  In modern occultism and neopagan religions, many self-described magicians and witches regularly practice ritual magic, defining magic as a technique for bringing about change in the physical world through the force of one's will…….  The only major difference was the fact that curses were enacted in secret, whereas a defense against sorcery was conducted in the open, in front of an audience if possible.  One ritual to punish a sorcerer was known as Maqlû, or "The Burning".”[54]

The “Burning” is the ritual in two ways, i.e. offering to the Tantric God and other is punishing the sin that was relevant for Jews for both Ancient Israel and Babylon.  Burning as punishment was the capital punishment in the ancient time.  Ancient Israel was a part of Egyptian civilisation and Babylon were Mesopotamia civilisation.  Babylon and Assyria (Assur) are both part of Mesopotamia civilisation.  There are some historical evidence of Assur in Indian mythology.  Assur were famous for cruelty and prowess.  The ancient India was an expansion of Babylon influence in the region.  That is why India has more of western Asian influence than the eastern Asia.  Eastern Asia has the influence of Mongols.  Mongols have Babylon influence.  Thus, Indian civilisation is a fusion and influence of Babylon and Mongol cult.

The word Holocaust is derived from the Greek holokauston, a translation of the Hebrew word ʿolah, meaning a burnt sacrifice offered whole to God.[55]

From the criminology perspective, historically, Jews were the human traders of men, women and children.  They were war financiers and used to captivate the war prisoners were traded as slaves to the world.  Women became sex slaves, children were used for stealing and men for killing.  All these are crime in the civilised society.  The burnt sacrifice offered whole of God was Holocaust.  Holocaust is Jewish ritual.  In any rituals, offerings were made to God from the economy they make from their living.  That is the reason, Jews offered human sacrifices since they trade human as their economy.

“There is a persistent idea, widely canvassed in a sensational genre of literature, that the Nazis were principally inspired and directed by occult agencies from 1920 to 1945.”[56]

Though the holocaust, in the modern world is referred to Nazi, where Jews were killed along with others in World War II.  This was a ritual in the Jewish war for homeland by Rothschild.  Similarly, 26/11, Mumbai terror attack was also holocaust, where Jews were killed.  26/11 attack was ritual for the Rafale deal and the negotiation started for that.  Rafale deal was Rothschild one of the interest of property of Dassault Rafale against creating market for Rafale jets through India.

Another holocaust was Godhara train burning, where Hindu pilgrims were killed.  Godhara incident was a ritual against Congress that killing enormous Muslim. Sikh burning in 1984 was holocaust.  Even though it was genocide, but then the CM of Gujarat political career enhanced without looking back.  Godhara riots benefited Adani towards acquisition of ports under SEZ, which is Israel Indian Army corporate remained a clean passage for drugs smuggling.  Similarly, Fakushima nuclear blast in Japan was also holocaust that paved way for the market of Japan bullet train in India.  Japan is Jews economy and bullet train is Rothschild economy.

“A scholarly literature, including a variety of anthologies and commentaries, has developed that reflects upon Holocaust theology as a religio-cultural phenomenon.  The well-known Lithuanian Jewish leader, Rabbi Elazar Shach taught that the Holocaust was a divine punishment for the sins of the Jewish people, and for the abandoning of religious observance for the enlightenment.  There were Messianist Zionists, at the other end of the spectrum, who also saw the Holocaust as a collective punishment for ongoing Jewish unfaithfulness to God.   Kook writes: "When the end comes and Israel fails to recognize it, there comes a cruel divine operation that removes [the Jewish people] from its exile.  Prof. Richard Rubenstein's original piece on this issue, After Auschwitz, held that the only intellectually honest response to the Holocaust is to reject God, and to recognize that all existence is ultimately meaningless.  He claims that it reinforces an alarming tendency among ultra-Orthodox leaders to exploit such arguments on behalf of their own authority. In "Prayer in the Shoah" he gives his response to the idea that the Holocaust was a punishment from God.”[57]

Holocaust is not a punishment, but offering to the Tantric God for any new venture.  Just like for construction of building, there is human sacrifice or child sacrifice.  The random killings of infants, children, men and women are towards the tantric ritual for a sector of economy that is controlled by Jews.  Similarly, there are various holocaust towards rituals of any new projects, such as Uphaar Cinema Fire Tragedy.  This benefited Ansals on new projects.  Likewise, Bhopal Gas tragedy was also holocaust.  26/11 was also ritual for the Tata Nano production where the decision was taken immediately after the 26/11 holocaust under the initiative of Chief Minister of Gujarat. Possibly terrorism was a narrative. It was similar to Uphaar Cinema Fire Tragedy by Ansals. Corporate is communism of economy and killing is a ritual.

There have been numerous killing where building were on fire in past few years in Delhi and Mumbai, are also holocaust.  These holocaust are tantric ritual, which is compensated by the Fire and Life Insurances.  The basic requisites are deaths and fire becoz fire gives suffocation and that is the ritual of death.  Holocaust is the burning offer to the God.

 “In modern occultism and neopagan religions, many self-described magicians and witches regularly practice ritual magic; defining magic as a technique for bringing about change in the physical world through the force of one's will. This definition was popularised by Aleister Crowley (1875–1947), an influential British occultist, and since that time other religions (e.g. Wicca and LaVeyan Satanism) and magical systems (e.g. chaos magick) have adopted it.”[58]

Tantric strategies is like a ‘block chain’ similar to crypto-currency generation of money.  This makes the system feudal and flow of money in the world of “western esotericism” and give a protection and privileges for those who are part of their economy.  The British colonial legacy in the world is due to the occult practices.  If the colonial strategies is analysed, the pattern similar to the “block-chain” in the cyberspace will be found.  This indicates the crypto-currency is tantric economy.

Communism is the hoarder of the tantrism and that is the reason, communism is into sex slavery, drugs money and violent in character.  The tantrism puts them in the privileged position in the political society and none can defeat communism and thus, made the human societies helpless.  The huge gap in the wealth distribution becoz of the tantrism and accumulation of money in few hands.  Communism is anti-religion becoz they are tantric.

Tantrism can only be defeated by the civility of Religion as social fabric and governance that protect human rights through political institutions.  Temple, Church, Mosques, etc., and other social rituals, i.e. home is also a place of worship of God and the negativity of tantrism cannot invade them.   It is important to check that nothing destroy the serenity of God becoz God protects from the evil aggression and this builds spiritual metabolism collectively.  Temple, Church, Mosques, etc. are social structure and should be protected by Political structure as social institutions.  Human Charter of United Nations is the modern religion since it is collective consensus. Tantrism is para-community in the civilised society.

All the crimes that is in the Rule Book are the requisite and parameter of Tantrism, i.e. drugs, human trafficking and killing. The tantrism is invisible hand(s) that is controlling the societies by making few as privileged.  The steroid in the medical terminology of tantrism in the political sociology.

The invisibility in development economics theories

“Development economics refers to the analysis of challenges and opportunities in transforming an emerging economy into a developed one. Its purpose is to help developing nations identify and overcome hurdles in economic growth, such as poverty, inequality, and market failure.”[59]

Development economics theorists described that the building capabilities are the sole policies towards the developing economics.  However, it failed to give any concrete methodological solution that is critical towards the development in the developing and under-developed countries.  The economist stuck between Market economy and Marxist Das capital.

First world that dictate the world economy is not because they are skilled, educated or healthy population.  The cause of their prosperity is their monetary sovereignty, i.e. ability to generate money through credit values.  They import skills towards their own sustainability.  Selling education and development of skills are distinct.

Poverty, inequality and market failure are three distinct term as abstract without given a specific theory of the cause of the crisis and its combating mechanism.  

“Market failure, in economics, is a situation defined by an inefficient distribution of goods and services in the free market. In an ideally functioning market, the forces of supply and demand balance each other out, with a change in one side of the equation leading to a change in price that maintains the market's equilibrium. In a market failure, however, something interferes with this balance.”[60]

Market failure is due to many reasons to which one of the key reason is leakage in the credit system or cash flow.  Secondly, most of the business houses are benami are proxy in nature and thus, lack decision making process.  Most of the business house underperform due to lobby war somewhere in remote.  There is a lack of coordination in the economy or can be said lack of accountability.  Market remains feudalistic, i.e. allocation in the supply chain or market.  Lastly, acquisition processes through shareholding.  These leakages creates collapse in the system resulting to market failure. 

The leakage in the credit or cash flow ruins the economy and the value of produces that finally impact to the wages of labour.  These leakages are generally meant to get quick money through share trading, chit funds or investment in properties.  Many times when these quick money investment collapses for various reason, it creates blockages in the cash/credit flow and finally effect the demand and supply.  There is no mechanism that protects cash flow in the market from the leakages since private investment gives more profit that the regular business.

Further most of the technological owned business has foreign investments. The withdrawal of investments from the foreign sources do affect the sustainability of the business and most of the time it collapses.  These withdrawal of investment could be for various reasons and one of them could be acquisition by other lobby.  The whole business is divided amongst lobbies and thus, it became feudalistic in nature.  When there is feudal war in remote, then it affects in the whole economy since economy gets sanctioned.

Development economists have the Marxist inclination and thus, be around their vision of the das capital.  The education has become economy, health has become industry and legal remedies has become syndicate.  Thus, when the services that build a society has become money spinning, then how it can survive without economy or when economy collapse needs to be analysed.  It will exhaust in due course of time.

The most serious concern is Intra-Gender inequality.  The suppression of women in the hands of Jewish lobby are creating women as sex worker.  Their body and glamour though has raised beauty industries, but women as home makers are being servitude in a larger way.  Women as home-makers do contribute potently as society building.  They care for the family of three generations and save many overheads of the State expenses.  However, their contribution in the society remained unrecognized in tune of social securities.  Though sex workers has been recognized as occupation and has monetary value, but home makers remained a domestic servitude.  Sex workers have a limited time frame in their occupation and later become a social liability because they are unskilled and become threat to the peace in the social fabric. 

Home-makers should be included into minimum wages from the State as a gratitude or appreciation towards society building.  Procreation is a labour and nurturing is a skill.  It is a lifetime efforts for women as home-maker.  This will save the expenses such as pre-natal and post-natal expenses for which she is dependent on her husband or parents’ or state expenses and become liability and neglected or on missionary.  Women labour start from ever since she conceives, whether in marriage or no marriage. Nurturing is a skill and building educated, healthy and morally strong society is dedication and commitment whether in marriage or without marriage. Children born in a territory is a natural citizen. Women as home maker also protect its family from the tantric aggression through religious activities.  Sex-workers do drain nomadic tendencies in the society whereas home-maker nurture the society and combat nomadic tendencies through her education, skill and dedication in the family.  The minimum wages for women as procreator makes her rooted. She becomes more empowered than those women in the Parliament under reservation of women or those women as CEOs and then get arrested by law for misappropriation of her position.

The minimum wages for the home maker will not only create a social security, but also pave a way for family system, which is in a decline mode.  Divorces will be curtailed since most of the divorces happens when women are seen as liability.  Long queues in the matrimonial courts for the wanting of maintenance or alimony will become irrelevant.  In the developed country monetary sovereignty is making empowered through employment and they are shredding the social responsibility, i.e. family system and as procreator.  They think being a child bearer as non-recognized labour and also curtail their liberty when they have other options, even though it is either compromised or subjugated.   In minimum wage theory, women will be encouraged to be responsible in the family and will be protected from the chattel slavery.  The random crime against women indicate that the society treats women as irrelevant as there is no credit value.  When men are killed in war is visible, but when women are killed in the society passively or actively in many form remains invisible.  Crimes are huge monetary liability on States.

The minimum wages for home-makers, i.e. women as procreator will give them purchasing power. This will create many provisions for creating new ideas for economy since women are not only the creator, but also consumers of the new ideas. This will excel new economy in food, health, recreation, education, tourism, etc., besides beauty and glamour. Women's inclination of choice, imagination, desires are instincts that create a demand in the mercantile economy and minimum wages will give her buying capabilities. Home-makers are givers. A little appreciation towards their credit values in society building will give a huge economy to the State as surplus value and curtail many overheads. Minimum wages to the procreator will flow back in economy and make it diverse.

Marxist treats women as chattel and sex slave and that is why economy of the developing societies are in stagnation since half of the population are victims of enslavement.  Progressive economy need progressive vision and Marxist curtails visionary under das capital. Marxism as Jewish intellectual property are human traders.  They trade life under holocaust, trade vagina through sex slavery, misappropriate health through cancer as bio-weapon and tantrism as steriod, creating immorality through class war and steal land mass strategically.  Sex slavery is a passive holocaust since it suffocate feminism and morality. In other way, it can be said that Marxism steals life, liberty and property that is the fundamental rights given by every Constitution and Human Rights by United Nation.  State Constitutions and United Nations Human Charter are Political Doctrine as General Will.



While concluding the thesis on Invisible hand(s) the phrase duly coined by Adam Smith, has given an in-depth view that though Adam Smith is known as Father of Economic theory, but his vision on economy is never explained and limited to merely laissez faire theory.  Laissez Faire is French etymology.  Adam Smith wanted freedom from the control of indivisible hands and advocacy for division of labour that should be backed by moral sentiments.  Government is not meant to control, but the administration of the economy towards its smooth sailing and universal in character through its various forms.  Without administration or governance, theories like rent, exploitation, class wars and das capital emerged in the course of economic ideas and control the complete economics as academic.  Adam Smith’s perspective of economy is distinct from the Jewish economy theories.  Adam Smith’s advocacy of division of labour is a challenge to das capital.  The social engineering force in the civilised societies will replace das capital of human traders and create an economic environment through skills and virtues under division of labour.

Jewish economy remained invisible in the economic theories since they never disclosed their inherited historical economy of human trade.  Thus, their every economic theory is towards rent the trading.  Their militancy remained covert operation which can be visible in present proxy wars and holocausts.  Thus, theories of Right to Life, Liberty and Property is a bleak under Jewish economic theories that protects human trade.

The domination of Jewish economic theories is mainly the control over monetary policies that are backed by gold.  Jewish were the carrier of gold as exchange value due to its Babylon background.  No other economy theories tried to find solutions or new monetary policies beyond Jewish Lender’s hegemony. 

The next thesis will focus on “New Monetary Policy” that will be backed by sovereign economic of every sovereign state under World Government where paying tax will not be a pinch, but pleasure of collective efforts.  The New Monetary Policy will make Adam Smith’s soul happy.





[2] https://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/08/economic-thought


[8] ibid

[18] ibid

[19] ibid

[20] ibid

[21] ibid

[22] ibid

[23] ibid

[36] Ibid

[43] https://doctors-bd.com/tata-memorial-cancer-hospital-mumbai

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