Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Security provision for US delegates on mission

New Delhi – 110 019, India
Ph – 9811915670, Email :

19th December, 2013

The Home Minister
Government of India
New Delhi

Kind Attn. : Mr. Shushil Kr. Shinde

Sub :  Security provision for US delegates on mission

Ref. :  Indian Diplomat arrest in US

Dear Sir,

With the recent uprising from the Political arena against the US treatment to Indian Diplomat, it is important for Indian Government to understand that International Relations are beyond politics and as an Independent Researcher in Political Science, I feel that withdrawing security from the US Delegates in Mission is against the International Decorum and invading the sovereignty of other nations who are trying to up-held the Rule of Law.

US being responsible and accountable to the World for its action, similarly, India is also accountable to its action.  As a matured and civilized society, India must provide security within the National obligation to it’s delegates, irrespective of the situation.

With best regards,

Yours faithfully,

Independent Researcher in Political Science

c.c. :     Dr. Manmohan Singh
Prime Minister of India
New Delhi.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Justice for the Victims of War Crimes (ref. Saurabh Kalia)

1868/14, 3rd floor, Govind Puri Extn., Kalkaji, ,New Delhi – 110 019, INDIA
Ph – 91.9811915670, Email :

28th November, 2013

        Ms. Navanethem Pillay
High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office
Geneva CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

        The Commissioner / Chairperson
The National Commission for Human Rights
New Delhi

        The Chief Justice of India,
            Supreme Court of India
New Delhi

        The Prime Minister of India
New Delhi.

        The Prime Minister of Pakistan

        Nobel Laureate Barack Obama
President of United States of America

Subject:  Justice for the Victims of War Crimes  (ref. Saurabh Kalia)

Dear Sirs,

The recent news from media explaining Indian Government to the Supreme Court of India about its inability to process to the International Court for Justice to Kargil martyr Captain Saurabh Kalia, under Geneva Convention on War Crime who was reportedly subjected to brutal torture in captivity by the Pakistan Army in 1999 due to its bilateral arrangement with Pakistan as foreign policy to the mutual issues. (Indian Express, Nov 20, 2013) has compelled to evaluate as an Independent Researcher in Political Science, the National and International arrangement within the ambit of Political Science and Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a case study.

The Issues on Regional Crisis and Human Right’s Violations

The struggle for justice for the old parents of Saurabh Kalia for more than a decade and half for their son without success ignoring Geneva Convention has raised many issue on the crisis of two nations that shared a single historical heritage that became the victim of Imperialistic strategy of the Colonial Rulers.  Territorial disputes became the cause of the crisis of two nations and used as international tool to control the region towards the economy of drugs and nurturing the terror outfits by using the tribal ethnics towards violence and terror.  Further the bilateral arrangement through Shimla agreement has made the population as a scapegoat under the doctrine of Foreign Policy as a shield.

Violence, Terror and Victims have the affiliation with the Population of either of the nations that needs an evaluation within State and people accountability when there is a guaranteed Universal Declaration for Human Rights as UN Convention.

The creation of Pakistan by the imperialistic rulers were mainly to provide a land and population from a community who are ethnically aggressive, invaders and governed by faith as an ‘identity'.  The British IR is based on ethnology and hence the land that developed under a separate nation of exclusive Muslim community to mainly create an (undercover) defacto army and a training centre towards insurgency, violence, terrorism, internal conflicts under the shield of hate campaign or jihadis.  Pakistan never attained Statehood and remained disturbed due to it’s internal and external crisis.  The facilitation of aid towards the strategic alliance was mainly to hold the region towards the Imperialistic agenda based on Control of Region and Resources.

To attain the agenda of defacto army and economy of drugs due to the transit nation and neighbouring country to the periphery nation engaged in 90% of world’s opium production, i.e., Afghanistan, thus poverty and under-development of this nation becomes crucial and mandatory.  The economy of terror outfits and drugs and organized crime became the foremost reason for the under-development of Pakistan which led to the failed State.

Further the conflicts with the neighbouring nation, i.e., India became its source of income since the extortion, trafficking of drugs, arms and terror and serve as contract killer and survive on defacto economy controlled by under-world being hosted in Pakistan.  The creation of Pakistan for more than six decades could not design its own indigenous economy and governance system under the homogenous culture and surviving as a tool of Imperialistic strategy of terror, violence, drugs and arms smuggling and its dejure functions remained on the funds received from the imperialistic power as aid.

Similar attempt was done by creating Bangladesh that was identical with Pakistan on the basis of language and religion.  Bangladesh also provides human resources for the trafficking and illicit economy through migration to India and become the transit nation for the human smuggling.

Hence, India’s immediate neighbors have the economy of illicit activities, which is sucking the peace and prosperity due to absence of concrete Human Rights of the local population of the either of the nations.

The Strategies of the Violence and Human Rights Violation

Neither Poverty makes criminals or terrorists nor Religion influence violence, but it is the criminal instincts of the imperialistic agenda that creates, manipulates and exploits Poverty and Religion while violence and crime becomes the tool to facilitate the feudalistic agenda.

Human Resources (men, women and children) for the illicit activities whether drugs smuggling, forced labour for hazardous industries or sex trade, street crimes, beggars, arms smuggling or contract killing or internal conflicts are well designed by procuring a member of the family surrendered to the illicit trade to make the family livable. These trafficked populations not only create a threat to the peace and prosperity to the land of destination, but also create a huge network of indigenous criminal network that further influence the democratic process of the Statehood and National and Foreign Policies. This result to the absolute violation of Human Rights of the Land of Destination and the Land of Origin that has State protection in a democratic system, which is influenced by muscle and money.

This can be further evaluated with the issue of late Saurabh Kalia and his other comrades’ human rights violation.  Being the victim of War Crime and a part of the Institution of Army and has a custodian of Statehood, these War Martyrs did not get justice even when there is Geneva convention that protects against atrocities for War prisoners.  Whereas, the human rights activism for the lobbyist of indigenous terrorists (Naxal/Maoist) that is funded by illicit economy of drugs and arms smuggling to control the region and illicit opium production and insurgency/infiltration  from the cross border with the help of local network for the terror and violence gets facilitate while they have no dejure custodians.  Pakistan do not own the terror outfits whereas, these terror outfits are well organized and attain human rights activism when they are caught. 

Army sources said that the LeT unit that had carried out the January 8 ambush on a patrol party, beheading the Indian soldier in the Mendhar sector, was also involved in the five personnel's brutal killing in Poonch. (Headlines Today, New Delhi, August 7, 2013)

It is important to evaluate, who owns Human Rights.  Those who are institutionalized and held duty to protect humanity deserve the activism of Human Right guaranteed by UN Declaration or those who facilitate the abuses of Humanity through terror, violence and crime.  Secondly, who are the custodians of Human Rights violation?  Pakistan do not own terror outfits or infiltrators, but their human rights are protected.  Whereas, India owns late Capt. Saurabh Kahli being part of the institution of Indian Army, but still his Human rights did not take the attention of the respected authority and international attention.

Cease Fire Violation

Hundreds of people have fled their villages as a record number of ceasefire violations continue along the line of control and the international border. The villagers, who are fed up of the uncertainty and of living under the shadow of fear, are hoping that the government would heed Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah's call for a tougher stand against Pakistan. (CNN-IBN, October 22, 2013)

According to the Union Home Minister, there have been as many as 288 ceasefire violations in J&K this year, the highest in the past 10 years. “In fact, the cross-border trade from Poonch-Rawalakote route has dropped by 50-70 per cent. At least 25-30 trucks loaded with goods used to travel from this part to Rawalkote and vice versa. After border tension escalated, hardly two to three truck-load of goods cross sides now,” Anand said. (The Indian Express, November 28, 2013)

The oppression of survival being victimized by the Ceasefire Violation of the locals of both cross borders is also an issue of evaluation of the Human Rights of the local population.  They not only have the threat of life, but also inability to sustain their survival, which is further cause of poverty in the region.  These poverty stricken regions are further used for the activities of terror as local network.  In other words, the weak and spineless International Instruments are the cause of violation of Human Rights of the population due to imperialistic agenda under Global Political Economy, which is run by economy of drugs, human trafficking and violence.

Mechanism of Correction through Rehabilitation and reinstating Human Rights

After analyzing, the caused of Poverty and the imperialistic agenda to oppress the pollution through International Relation, it becomes mandatory to the Global Elites to take corrective measures to rehabilitate the population by correcting the Failed States, which is run by illicit economy of Organized Crime and Terror outfits, irrespective of region.

Pakistan being a failed State due to its terror outfits, where as Bangladesh has the economy of human trafficking.  Whereas, India becomes the land of transit, destination and also origin for the human trafficking, arms smuggling and drugs.  This is besides; India is also being victimized of terror attacks.

The economy of Crime always leads to failed State since Crime destroys the prosperity, which is based on Aptitude and Civility.  Crime always survives on others’ prosperity.  Further benefits of crime do not benefit the population, but promote poverty and insecurity that provides them constant flow of human recourses.  The absences of life of dignity as Human Rights are seized under Failed State.

The remedies of Human Rights violation of the population of the region needs the similar initiative, courage and strong spine as it is shown on the Syrian massacre through Chemical weapon to which Mr. Barack Obama took a lead and bring to a collective efforts by the International elites on the human rights of the Syrian population.

Towards this as a symbolism, the parents of the Late Capt. Saurabh Kalia should get justice and international attention to which parents sends their children to protect National Boundary and the civilian at the cost of their life while having a Geneva convention that protects War Prisoners from War Crimes.

I am enclosing the details picked from internet of Late Capt. Saurabh Kalia for your kind perusal.

With best regards,

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Independent Researcher in Political Science

Encl. :              Details of Torture of Captain Saurabh Kalia of the Indian army by unknown persons belonging to the Pakistan army.