Monday, December 29, 2014

Ukraine crisis, BRICS and Dependency

Ukraine crisis, BRICS and Dependency

Ukraine crisis is generally viewed as geopolitics between EU and Russia, but there is another perspective of this situation.  Ukraine is the transit nations for the energy supplies that make her victim of Geopolitics.  Transit Nations are crucial for the geopolitics since it connects the Trade routes.  Hence, it is important to review Ukraine crisis within the perspective of Transit Nations and Geopolitics created under the new arrangement of BRICS.  Further Ukraine is also borderland and Crimea possesses a prominent Port for the Trade relations. The Energy Economy plays a crucial role in infrastructure development towards the transport corridor.

Ukraine plays an important role as a transit country for the delivery of Russian energy to the EU. Russia as an energy supplier, the European Union (EU) as an energy buyer and Ukraine both as a buyer and as a transit country of Russian energy to the EU are interconnected links in this energy chain. Eighty percent of Russia's overall natural gas (NG) exports to the EU (20 percent of all the NG consumed in the EU) goes via Ukraine. The Russian Federation (RF) accounts for 32 percent of the EU's overall oil imports, and approximately half of it is transported via Ukraine.[1] 

This is the reality of political economy of the region, where the Energies Conglomerate influences in creating Trade policies and foreign relations. The two players in the Geopolitics of the region, i.e., EU and Russia want to have control over Ukraine being a pivotal location towards Trade relations.  The critical situation in the region is mainly because there is an absence of International decorum along with the recognition of State Sovereignty under International Law.

The EU and Ukraine, dependent on imported NG from and/or via Russia, pursue four main objectives: first, to secure NG supplies; second, to ensure that the imported NG is available at “reasonable” prices, which they are able to pay; and third, to see that the supply of imported NG proceeds without interruptions initiated by the supplier. Fourth, because of the vulnerability to the real disruptions of supply or even to a threat of disruptions, which gives Russia a political lever or “weapon” against both the EU and Ukraine, the two actors are interested in diversifying their sources of gas deliveries. Failures to achieve these goals may have serious negative consequences for their stability and security.[2]

The dependency in the Energy issues is mainly on the core nations than the periphery nation as it is an export of essential resources, which is the life-line of any State/Economy.  The sense of inconsistency of the procurement handling, i.e. reasonable pricing, non-stop availability and secured supplies influences the foreign relations and creating a bloc for the users and suppliers.  This creates a gap in the trade-relations which further influences other trade and security policies.

The growing gap between Buyers and Suppliers for the Energies is creating a lobby system and foreign alignment that is also influencing other trade and international relations.  This resulting transit nations either victim surrendering its own foreign policies, which is further effecting its economy and political stability.

The Russia using its Energy resources as a political lever in the region is part of BRICS policy.  BRICS is under creating Transit corridors that will control the Global Trade policies.  Control of Ukraine as a transit nation to EU for energies supplies will make Russia in the dictating terms.  This was already felt while dependency on Russian transit infrastructure in Caspian /Central Asia region.

Even though the RIC was conceptualized as a club of the Big 3 in Asia and had more political overtones than economic reality, the vocabulary of cooperation emanating from previous RIC forum allows enough leeway to work towards the formation of an Asian Economic Zone beginning with an Asian Trading Region largely driven by Russia, India and China.[3] 

The theory of Transport corridor that has multilateral arrangement that facilitate Global Trading requirements should be evaluated within the perspective of national policies and national trading arrangement.  The Russian advancement towards the transport corridors is an imperialistic agenda to control the foreign relations in the region.  What happens when these trading corridors are created, the regional trading will become dependent on the  RIC trading system and the small countries and/or indigenous economy will get disconnect with the Global Trading system.  When the Indigenous economy will disconnect with the global trading system, it will automatically shrink and gradually die its own death.  It is something similar to the British Forest Act[4] of the Colonial rule that alienated the tribal from their ancestry possession of the forest economy and let them under acute poverty and alienated community towards to beneficiary of the mercantile community.  BRICS is an extension of the British Crown imperialistic agenda through the control of the life line of the State through Energy Securities.

The August war in Georgia demonstrated some risks associated with the functioning of the transit energy corridor in the southern Caucasus. It also demonstrated the need for broader security guarantees for a region that is vital to European and global energy security. The most important finding of the paper is that while the corridor has a tremendous potential to augment its transit capabilities with new pipelines, railroads, marine and air ports, the security of the South Caucasus transportation corridor cannot be taken for granted. Moreover, Western countries will need to ensure stability and security in the region in order for the corridor to meet its full potential.[5]

This is a major concern for the transport corridors that is built by the foreign investors.  These transports corridors breach the border security and give easy access towards insurgency and smuggling since the State loses its control over the foreign investors and borders get into the private hands.  This will later be proliferated be into transnational crime zone through insurgency and infiltration, which will breach security of the respective country.

The biggest gainer would, however, be Russia. They would have a market for their resources outside of the EU and China. As the demand in West Asia is released in the next 10 years due to growing commercialization of green technologies and production of shale and frontier gas in US and East Europe, Russia would increasingly depend on the growing demand from China and India. Without a cooperative arrangement or transport infrastructure, large volumes of Russian resources may have only one buyer - China.[6]

A Russia vision to penetrate the market of West Asia and expand its market for Natural resources is a neo-colonization through transport corridors.  Trade routes are the life-line of any country and if it is controlled by any foreign body, then the local economy become subjugated to the foreign body.  Trade routes/corridors are National possession and should be under State control.  Foreign Traders should pay tax for using the trade route since these trade routes generate the economy of the State that is meant for the Welfare measures for the population.

The role and the accountability of the Transit Nation such as in the case of Ukraine with Russia and EU also need accountability since it has the trade relations and investment for energies in the region.  Trade insecurities like in case of Russia that is vulnerable to the disruptions of its deliveries to the EU by Ukraine. The latter is able to divert NG, transported for the EU, for its internal purposes. The transit pipelines, which bind Russia and Ukraine, were built while the two countries were parts of one state – the USSR – not only as transit, but also as supply pipelines. Any disruptions of internal supplies may cause problems for external transit, as the pressure in the pipelines will change. It is difficult to decouple the two processes.   Since Ukraine is a sovereign nation, so the pipelines that this built is now the property of Ukraine and there should be some negotiating terms that can make Ukraine free from the clutches of the bartering trade.  This will make Ukraine independent in the policies and revive its economy.

Russian-EU relations are characterized by asymmetric interdependence, in which the EU is more important for Russia than Russia is for the EU.  Energy (oil and especially gas) has been a means of increasing Russia's power capabilities, as it makes Russia more equal and more important. Russia is also dependent on the large revenues received from its sales of energy to the EU.  Russia's energy export has been directed primarily to the EU, that is, we are dealing with vulnerability to demand. In spite of Russia's export diversification attempts, China, for instance, is paying lower prices for Russian energy. If the EU's import of Russian energy is reduced, Russia will lose a significant part of its revenues, and “this fear is the driver that leads Moscow to domineering policies.”  All in all, traditional energy geopolitics – where the supplier has a “weapon” against the importers of its energy customers – becomes much more complex in the case of Russia-EU-Ukraine relations.[7]  In addition, competition is growing between Russian and EU energy companies, supported by the states, with respect to the presence in the market of Ukraine. [8]

The presence of Russian oil and gas businesses in Ukraine's market is viewed in geopolitical terms and this is why the EU (and US) businesses, supported by their governments, are trying to counter the activities of the Russian actors. Russian oil companies own more than half of the Ukrainian petroleum market and they control most of the oil refinery business as well as some other strategic sectors of the Ukrainian market.  Even though it is debatable whether the Russian state controls Gazprom and oil companies or energy enterprises use their connections to the state to achieve their goals, what matters within the framework of this study is that political and economic interest groups and political and commercial interests are closely intertwined.[9] 

Under such situation it is necessary to have a Global Tribunal towards grievances redress and arbitration mechanism that focuses the concern of buyers and suppliers issue for the Energies that has global network so that all parties can place its grievances in case of the dispute arises.  The role of Transit Nation should be based on Rent of land under lease system and payment of Tax for using the periphery resources since it is an Economy of the State and the benefit of this economy should reach to its people as welfare measure.  The role of Conglomerates should be restricted and should have no influence in manipulating the Trade and foreign policies.  The monopoly of the Energies supplies that dominate International Relations and foreign policies of the buyers and transit nations will thus become restricted under the Trade ethic under the vigilance of the Tribunal system.

[1] Geopolitics, Volume 16, Issue 3, 2011, Special Issue:   The Geopolitics of Energy Supply in the ‘Wider Europe’


[2] ibid

[7] Geopolitics, Volume 16, Issue 3, 2011, Special Issue:   The Geopolitics of Energy Supply in the ‘Wider Europe’

[8] ibid
[9] Ibid