Thursday, February 17, 2011

Economy of CWG - 2010

18th October, 2010

The Prime Minister of India
New Delhi.

Kind Attn. : Dr. Manmohan Singh

Sub : Economy of CWG, 2010.

Dear Sir,

This is further to my previous communications on various issues; I have certain apprehensions regarding the Economical approach to one of the International Event recently conducted in Delhi, i.e. CWG, 2010.

A huge investment of Rupees 100,000 crores to an event of 10 days needs justification. This Event might have given some recognition in the field of Event Management in the World Community, but certainly raised many questions amongst the Thinkers of our Country.

A high profile Event is appreciable when there is stability at Home. Is there any Stability at Homeland in case of Security and Provision?

The CWG was the Event for Delhi or was of India, if it was for India, then why the other States were not the participants of the International Event.

The Infrastructure Development was focused in view of CWG. Do we need to have the Urban Planning according to the Foreign Visitors of the CWG or it should be according to the need of the People.

4. Why our Sport people could not perform in the various International Event in the Foreign Land?

5. The performance of the Participants was mainly based on the CWG, 2010 since India was the Host country?

The shift of beggars in Delhi to the neighbouring States is an indication of escapism of the Administration and covering the inadequacies to the foreign Visitor and foreign Media.

.The negative Media for the arrangement and security inadequacies, forced the Star performers to withdraw their participation, once this was done, suddenly the Media bashing was stopped. Was it a strategy towards the Medal statistics for Indian sports?

The approach of the Sport is towards the virtue enhancement or entertainment for the masses?

The main apprehension is the Economy aspect.

The approach of Economy is towards the Monetary generation through Major Events like CWG?

The approach is towards Growth of Economy or towards the Benefit of Growth to the masses?

How this CWG has helped the common masses except for few Business groups, when the Common people are suffering in the wake of High Price, Security Crisis (Naxalism and Maoism), Terrorism, unemployment, displacement and forced migration thru Economic disparity?

Why out of 100,000 crores of rupees, few crores could not invest on the shelter home for beggars instead of displacement on the occasion of CWG?

What is the definition of Infrastructure Development? Is it towards the Statuesque at International Level or towards the facilitation of the People of India?

Should the Delhi be the Capital of India get all the benefits of CWG games or 100,000 crores of Rupees could have spread to various States towards infrastructure development in wake of CWG games?

How sport is viewed in India? Is it an Industry or a Virtue of the Land?

If the Economy of a Land is based on the Growth rather than the development of the regime, then the approach towards the Infrastructure Development becomes a priority than Structural Development of the Society. Infrastructures of the Land can be ruined by calamities natural and or created, but the structural development of the society can never be ruined by Calamities either by natural or created.

The Events like CWG are only the tools towards infrastructural development and not towards Structural Development and Infrastructural Development is always towards feudal interest.

Sport is a Virtue and Sport Competition is a Soft War towards diversion of aggression. Sport is a Culture and NOT an Entertainment. Any Individual or Regime, which has Sportsmanship, is beyond defeat at Self, Land and or Universal since Sport is a spirit, which is empowered by discipline and practice.

In our Land, sport is an Industry and is in the grip of Mafia and Feudal. The virtues are cribbed and are a hand tool towards manipulation and exploitation. When the basic tool of the Regime, i.e. Sport has turned out to be entertainment than a Spirit, then how we can expect our Land to be in the International Standard in any field. We have numerous Sport Lovers, but limited Sports persons.

Virtues should be Nurtured and not Commercialized.

This needs thinking.

With best regards,

(Sharmila Bose)

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