Friday, April 26, 2013

Upgradation of Police System

1868/14, IIIrd Floor, Govind Puri Extn., Kalkaji, New Delhi – 110 019
Phone – 9811915670, Email.

15th April, 2013

The Jt. Commissioner (Crime Branch)
Mumbai Police
Mumbai - 400084

Kind Attn. :  Mr. Himanshu Roy

Sub :  Upgradation of Policing System

Dear Sir,

I have come to know about your initiative to make Fit Police towards Effective Policing through a leading news channel.  Understanding your enthusiastic approach to bring the Mumbai Police at par with World class Policing, as a citizen and as an Independent Researcher in Political Science felt to support your initiative. Towards this, I would like to give my views on various aspects of the Policing system, which you might find interesting. 

Besides the fitness of the Police Staff which you are already taking care, there are aspects of Revenue generation and expansion of the spectrum of Policing along with appropriate utilization of Human Resources floating in the surrounding.

The Scope of Policing as the Right of the Citizens is limited to Street Policing and Criminal Justice System.  But there are scopes of Policing which can be taken care of extra-services, in tune of Industrial security, Resident Welfare Security, Shops and Malls and VIP Security or Private Security.  There are already existing Private Securities for these scope of work, but these securities are citizens’ security and beyond the scope of Policing system.  These Private Securities are part of community and have no executive power except for the limited vigilance of the suspect activities.

In case, Police invade this scope of Private Security as paid service, this will not only generate revenue for the Department of Police, but also increase its vigilance ambit and further help in the scope of combating illicit activities that float in Industries and Localities and also various terrorist activities along with Flesh Trade.  These services of the Police will certainly not block the private securities, but people will have choice of Security from the Trusted Agencies.    This arrangement will be a parallel system similar to Civil Defense Force.

Now, the question is scope of human resources and it’s training.  There is a huge army being trained in tune of Martial Art in all over the nation.  This soft army in the name of sport will be a better scope of Human Resources for the Security of the Nation.  These children are well trained and are better disciplined than any other sports.  These human resources can be tapped and coordinated by the separate Division that will co-ordinate with various clubs and association that prepare these forces.  Interestingly, these martial art practitioners are educated and fulfill the aspiration of brain and fitness that is needed by the Policing system along with increase your informers’ network.  This effort will not only promote human resources for Police, but also generate huge self-employment for the trainers and instructors in the field of Martial Art.

To have an effective policing, there is a need for the Community participation and Police need to reach them. 

I am sending a copy of this letter to Dr. Manmohan Singh, PM of India as a part of routine.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,


c.c. :  Dr. Manmohan Singh, PM of India

1 comment:

  1. Keep It up..u r doing a good day u will become atleast a MP...
